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Test Coverage
- name: Update apt cache
  apt: update_cache=yes

- name: Install apt dependencies
  apt: name={{ item }}
    - autoconf
    - bison
    - build-essential
    - libssl-dev
    - libyaml-dev
    - libreadline6-dev
    - zlib1g-dev
    - libncurses5-dev
    - nodejs
    - python-pip
    - python-dev
    - htop
    - git

- name: Install additional packages
  apt: name={{ item }}
  with_items: packages

- name: Install required Python modules
  pip: name=httplib2

- name: Create application group
  group: name={{ group_name }}

- name: Create application user
  user: name={{ user_name }} group={{ group_name }} shell=/bin/bash home={{ user_home_path }}

- name: Create shared paths
  file: path={{ item }} state=directory owner={{ user_name }} group={{ group_name }}
    - '{{ shared_path }}'
    - '{{ shared_path }}/tmp'
    - '{{ shared_path }}/log'
    - '{{ shared_path }}/config'
    - '{{ shared_path }}/vendor'
    - '{{ shared_path }}/vendor/bundle'

- name: Authorize current user
  authorized_key: user={{ user_name }} key='{{ lookup('file', '~/.ssh/') }}'

# - name: Clone app repository
#   git: repo={{ git_url }} dest={{ app_path }} version={{ git_version }} accept_hostkey=yes

# - name: Change owner of git path to app user
#   file: path={{ app_path }} recurse=yes owner={{ user_name }} group={{ group_name }}

- name: Allow to start / stop app with sudo
  template: src=sudoers.d.conf.j2 dest=/etc/sudoers.d/{{ app_name }} validate='visudo -cf %s'

- name: Create backups path
  file: path={{ backups_path }} state=directory owner={{ user_name }} group={{ group_name }} mode=0700
  tags: backup