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namespace AG\ElasticApmLaravel;

use AG\ElasticApmLaravel\Collectors\CommandCollector;
use AG\ElasticApmLaravel\Collectors\DBQueryCollector;
use AG\ElasticApmLaravel\Collectors\EventCounter;
use AG\ElasticApmLaravel\Collectors\FrameworkCollector;
use AG\ElasticApmLaravel\Collectors\HttpRequestCollector;
use AG\ElasticApmLaravel\Collectors\JobCollector;
use AG\ElasticApmLaravel\Collectors\RequestStartTime;
use AG\ElasticApmLaravel\Collectors\ScheduledTaskCollector;
use AG\ElasticApmLaravel\Collectors\SpanCollector;
use AG\ElasticApmLaravel\Contracts\VersionResolver;
use AG\ElasticApmLaravel\Middleware\RecordTransaction;
use AG\ElasticApmLaravel\Services\ApmAgentService;
use AG\ElasticApmLaravel\Services\ApmCollectorService;
use Illuminate\Config\Repository;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Http\Kernel;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Illuminate\Http\Response;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Log;
use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider as BaseServiceProvider;
use Nipwaayoni\Config;

class ServiceProvider extends BaseServiceProvider
    public const COLLECTOR_TAG = 'event-collector';

    private $source_config_path = __DIR__ . '/../config/elastic-apm-laravel.php';

     * Register the package Facade and APM agent.
    public function register(): void
        $this->mergeConfigFrom($this->source_config_path, 'elastic-apm-laravel');

        // Always available, even when inactive

        // Create a single representation of the request start time which can be injected
        // to other classes.
        $this->app->singleton(RequestStartTime::class, function () {
            return new RequestStartTime($this->app['request']->server('REQUEST_TIME_FLOAT') ?? microtime(true));


        if (!$this->isAgentDisabled()) {

     * Add the global transaction middleware
     * and default event collectors.
    public function boot(): void

        if ($this->isAgentDisabled()) {


        // If not collecting http events, the http middleware will not be executed and an
        // Agent will not exist prior to events occurring. Create one here to ensure the
        // collectors all register their listeners before any work is done. Unlike the
        // FrameWorkCollector, the JobCollector needs an Agent object so it cannot be
        // created independently and discovered by the ServiceProvider later.
        if (!$this->collectHttpEvents()) {

     * Register Facades into the Service Container.
    protected function registerFacades(): void
        $this->app->bind('apm-collector', function ($app) {
            return $app->make(ApmCollectorService::class);

        $this->app->bind('apm-agent', function ($app) {
            return $app->make(ApmAgentService::class);

     * Register the APM Agent into the Service Container.
    protected function registerAgent(): void
        $this->app->singleton(EventCounter::class, function () {
            $limit = config('elastic-apm-laravel.spans.maxTraceItems', EventCounter::EVENT_LIMIT);

            return new EventCounter($limit);

        $this->app->singleton(Agent::class, function () {
            /** @var AgentBuilder $builder */
            $builder = $this->app->make(AgentBuilder::class);

            return $builder
                ->withConfig(new Config($this->getAgentConfig()))

        // Register a callback on terminating to send the events
        $this->app->terminating(function (Request $request, Response $response) {
            /** @var Agent $agent */
            $agent = $this->app->make(Agent::class);


     * Add the middleware to the very top of the list,
     * aiming to have better time measurements.
    protected function registerMiddleware(): void
        $kernel = $this->app->make(Kernel::class);

     * Register data collectors and start listening for events. Most collectors are
     * registered by tagging the abstracts in the service container. The concreate
     * implementations are not created during registration.
     * All collectors which must be created prior to the boot phase should ensure
     * they have no dependencies on other services which may not be registered yet.
     * All tagged collectors will be gathered and given to the Agent when it is created.
    protected function registerCollectors(): void
        if ($this->collectFrameworkEvents()) {
            // Force the FrameworkCollector instance to be created and used. While this appears odd,
            // the collector instance registers itself to listen for booting events, so that instance
            // must be made available for collection later.
            $this->app->instance(FrameworkCollector::class, $this->app->make(FrameworkCollector::class));

            $this->app->tag(FrameworkCollector::class, self::COLLECTOR_TAG);

        if (false !== config('elastic-apm-laravel.spans.querylog.enabled')) {
            // DB Queries collector
            $this->app->tag(DBQueryCollector::class, self::COLLECTOR_TAG);

        // Http request collector
        if ($this->collectHttpEvents()) {
            $this->app->tag(HttpRequestCollector::class, self::COLLECTOR_TAG);
        } else {
            $this->app->tag(CommandCollector::class, self::COLLECTOR_TAG);
            $this->app->tag(ScheduledTaskCollector::class, self::COLLECTOR_TAG);

        // Job collector
        $this->app->tag(JobCollector::class, self::COLLECTOR_TAG);

        // Collector for manual measurements throughout the app
        $this->app->tag(SpanCollector::class, self::COLLECTOR_TAG);

    private function collectFrameworkEvents(): bool
        // For cli executions, like queue workers, the application only
        // starts once. It doesn't really make sense to measure freamework events.
        return !$this->app->runningInConsole();

    private function collectHttpEvents(): bool
        return !$this->app->runningInConsole();

     * Publish the config file.
    protected function publishConfig(): void
        $this->publishes([$this->source_config_path => $this->getConfigPath()], 'config');

     * Get the config path.
    protected function getConfigPath(): string
        return config_path('elastic-apm-laravel.php');

    protected function getAgentConfig(): array
        return array_merge(
                'defaultServiceName' => config(''),
                'frameworkName' => 'Laravel',
                'frameworkVersion' => app()->version(),
                'enabled' => config(''),
                'environment' => config('elastic-apm-laravel.env.environment'),
                'logger' => Log::getLogger(),
                'logLevel' => config('elastic-apm-laravel.log-level', 'error'),

    protected function getAppConfig(): array
        $config = config('');
        if ($this->app->bound(VersionResolver::class)) {
            $config['serviceVersion'] = $this->app->make(VersionResolver::class)->getVersion();

        // appName is deprecated in favour of serviceVersion

        return $config;

    private function isAgentDisabled(): bool
        return false === config('')
            || ($this->app->runningInConsole() && false === config(''));