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## serenity-challenge-api is a Challenge API Service

The topcoder Challenge API was initially built using the [Apigee a127 scaffolding](

Routing is handled by using the swagger config file at api\swagger\swagger.yaml.
Routing is done using [swagger tools]( and the [a127-magic]( modules.

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# Quick Start (running local)
1. start postgres
2. create database travis_ci_test `psql -c 'create database  travis_ci_test;' -U postgres`
3. run db-migrate to create schema `grunt dbmigrate`
4. edit config/default.yaml and set `disableAuth: true`
5. start the service with `grunt` in terminal
6. uncomment `HOST="http://localhost:10010"` in docs/ and comment the following line `#HOST=""`
7. run the curl script in the docs dir ` sh docs/` in a second console to create 4 test records.  (Set INIT=true to create the DROP/CREATE the db and run the migration script -- optional if you skip `dbmigrate` step 2 )
8. hit `http://localhost:10010/challenges`  you should now see four records

** also there is a POSTMAN file supplied to add records by hand,   You must use the standalone postman app and need to create the enivorment for the url

## Swagger

The documentaiton for the API and resources are in swagger.  You can view the swagger config using a127 tools or the built in Swagger UI.

To Edit/view swagger config run ```a127 project edit``` from project root
You can also view the swagger config via the /docs url when the project is running.

## Swagger validation

You can test the validity of a swagger configuration file by running ```grunt yamlTest```.  **All challenges must have a valid yaml file.**

## Configuration

Configuration is stored in the /config/*.yaml files.  The [node config]( module is used to load configuration.

Please see the config documentation:

The "local" config files are all ignored in git.


        port: 1234 #port to launch
            dialect: postgres
            database: serenity_discussions
            username: username
            password: password
            host: host
            port: 5432

For the database connection you can either use the pg object or the pgURL.  The pgURL is looked for first and will override the pg.

## Models

We are following a similar patterns to access patterns as we do in the serenity-core repo.

Use a model:

Example for Message model

var datasource = require('./datasource');
var Message = datasource.Message;

// Message is now a Sequelize Model

## Node.js design guide.

Please follow Joyent's NodeJS design guide:
Please use 2 spaces instead of tabs.
Please use lodash instead of underscore.

## Database Migrations

All tables should be setup using [db-migrate]( with migration files in config/schema-migrations.

Migration can be run via grunt ```grunt dbmigrate```

## Running the server

You can run the server using ```grunt``` which will use the local config.

## Tests

Tests are built using mocha tests.   They can be run with ```grunt test```.
There is an example postman configuration file at test/postman.json.  This can be imported into Postman for testing.

## Auth setup