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Test Coverage
- name: Detect rvm binary
  stat: path='{{ rvm1_rvm }}'
  register: rvm_binary

- name: Detect rvm installer
  stat: path='{{ rvm1_temp_download_path }}/'
  register: rvm_installer

- name: Detect current rvm version
  command: '{{ rvm1_rvm}} version'
  changed_when: False
  register: rvm_current_version
  when: rvm_binary.stat.exists

- name: Install rvm installer
    url: '{{ rvm1_rvm_latest_installer }}'
    dest: '{{ rvm1_temp_download_path }}/'
  when: not rvm_installer.stat.exists

- name: Configure rvm installer
    path: '{{ rvm1_temp_download_path }}/'
    mode: 0755
  when: not rvm_binary.stat.exists

- name: Import GPG keys
  command: 'gpg --keyserver {{ rvm1_gpg_key_server }} --recv-keys {{ rvm1_gpg_keys }}'
  changed_when: False
  when: rvm1_gpg_keys != ''
  sudo_user: '{{ rvm1_user }}'

- name: Install rvm
  command: >
    {{ rvm1_temp_download_path }}/ {{ rvm1_rvm_version }}
    --path {{ rvm1_install_path }} {{ rvm1_install_flags }}
  when: not rvm_binary.stat.exists
  sudo_user: '{{ rvm1_user }}'

- name: Update rvm
  shell: '{{ rvm1_rvm }} get {{ rvm1_rvm_version }} && {{ rvm1_rvm }} reload'
  changed_when: False
  when: rvm_binary.stat.exists and rvm1_rvm_check_for_updates
  sudo_user: '{{ rvm1_user }}'

- name: Configure rvm
  command: '{{ rvm1_rvm }} autolibs 3'
  when: not rvm_binary.stat.exists
  sudo_user: '{{ rvm1_user }}'

- name: Detect if rubies are installed
  command: '{{ rvm1_rvm }} {{ item }} do true'
  changed_when: False
  failed_when: False
  register: detect_rubies
  with_items: rvm1_rubies

- name: Install rubies
  command: '{{ rvm1_rvm }} install {{ item.item }} --binary'
  when: item.rc != 0
  with_items: detect_rubies.results
  sudo_user: '{{ rvm1_user }}'
  register: install_rubies
  ignore_errors: yes

# Try to install non-binary version if previous command failed
- name: Install rubies (non-binary)
  command: '{{ rvm1_rvm }} install {{ item.item }}'
  when: item.rc != 0 and install_rubies.results[0].rc != 0
  with_items: detect_rubies.results
  sudo_user: '{{ rvm1_user }}'

- name: Detect default ruby version
  command: '{{ rvm1_rvm }} alias list default'
  changed_when: False
  register: detect_default_ruby_version

- name: Select default ruby
  command: '{{ rvm1_rvm }} alias create default {{ rvm1_default_ruby_version }}'
  when: detect_default_ruby_version.stdout == '' or
        rvm1_default_ruby_version not in detect_default_ruby_version.stdout

- name: Symlink ruby related binaries on the system path
    state: 'link'
    src: '{{ rvm1_install_path }}/wrappers/default/{{ item }}'
    dest: '{{ rvm1_symlink_to }}/{{ item }}'
    owner: 'root'
    group: 'root'
    force: yes
  when: not '--user-install' in rvm1_install_flags
  with_items: rvm1_symlink_binaries

- name: Create
  template: dest={{ profile_d_path }}/ owner={{ user_name }} group={{ group_name }}