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# Helmify
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CLI that creates [Helm]( charts from kubernetes manifests.

Helmify reads a list of [supported k8s objects](#status) from stdin and converts it to a helm chart. 
Designed to generate charts for [k8s operators](#integrate-to-your-operator-sdkkubebuilder-project) but not limited to.
See [examples]( of charts generated by helmify.

Supports `Helm >=v3.6.0`

Submit issue if some features missing for your use-case.

## Usage

1) As pipe:

    cat my-app.yaml | helmify mychart
   Will create 'mychart' directory with Helm chart from yaml file with k8s objects.

    awk 'FNR==1 && NR!=1  {print "---"}{print}' /<my_directory>/*.yaml | helmify mychart
   Will create 'mychart' directory with Helm chart from all yaml files in `<my_directory> `directory.

2) From filesystem:
    helmify -f /my_directory/my-app.yaml mychart
    Will create 'mychart' directory with Helm chart from `my_directory/my-app.yaml`.
    helmify -f /my_directory mychart
    Will create 'mychart' directory with Helm chart from all yaml files in `<my_directory> `directory.
    helmify -f /my_directory -r mychart
    Will create 'mychart' directory with Helm chart from all yaml files in `<my_directory> `directory recursively.
    helmify -f ./first_dir -f ./second_dir/my_deployment.yaml -f ./third_dir  mychart
    Will create 'mychart' directory with Helm chart from multiple directories and files.

3) From [kustomize]( output:
    kustomize build <kustomize_dir> | helmify mychart
    Will create 'mychart' directory with Helm chart from kustomize output.

### Integrate to your Operator-SDK/Kubebuilder project

1. Open `Makefile` in your operator project generated by 
   [Operator-SDK]( or [Kubebuilder](
2. Add these lines to `Makefile`:
- With operator-sdk version < v1.23.0 
    HELMIFY = $(shell pwd)/bin/helmify
        $(call go-get-tool,$(HELMIFY),
    helm: manifests kustomize helmify
        $(KUSTOMIZE) build config/default | $(HELMIFY)
- With operator-sdk version >= v1.23.0
    HELMIFY ?= $(LOCALBIN)/helmify
    .PHONY: helmify
    helmify: $(HELMIFY) ## Download helmify locally if necessary.
        test -s $(LOCALBIN)/helmify || GOBIN=$(LOCALBIN) go install
    helm: manifests kustomize helmify
        $(KUSTOMIZE) build config/default | $(HELMIFY)
3. Run `make helm` in project root. It will generate helm chart with name 'chart' in 'chart' directory.

## Install

With [Homebrew]( (for MacOS or Linux): `brew install arttor/tap/helmify`

Or download suitable for your system binary from [the Releases page](
Unpack the helmify binary and add it to your PATH and you are good to go!

## Available options
Helmify takes a chart name for an argument.

```helmify [flags] CHART_NAME```  -  `CHART_NAME` is optional. Default is 'chart'. Can be a directory, e.g. 'deploy/charts/mychart'.

| flag                      | description                                                                                                                                                                                                 | sample                              |
| -h -help                  | Prints help                                                                                                                                                                                                 | `helmify -h`                        |
| -f                        | File source for k8s manifests (directory or file), multiple sources supported                                                                                                                               | `helmify -f ./test_data`            |
| -r                        | Scan file directory recursively. Used only if -f provided                                                                                                                                                   | `helmify -f ./test_data -r`         |
| -v                        | Enable verbose output. Prints WARN and INFO.                                                                                                                                                                | `helmify -v`                        |
| -vv                       | Enable very verbose output. Also prints DEBUG.                                                                                                                                                              | `helmify -vv`                       |
| -version                  | Print helmify version.                                                                                                                                                                                      | `helmify -version`                  |
| -crd-dir                  | Place crds in their own folder per Helm 3 [docs]( Caveat: CRDs templating is not supported by Helm. | `helmify -crd-dir`                  |
| -image-pull-secrets       | Allows the user to use existing secrets as imagePullSecrets                                                                                                                                                 | `helmify -image-pull-secrets`       |
| -cert-manager-as-subchart | Allows the user to install cert-manager as a subchart                                                                                                                                                       | `helmify -cert-manager-as-subchart` |
| -cert-manager-version | Allows the user to specify cert-manager subchart version. Only useful with cert-manager-as-subchart. (default "v1.12.2")                                                                                                                                                       | `helmify -cert-manager-as-subchart` |
## Status
Supported k8s resources:
- Deployment, DaemonSet, StatefulSet
- Job, CronJob
- Service, Ingress
- PersistentVolumeClaim
- RBAC (ServiceAccount, (cluster-)role, (cluster-)roleBinding)
- configs (ConfigMap, Secret)
- webhooks (cert, issuer, ValidatingWebhookConfiguration)
- custom resource definitions (CRD)

### Known issues
- Helmify will not overwrite `Chart.yaml` file if presented. Done on purpose.
- Helmify will not delete existing template files, only overwrite.
- Helmify overwrites templates and values files on every run. 
  This means that all your manual changes in helm template files will be lost on the next run.
- if switching between the using the `-crd-dir` flag it is better to delete and regenerate the from scratch to ensure crds are not accidentally spliced/formatted into the same chart. Bear in mind you will want to update your `Chart.yaml` thereafter.
## Develop
To support a new type of k8s object template:
1. Implement `helmify.Processor` interface. Place implementation in `pkg/processor`. The package contains 
examples for most k8s objects.
2. Register your processor in the `pkg/app/app.go`
3. Add relevant input sample to `test_data/kustomize.output`.

### Run
Clone repo and execute command:

cat test_data/k8s-operator-kustomize.output | go run ./cmd/helmify mychart

Will generate `mychart` Helm chart form file `test_data/k8s-operator-kustomize.output` representing typical operator
[kustomize]( output.

### Test
For manual testing, run program with debug output:
cat test_data/k8s-operator-kustomize.output | go run ./cmd/helmify -vv mychart
Then inspect logs and generated chart in `./mychart` directory.

To execute tests, run:
go test ./...
Beside unit-tests, project contains e2e test `pkg/app/app_e2e_test.go`.
It's a go test, which uses `test_data/*` to generate a chart in temporary directory. 
Then runs `helm lint --strict` to check if generated chart is valid.