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a.fork-me.visible-md-block.visible-lg-block href=''
  img src="" alt="Fork me on GitHub" data-canonical-src=""

.jumbotron ng-controller='GemfileAnalyzerController'
        h1 <span>rails</span>box
        h2 Automate your Ruby on Rails server configuration with ansible
          ' <strong>railsbox</strong> helps you to start applying best <strong>DevOps</strong> practices in your project by generating
          a href='' <strong>ansible</strong>
          '  playbooks for configuring and deploying Ruby on Rails applications. You no longer need to edit a single configuration file on your server and use tools like capistrano for code deployments - all this comes out of the box.
        .droparea ng-file-drop='' ng-file-select='' ng-model='gemfile' drag-over-class='dragover' allow-dir='false'
          p Drag and Drop your <strong>Gemfile</strong> here or fill the form below manually

.container-fluid ng-init="downloadConfiguration('#{default_boxes_url(format: 'json')}')"
  form name='newBox' role='form' method='post' action=boxes_path novalidate=true
    = token_tag nil
    = render layout: 'boxes/form' do
      div.alert.alert-danger role='alert' ng-hide='newBox.$valid' Please fix form errors first
      button.btn.btn-default.btn-lg type='submit' ng-disabled='!newBox.$valid' data-disable-with='Wait...' = t('.create')