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55 mins
Test Coverage
package reconciliation

import (


// MultiReconciliation is a collection of Reconcilation to do concurrently.
type MultiReconciliation interface {
    // Add another Reconcilation to the collection of reconciliations to do.


type multirecon struct {
    recons []Reconciliation

// Multi creates a new MultiReconcilation from the given Reconcilation instances. Instead of
// giving them as attributes, they can also be added later via Add().
// The ReconcileCheck, Reconcile and Status methods are called on all reconciliations in the collection
// concurrently and the results are aggregated into the returned values.
// For Reconcile and ReconcileCheck this means, reconciliation is complete after all wrapped reconciliations
// are complete.
// Status returns the set of addresses and ports given by all wrapped reconciliations, those only one some
// reconciliations are removed from the returned value.
// This can be used to e.g. reconcile a given service for multiple different LBaaS LoadBalancers, removing
// the need for the LBaaS sync controller.
func Multi(recon ...Reconciliation) MultiReconciliation {
    return &multirecon{
        recons: recon,

func (mr *multirecon) Add(recon Reconciliation) {
    if mr.recons == nil {
        mr.recons = make([]Reconciliation, 0, 1)

    mr.recons = append(mr.recons, recon)

func (mr *multirecon) ReconcileCheck() ([]types.Object, []types.Object, error) {
    type singleResult struct {
        toCreate  []types.Object
        toDestroy []types.Object
        err       error

    toCreate := make([]types.Object, 0)
    toDestroy := make([]types.Object, 0)

    wg := sync.WaitGroup{}

    results := make(chan singleResult, len(mr.recons))
    for i := range mr.recons {
        recon := mr.recons[i]
        go func() {
            defer wg.Done()
            toCreate, toDestroy, err := recon.ReconcileCheck()

            results <- singleResult{
                toCreate:  toCreate,
                toDestroy: toDestroy,
                err:       err,


    for result := range results {
        if result.err != nil {
            return nil, nil, result.err

        toCreate = append(toCreate, result.toCreate...)
        toDestroy = append(toDestroy, result.toDestroy...)

    return toCreate, toDestroy, nil

func (mr *multirecon) Reconcile() error {
    wg := sync.WaitGroup{}

    results := make(chan error, len(mr.recons))
    for i := range mr.recons {
        recon := mr.recons[i]
        go func() {
            defer wg.Done()
            results <- recon.Reconcile()


    for err := range results {
        if err != nil {
            return err

    return nil

func (mr *multirecon) Status() (map[string][]uint16, error) {
    type singleResult struct {
        status map[string][]uint16
        err    error

    wg := sync.WaitGroup{}

    results := make(chan singleResult, len(mr.recons))
    for i := range mr.recons {
        recon := mr.recons[i]
        go func() {
            defer wg.Done()
            status, err := recon.Status()

            results <- singleResult{
                status: status,
                err:    err,


    status := make([]map[string][]uint16, 0, len(mr.recons))

    for result := range results {
        if result.err != nil {
            return nil, result.err

        status = append(status, result.status)

    return mergeReconStatus(status), nil


func mergeReconStatus(status []map[string][]uint16) map[string][]uint16 {
    addressPortReturnedCount := make(map[string]map[uint16]int)

    // first track number of status having a address-port-combination
    for _, s := range status {
        for address, ports := range s {
            if _, ok := addressPortReturnedCount[address]; !ok {
                addressPortReturnedCount[address] = make(map[uint16]int)

            for _, port := range ports {

    ret := make(map[string][]uint16)

    for addr, portCount := range addressPortReturnedCount {
        maxPortCount := 0
        for _, count := range portCount {
            if count > maxPortCount {
                maxPortCount = count

        // at least one port in address is returned in every status
        if maxPortCount == len(status) {
            ports := make([]uint16, 0)
            for port, count := range portCount {
                if count == len(status) {
                    ports = append(ports, port)

            ret[addr] = ports

    return ret