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import _ from 'lodash';
import { sep } from 'path';
import prompter from 'prompt';
import { green, yellow } from 'chalk';
import { version } from '../package.json';
import * as util from './util';

const sicksyncSetup = util.setupPrompter(prompter);

function printProjectInfo(project) {;
  _.forIn(project, (value, key) => {'  ', yellow(_.startCase(key)), value);

export const add = (config) => {
  const questions = {
    project: {
      description: 'What would you like to name this project?',
      required: true,
      default: _.last(process.cwd().split(sep)),
      message: 'Please enter a name for this project',
    hostname: {
      description: 'What is the hostname or IP address of the machine you\'d like to sync this to?',
      required: true,
      message: 'Please enter a hostname or IP address',
    username: {
      description: 'What is the username you use to shell into your remote machine?',
      required: true,
      default: process.env.LOGNAME || process.env.USER || process.env.LNAME || process.env.USERNAME,
      message: 'Please enter a username.',
    sourceLocation: {
      description: 'What is the absolute path of the directory you would like to sync from?',
      message: 'Please enter a valid path.',
      default: process.cwd(),
      required: true,
    destinationLocation: {
      description: 'What is the absolute path of the directory you wish to sync to?',
      message: 'Please enter a valid path.',
      default: process.cwd(),
      required: true,
    excludes: {
      description: 'Are there any files you\'d like to exclude? Use a comma separated list (supports globbing)',
      default: '.git,.idea,*.swp,*.svn',
      before: (csv) => csv.split(','),
    excludesFile: {
      description: 'Would you like to load excludes from file?',
      default: '.gitignore,~/.gitignore',
      before: (csv) => csv.split(','),
    prefersEncrypted: {
      description: 'Would you like to encrypt the sync messages? (yes/no):',
      before: util.toBoolean,
      default: 'no',
    websocketPort: {
      description: 'What port should sicksync use for this project?',
      default: 8675,
    followSymLinks: {
      description: 'Should sicksync follow symlinks?',
      default: 'no',
      before: util.toBoolean,
    forceReconnect: {
      description: 'Should sicksync force reconnect on "close"?',
      default: 'no',
      before: util.toBoolean,

  if (_.isUndefined(config.debug)) {
    questions.debug = {
      description: 'Would you like to see debug messages? (yes/no):',
      before: util.toBoolean,
      default: 'yes',

    properties: questions,
  }, (err, result) => {
    if (err) return'\nLooks we had a problem setting up: ' + err);

    if (_.isUndefined(config.debug)) {
      config.debug = result.debug;
      delete result.debug;

    // Save our project in the main config
    config.version = version;
    config.projects = config.projects || [];

    // Write

export const remove = (config, projects) => {
  const updatedConfig = _.clone(config);

  updatedConfig.projects = _.filter(config.projects, (projectConf) => {
    if (_.includes(projects, projectConf.project)) return false;
    return true;


export const info = (config, projects) => {
  if (_.isEmpty(config) || _.isEmpty(config.projects)) {
    return'No projects! Add some by running', green('`sicksync add-project`'));

  if (_.isEmpty(projects)) {
    _.each(config.projects, (project) => {

  _.each(projects, (project) => {
    printProjectInfo(_.find(config.projects, { project }));