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package helmify

import (



// Processor - converts k8s object to helm template.
// Implement this interface and register it to a context to support a new k8s resource conversion.
type Processor interface {
    // Process - converts k8s object to Helm template.
    // return false if not able to process given object type.
    Process(appMeta AppMetadata, unstructured *unstructured.Unstructured) (bool, Template, error)

// Template - represents Helm template in 'templates' directory.
type Template interface {
    // Filename - returns template filename
    Filename() string
    // Values - returns set of values used in template
    Values() Values
    // Write - writes helm template into given writer
    Write(writer io.Writer) error

// Output - converts Template into helm chart on disk.
type Output interface {
    Create(chartName, chartDir string, Crd bool, certManagerAsSubchart bool, certManagerVersion string, templates []Template, filenames []string) error

// AppMetadata handle common information about K8s objects in the chart.
type AppMetadata interface {
    // Namespace returns app namespace.
    Namespace() string
    // ChartName returns chart name
    ChartName() string
    // TemplatedName converts object name to templated Helm name.
    // Example:     "my-app-service1"    -> "{{ include "chart.fullname" . }}-service1"
    //                "my-app-secret"        -> "{{ include "chart.fullname" . }}-secret"
    //                etc...
    TemplatedName(objName string) string
    // TemplatedString converts a string to templated string with chart name.
    TemplatedString(str string) string
    // TrimName trims common prefix from object name if exists.
    // We trim common prefix because helm already using release for this purpose.
    TrimName(objName string) string

    Config() config.Config