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Test Coverage
import assert from 'assert';

import mul from '../../api/arithmetic/mul/mul.js';
import _iadd from '../arithmetic/add/_iadd.js';
import _mul from '../arithmetic/mul/_mul.js';
import _pow_double from '../arithmetic/pow/_pow_double.js';
import _alloc from '../array/_alloc.js';
import _build from '../array/_build.js';
import _copy from '../array/_copy.js';
import _reset from '../array/_reset.js';
import _zeros from '../array/_zeros.js';

import _convert_slow from './_convert_slow.js';
import _trim_positive from './_trim_positive.js';

 * O(M(N) log N) where M(N) is multiplication time complexity.
 *   - bj - bi >= log_t(f) * ( aj - ai ) ;
 * Roughly, split number A into two halves A0 * f^l + A1. Convert A0 to B0 and
 * A1 to B1 recursively. Then multiply B0 by f^l in base t and finally add B1.
 * This implementation is not recursive. It is iterative, and will call a
 * simpler subroutine for the base case.
 * @param {Number} size_small_block the size of a small block
 * @param {Number} f the base to convert from
 * @param {Number} t the base to convert to
 * @param {Array} a the origin array
 * @param {Number} ai start offset in the origin array
 * @param {Number} aj end offset in the origin array
 * @param {Array} b the destination array
 * @param {Number} bi start offset in the destination array
 * @param {Number} bj end offset in the destination array

export default function _convert_dc(
) {
    assert(f >= 2);
    assert(t >= 2);
    assert(ai >= 0 && aj <= a.length);
    assert(bi >= 0 && bj <= b.length);

    const n = aj - ai;
    const m = bj - bi;

    // How many limbs of output needed per limb of input.
    const logratio = Math.log(f) / Math.log(t);
    assert(m >= logratio * n);

    // Compute block sizes.
    const size_small_block_converted = Math.ceil(logratio * size_small_block) | 0;
    const full_small_blocks = (n / size_small_block) | 0;
    assert(full_small_blocks >= 2);
    const size_first_small_block = n % size_small_block;
    const size_first_small_block_converted =
        Math.ceil(logratio * size_first_small_block) | 0;

    // Memory can never exceed this since we rounded up and merging rounds
    // created less and less of these lost fractional limbs.
    // Need to add + 1 everywhere because when f and t have some common power,
    // that representation will need one extra bit. Since multiplication
    // algorithms cannot handle bounds gracefully in that case (they will
    // overwrite the left most block with a zero) we need to add some padding.
    // If you look at the mul/_mul calls, they will have 0-based indexing
    // whereas _iadd calls are 1-based.
    // Actually could exploit that to replace multiplication by shifting.
    let _ti = size_first_small_block_converted
        ? 1 + size_first_small_block_converted
        : 0;
    const size_memory =
        _ti + full_small_blocks * (1 + size_small_block_converted);
    let tmp1 = _zeros(size_memory);
    let tmp2 = _alloc(size_memory);

    let _ai = ai + size_first_small_block;

    // Convert first small block
    if (size_first_small_block > 0) {
        _convert_slow(f, t, a, ai, _ai, tmp1, 1, _ti);

    // Convert full small blocks
    while (_ai < aj) {
            _ai + size_small_block,
            _ti + 1,
            _ti + 1 + size_small_block_converted,
        _ai += size_small_block;
        _ti += 1 + size_small_block_converted;


    // k holds the current number of blocks
    let k = full_small_blocks + (size_first_small_block > 0 ? 1 : 0);

    // X holds f^size_small_block
    let x2 = _zeros(m);
    let xi = _build(t, f, x2, m);
    const _m = size_small_block * (m - xi);
    const _x = _zeros(_m);
    _pow_double(t, size_small_block, x2, xi, m, _x, 0, _m); // Compute f^size_small_block
    const _xi = _trim_positive(_x, 0, _m);
    let x1 = _zeros(m);
    xi = m - (_m - _xi);
    _copy(_x, _xi, _m, x1, xi);
    xi = _trim_positive(x1, 0, m);

    // Size_block_converted
    let sbc = size_small_block_converted;

    // Size_first_block_converted
    let sfbc =
        size_first_small_block_converted > 0
            ? size_first_small_block_converted
            : size_small_block_converted;

    while (k !== 2) {
        assert(k > 2);

        _reset(tmp2, 0, size_memory);

        const extra = k & 1;
        const pairs = k >> 1;

        // Merge first two pairs.
        // NB: the first block is the only one that can be partially empty.
        if (extra === 0) {
            const _tj = 1 + sfbc;
            const _tk = 1 + _tj + sbc;
            mul(t, x1, xi, m, tmp1, 1, _tj, tmp2, 0, _tk - 1);
            _iadd(t, tmp2, 1, _tk - 1, tmp1, 1 + _tj, _tk); // TODO cannot overflow ?
            sfbc += sbc;
        } else {
            _copy(tmp1, 1, sfbc + 1, tmp2, 1);

        let _ti = sfbc + 2 - extra;

        for (let i = 2 - extra; i < pairs + 1; ++i) {
            // C = A f^l + B
            const _tj = _ti + 1 + sbc;
            const _tk = _tj + 1 + sbc;
            mul(t, x1, xi, m, tmp1, 1 + _ti, _tj, tmp2, _ti - i + 1, _tk - i);
            _iadd(t, tmp2, _ti - i + 2, _tk - i, tmp1, 1 + _tj, _tk);
            _ti = _tk;

        // Update f^l to f^2l
        const _xi = m - 2 * (m - xi);
        _reset(x2, _xi, m);
        _mul(t, x1, xi, m, x1, xi, m, x2, _xi, m); // TODO use squaring function here
        xi = _trim_positive(x2, _xi, m);

        // Swap variables
        const x3 = x1;
        x1 = x2;
        x2 = x3;

        // Swap variables
        const tmp3 = tmp1;
        tmp1 = tmp2;
        tmp2 = tmp3;

        k = pairs + extra;

        sbc <<= 1;

    // Only one pair left to merge. Merge directly into output.
    _reset(tmp2, 0, m + 1);
    // Needed to correct overestimated value for sfbc
    const offset = _trim_positive(tmp1, 1, 1 + sfbc);
    mul(t, x1, xi, m, tmp1, offset, 1 + sfbc, tmp2, 0, m + 1);
    _iadd(t, tmp2, 1, m + 1, tmp1, 2 + sfbc, 2 + sfbc + sbc);
    _copy(tmp2, 1, m + 1, b, 0);