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2 hrs
Test Coverage
package webhooks

import (

    admissionv1 ""
    appsv1 ""
    corev1 ""
    apierrors ""
    metav1 ""


// +kubebuilder:webhook:path=/validate-request-ratio,,admissionReviewVersions=v1,sideEffects=none,mutating=false,failurePolicy=ignore,groups=*,resources=*,verbs=create;update,versions=*,matchPolicy=equivalent

// +kubebuilder:rbac:groups="",resources=pods,verbs=get;list;watch
// +kubebuilder:rbac:groups="",resources=namespaces,verbs=get;list;watch

// RatioValidator checks for every action in a namespace whether the Memory to CPU ratio limit is exceeded and will return a warning if it is.
type RatioValidator struct {
    Decoder *admission.Decoder
    Client  client.Client

    Ratio       ratioFetcher
    RatioLimits limits.Limits

    // DefaultNodeSelector is the default node selector to apply to pods
    DefaultNodeSelector map[string]string
    // DefaultNamespaceNodeSelectorAnnotation is the annotation to use for the default node selector
    DefaultNamespaceNodeSelectorAnnotation string

type ratioFetcher interface {
    FetchRatios(ctx context.Context, ns string) (map[string]*ratio.Ratio, error)

// Handle handles the admission requests
func (v *RatioValidator) Handle(ctx context.Context, req admission.Request) admission.Response {
    l := log.FromContext(ctx).
        WithValues("id", req.UID, "user", req.UserInfo.Username).
        WithValues("namespace", req.Namespace, "name", req.Name, "kind", req.Kind.Kind)

    if strings.HasPrefix(req.UserInfo.Username, "system:") {
        // Is service account or kube system user:
        l.V(1).Info("allowed: system user")
        return admission.Allowed("system user")

    ratios, err := v.Ratio.FetchRatios(ctx, req.Namespace)
    if err != nil {
        if errors.Is(err, ratio.ErrorDisabled) {
            l.V(1).Info("allowed: namespace disabled")
            return admission.Allowed("validation disabled")
        if apierrors.IsNotFound(err) {
            l.Error(err, "namespace not found")
            return errored(http.StatusNotFound, err)
        l.Error(err, "failed to get ratio")
        return errored(http.StatusInternalServerError, err)

    nodeSel, err := v.getNodeSelector(req)
    if err != nil {
        l.Error(err, "failed to get node selector")
        return errored(http.StatusBadRequest, err)
    if len(nodeSel) == 0 {
        sel, err := v.getDefaultNodeSelectorFromNamespace(ctx, req.Namespace)
        if err != nil {
            l.Error(err, "failed to get default node selector from namespace")
        nodeSel = sel
    if len(nodeSel) == 0 {
        nodeSel = v.DefaultNodeSelector

    l = l.WithValues("current_ratios", ratios, "node_selector", nodeSel)
    // If we are creating an object with resource requests, we add them to the current ratio
    // We cannot easily do this when updating resources.
    if req.Operation == admissionv1.Create {
        key := fuzzyMatchRatioKey(labels.Set(nodeSel).String(), ratios)
        r := ratios[key]
        if r == nil {
            r = ratio.NewRatio()
        r, err = v.recordObject(ctx, r, req)
        if err != nil {
            l.Error(err, "failed to record object")
            return errored(http.StatusBadRequest, err)
        ratios[key] = r

        l = l.WithValues("ratio", r)

    warnings := make([]string, 0, len(ratios))
    for nodeSel, r := range ratios {
        sel, err := labels.ConvertSelectorToLabelsMap(nodeSel)
        if err != nil {
            return errored(http.StatusInternalServerError, err)
        limit := v.RatioLimits.GetLimitForNodeSelector(sel)
        if limit == nil {
            l.Info("no limit found for node selector", "nodeSelector", nodeSel)

        if r.Below(*limit) {
            l.Info("ratio too low", "node_selector", nodeSel, "ratio", r)
            warnings = append(warnings, r.Warn(limit, nodeSel))

    return admission.Response{
        AdmissionResponse: admissionv1.AdmissionResponse{
            Allowed:  true,
            Warnings: warnings,

func (v *RatioValidator) recordObject(ctx context.Context, r *ratio.Ratio, req admission.Request) (*ratio.Ratio, error) {
    switch req.Kind.Kind {
    case "Pod":
        pod := corev1.Pod{}
        if err := v.Decoder.Decode(req, &pod); err != nil {
            return r, err
        r = r.RecordPod(pod)
    case "Deployment":
        deploy := appsv1.Deployment{}
        if err := v.Decoder.Decode(req, &deploy); err != nil {
            return r, err
        r = r.RecordDeployment(deploy)
    case "StatefulSet":
        sts := appsv1.StatefulSet{}
        if err := v.Decoder.Decode(req, &sts); err != nil {
            return r, err
        r = r.RecordStatefulSet(sts)
    return r, nil

func (v *RatioValidator) getNodeSelector(req admission.Request) (map[string]string, error) {
    switch req.Kind.Kind {
    case "Pod":
        pod := corev1.Pod{}
        if err := v.Decoder.Decode(req, &pod); err != nil {
            return nil, err
        return pod.Spec.NodeSelector, nil
    case "Deployment":
        deploy := appsv1.Deployment{}
        if err := v.Decoder.Decode(req, &deploy); err != nil {
            return nil, err
        return deploy.Spec.Template.Spec.NodeSelector, nil
    case "StatefulSet":
        sts := appsv1.StatefulSet{}
        if err := v.Decoder.Decode(req, &sts); err != nil {
            return nil, err
        return sts.Spec.Template.Spec.NodeSelector, nil
    return nil, nil

func (v *RatioValidator) getDefaultNodeSelectorFromNamespace(ctx context.Context, namespace string) (map[string]string, error) {
    ns := corev1.Namespace{}
    err := v.Client.Get(ctx, client.ObjectKey{Name: namespace}, &ns)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    return labels.ConvertSelectorToLabelsMap(ns.Annotations[v.DefaultNamespaceNodeSelectorAnnotation])

func errored(code int32, err error) admission.Response {
    return admission.Response{
        AdmissionResponse: admissionv1.AdmissionResponse{
            Allowed: true,
            Result: &metav1.Status{
                Code:    code,
                Message: err.Error(),

// fuzzyMatchRatioKey returns the key in ratios that matches the node selector.
// If there is no exact match, it returns the key that matches a subset of the labels.
// This is done if the node selector comes from the default node selector which does
// not contain all labels that might be added by the scheduler.
func fuzzyMatchRatioKey(s string, ratios map[string]*ratio.Ratio) string {
    if _, ok := ratios[s]; ok {
        return s

    sel, _ := labels.Parse(s)
    for k := range ratios {
        ks, _ := labels.ConvertSelectorToLabelsMap(k)
        if sel.Matches(ks) {
            return k

    return s