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# APIMatic Core Library for PHP

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## Introduction

Core logic and the utilities for the Apimatic's PHP SDK.

## Supported PHP Versions
- PHP 7.2
- PHP 7.4
- PHP 8.0
- PHP 8.1
- PHP 8.2

## Install the Package

Run the following command to install the package and automatically add the dependency to your composer.json file:

composer require "apimatic/core"

## Request
| Name                                                                          | Description                                                           |
| [`AdditionalFormParams`](src/Request/Parameters/AdditionalFormParams.php)     | Used to add additional form params to a request                       |
| [`AdditionalHeaderParams`](src/Request/Parameters/AdditionalHeaderParams.php) | Used to add additional header params to a request                     |
| [`AdditionalQueryParams`](src/Request/Parameters/AdditionalQueryParams.php)   | Used to add additional query params to a request                      |
| [`BodyParam`](src/Request/Parameters/BodyParam.php)                           | Body parameter class                                                  |
| [`FormParam`](src/Request/Parameters/FormParam.php)                           | Form parameter class                                                  |
| [`HeaderParam`](src/Request/Parameters/HeaderParam.php)                       | Header parameter class                                                |
| [`QueryParam`](src/Request/Parameters/QueryParam.php)                         | Query parameter class                                                 |
| [`TemplateParam`](src/Request/Parameters/TemplateParam.php)                   | Template parameter class                                              |
| [`RequestBuilder`](src/Request/RequestBuilder.php)                            | Used to instantiate a new Request object with the properties provided |
| [`Request`](src/Request/Request.php)                                          | Request class for an API call                                         |

## Response
| Name                                                                        | Description                                                                           |
| [`DeserializableType`](src/Response/Types/DeserializableType.php)           | Type handler used to deserialize Enums and DateTime                                   |
| [`ErrorType`](src/Response/Types/ErrorType.php)                             | Type handler used to throw exceptions from responses                                  |
| [`ResponseMultiType`](src/Response/Types/ResponseMultiType.php)             | Maps a group of types to response body                                                |
| [`ResponseType`](src/Response/Types/ResponseType.php)                       | Maps a model to response body                                                         |
| [`ResponseError`](src/Response/ResponseError.php)                           | Group of error types for response                                                     |
| [`ResponseHandler`](src/Response/ResponseHandler.php)                       | Response handler for an API call that holds all the above response handling features  |
| [`Context`](src/Response/Context.php)                                       | Holds the current context i.e. the current request, response and other needed details |

## Logger
| Name                                                                                        | Description                                                                                 |
| [`ApiLogger`](src/Logger/ApiLogger.php)                                                     | Provides implementation for logging API requests and responses                              |
| [`NullApiLogger`](src/Logger/NullApiLogger.php)                                             | Provides the default implementation for ApiLogger when no logging configuration is provided |
| [`ConsoleLogger`](src/Logger/ConsoleLogger.php)                                             | A LoggerInterface implementation that log messages on console                               |
| [`LoggerConstants`](src/Logger/LoggerConstants.php)                                         | Holds constants like NON_SENSITIVE_HEADERS, etc.                                            |
| [`BaseHttpLoggingConfiguration`](src/Logger/Configuration/BaseHttpLoggingConfiguration.php) | Common configurations shared by request and response logging configurations                 |
| [`LoggingConfiguration`](src/Logger/Configuration/LoggingConfiguration.php)                 | Provides client's logging configurations                                                    |
| [`RequestConfiguration`](src/Logger/Configuration/RequestConfiguration.php)                 | Provides request's logging configurations                                                   |
| [`ResponseConfiguration`](src/Logger/Configuration/ResponseConfiguration.php)               | Provides response's logging configurations                                                  |

## TestCase
| Name                                                                                 | Description                                                                   |
| [`KeysAndValuesBodyMatcher`](src/TestCase/BodyMatchers/KeysAndValuesBodyMatcher.php) | Matches actual and expected body, considering both the keys and values        |
| [`KeysBodyMatcher`](src/TestCase/BodyMatchers/KeysBodyMatcher.php)                   | Matches actual and expected body, considering just the keys                   |
| [`NativeBodyMatcher`](src/TestCase/BodyMatchers/NativeBodyMatcher.php)               | A body matcher for native values like string, int etc                         |
| [`RawBodyMatcher`](src/TestCase/BodyMatchers/RawBodyMatcher.php)                     | Exactly matches the body received to expected body                            |
| [`HeadersMatcher`](src/TestCase/HeadersMatcher.php)                                  | Matches the headers received and the headers expected                         |
| [`StatusCodeMatcher`](src/TestCase/StatusCodeMatcher.php)                            | Matches the HTTP status codes received to the expected ones                   |
| [`CoreTestCase`](core-lib-php/src/TestCase/CoreTestCase.php)                         | Main class for a test case that performs assertions w/ all the above matchers |

[packagist-url]: https://packagist.org/packages/apimatic/core
[packagist-version]: https://img.shields.io/packagist/v/apimatic/core.svg?style=flat
[packagist-downloads]: https://img.shields.io/packagist/dm/apimatic/core.svg?style=flat
[test-badge]: https://github.com/apimatic/core-lib-php/actions/workflows/test.yml/badge.svg
[test-url]: https://github.com/apimatic/core-lib-php/actions/workflows/test.yml
[license-badge]: https://img.shields.io/badge/licence-MIT-blue
[license-url]: LICENSE