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package webhooks

import (

    corev1 ""

// +kubebuilder:webhook:path=/mutate-pod-node-selector,,admissionReviewVersions=v1,sideEffects=none,mutating=true,failurePolicy=Fail,groups="",resources=pods,verbs=create;update,versions=v1,matchPolicy=equivalent

// PodNodeSelectorMutator checks namespaces for allowed node selectors.
type PodNodeSelectorMutator struct {
    Decoder *admission.Decoder

    // Client is used to fetch namespace metadata
    Client client.Reader

    // DefaultNodeSelector is the default node selector to apply to pods
    DefaultNodeSelector map[string]string
    // DefaultNamespaceNodeSelectorAnnotation is the annotation to use for the default node selector
    DefaultNamespaceNodeSelectorAnnotation string

    Skipper skipper.Skipper

// Handle handles the admission requests
func (v *PodNodeSelectorMutator) Handle(ctx context.Context, req admission.Request) admission.Response {
    l := log.FromContext(ctx).
        WithValues("id", req.UID, "user", req.UserInfo.Username).
        WithValues("namespace", req.Namespace, "name", req.Name,
            "group", req.Kind.Group, "version", req.Kind.Version, "kind", req.Kind.Kind)

    if req.Kind.Group != "" || req.Kind.Kind != "Pod" {
        l.V(1).Info("wrong kind", "group", req.Kind.Group, "kind", req.Kind.Kind)
        return admission.Errored(400, fmt.Errorf("expected a Pod, got a %s", req.Kind.Kind))

    skip, err := v.Skipper.Skip(ctx, req)
    if err != nil {
        l.Error(err, "error while checking skipper")
        return admission.Errored(500, err)
    if skip {
        l.V(1).Info("allowed: skipped")
        return admission.Allowed("skipped")

    var ns corev1.Namespace
    if err := v.Client.Get(ctx, client.ObjectKey{Name: req.Namespace}, &ns); err != nil {
        l.Error(err, "error while fetching namespace")
        return admission.Errored(500, err)

    var rawPod unstructured.Unstructured
    if err := v.Decoder.Decode(req, &rawPod); err != nil {
        l.Error(err, "failed to decode request")
        return admission.Errored(400, err)

    defaults, err := v.defaultLabels(ns)
    if err != nil {
        l.Error(err, "failed to get default labels")
        return admission.Errored(500, err)
    if len(defaults) == 0 {
        l.V(1).Info("allowed: no default labels")
        return admission.Allowed("no default labels")

    nodeSel, hasNodeSel, err := unstructured.NestedStringMap(rawPod.Object, "spec", "nodeSelector")
    if err != nil {
        l.Error(err, "failed to check for existing nodeSelector")
        return admission.Errored(500, err)

    patches := make([]jsonpatch.Operation, 0, len(defaults)+1)
    if hasNodeSel {
        for k, v := range defaults {
            if _, exists := nodeSel[k]; !exists {
                patches = append(patches, jsonpatch.NewOperation("add", "/spec/nodeSelector/"+escapeJSONPointer(k), v))
    } else {
        patches = append(patches, jsonpatch.Operation{
            Operation: "add",
            Path:      "/spec/nodeSelector",
            Value:     defaults,

    l.V(1).Info("built patch", "nodeSelector", nodeSel, "defaults", defaults, "patch", patches)
    return admission.Patched("added default node selector", patches...)

func (v *PodNodeSelectorMutator) defaultLabels(ns corev1.Namespace) (labels.Set, error) {
    rawDefaults := ns.Annotations[v.DefaultNamespaceNodeSelectorAnnotation]
    if v.DefaultNamespaceNodeSelectorAnnotation == "" || rawDefaults == "" {
        return labels.Set(v.DefaultNodeSelector), nil

    d, err := labels.ConvertSelectorToLabelsMap(rawDefaults)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to parse default node selector fom %s: %w", v.DefaultNamespaceNodeSelectorAnnotation, err)

    return d, nil

func escapeJSONPointer(s string) string {
    return strings.ReplaceAll(strings.ReplaceAll(s, "~", "~0"), "/", "~1")