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namespace Core\Utils;
use DOMDocument;
use Exception;
class XmlDeserializer
* @var DOMDocument
private $dom;
* @int
private $loadOptions;
* @param int|null $loadOptions A bit field of LIBXML_* constants
public function __construct(?int $loadOptions = null)
$this->dom = new DOMDocument();
$this->loadOptions = $loadOptions ?? (LIBXML_NONET | LIBXML_NOBLANKS);
public function deserialize(string $xml, string $rootName, string $clazz)
$this->dom->loadXML($xml, $this->loadOptions);
return $this->fromElement($this->dom, $rootName, $clazz);
public function deserializeToArray(
string $xml,
string $rootName,
string $itemName,
string $clazz
) {
$this->dom->loadXML($xml, $this->loadOptions);
return $this->fromElementToArray($this->dom, $itemName, $clazz, $rootName);
public function deserializeToMap(
string $xml,
string $rootName,
string $clazz
) {
$this->dom->loadXML($xml, $this->loadOptions);
return $this->fromElementToMap($this->dom, $rootName, $clazz);
public function fromAttribute(\DOMElement $parent, string $name, string $clazz)
if (!$parent->hasAttribute($name)) {
static::assertNullable($parent, '@' . $name, $clazz);
return null;
$attributeValue = $parent->getAttribute($name);
return $this->convertSimple($parent->getAttributeNode($name), $attributeValue, $clazz);
public function fromElement(\DOMNode $parent, string $name, string $clazz)
$element = static::getChildNodeByTagName($parent, $name);
if ($element === null) {
static::assertNullable($parent, $name . '[1]', $clazz);
return null;
return $this->convert($element, $clazz);
public function fromElementToArray(
\DOMNode $parent,
string $itemName,
string $clazz,
?string $wrappingElementName = null
) {
if ($wrappingElementName === null) {
$elements = static::getChildNodesByTagName($parent, $itemName);
} else {
$wrappingElement = static::getChildNodeByTagName($parent, $wrappingElementName);
if ($wrappingElement === null) {
static::assertNullable($parent, $wrappingElementName . '[1]', $clazz);
return null;
$elements = static::getChildNodesByTagName($wrappingElement, $itemName);
return \array_map(
function ($element) use ($clazz) {
return $this->convert($element, $clazz);
public function fromElementToMap(
\DOMNode $parent,
string $name,
string $clazz
) {
$wrapper = static::getChildNodeByTagName($parent, $name);
if ($wrapper === null) {
static::assertNullable($parent, $name . '[1]', $clazz);
return null;
$map = [];
foreach ($wrapper->childNodes as $element) {
if ($element->nodeType === XML_ELEMENT_NODE && $element->hasAttribute('key') === true) {
$map[$element->getAttribute('key')] = $this->convert($element, $clazz);
return $map;
private function convert(\DOMElement $node, string $clazz)
$type = static::withoutNullQualifier($clazz);
if (\class_exists($type) && \method_exists($type, 'fromXmlElement')) {
return \call_user_func([$type, 'fromXmlElement'], $this, $node);
return $this->convertSimple($node, $node->textContent, $clazz);
private function convertSimple(\DOMNode $node, string $value, string $clazz)
$type = static::withoutNullQualifier($clazz);
if ($type === 'float') {
return \is_numeric($value) ? \floatval($value) : static::throwTypeException($node, $value, $clazz);
} elseif ($type === 'int') {
return \is_numeric($value) ? \intval($value) : static::throwTypeException($node, $value, $clazz);
} elseif ($type === 'bool') {
return \strcasecmp($value, 'true') === 0 ?:
(\strcasecmp($value, 'false') === 0 ? false : static::throwTypeException($node, $value, $clazz));
return $value;
private static function assertNullable(\DOMNode $parentNode, string $nodeSubPath, string $clazz): void
if ($clazz[0] === '?') {
$sourceNodePath = static::makeNodePath($parentNode, $nodeSubPath);
throw new Exception(
'Required value not found at XML path "' . $sourceNodePath . '" during deserialization.'
private static function throwTypeException(\DOMNode $sourceNode, $value, string $clazz): void
throw new Exception(
'Expected value of type "' . $clazz . '" but got value "' . $value . '" at XML path "' .
$sourceNode->getNodePath() . '" during deserialization.'
private static function withoutNullQualifier(string $type): string
if (\strlen($type) > 1 && $type[0] === '?') {
return \substr($type, 1);
return $type;
private static function makeNodePath(\DOMNode $node, $subpath)
$parentPath = $node->getNodePath();
if ($parentPath === '/') {
$parentPath = '';
return $parentPath . '/' . $subpath;
Function `getChildNodeByTagName` has a Cognitive Complexity of 7 (exceeds 5 allowed). Consider refactoring.
private static function getChildNodeByTagName(\DOMNode $node, string $name): ?\DOMElement
if ($node->hasChildNodes()) {
foreach ($node->childNodes as $childNode) {
if ($childNode->nodeType === XML_ELEMENT_NODE && $childNode->tagName === $name) {
return $childNode;
return null;
Function `getChildNodesByTagName` has a Cognitive Complexity of 7 (exceeds 5 allowed). Consider refactoring.
private static function getChildNodesByTagName(\DOMNode $node, string $name): array
$arr = [];
if ($node->hasChildNodes()) {
foreach ($node->childNodes as $childNode) {
if ($childNode->nodeType === XML_ELEMENT_NODE && $childNode->tagName === $name) {
$arr[] = $childNode;
return $arr;