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4 hrs
Test Coverage
package crd

import (

    v1 ""

    yamlformat ""

const crdTeml = `apiVersion:
kind: CustomResourceDefinition
  name: %[1]s
  {{- include "%[2]s.labels" . | nindent 4 }}
    kind: ""
    plural: ""
  conditions: []
  storedVersions: []`

var crdGVC = schema.GroupVersionKind{
    Group:   "",
    Version: "v1",
    Kind:    "CustomResourceDefinition",

// New creates processor for k8s CustomResourceDefinition resource.
func New() helmify.Processor {
    return &crd{}

type crd struct{}

// Process k8s CustomResourceDefinition object into template. Returns false if not capable of processing given resource type.
func (c crd) Process(appMeta helmify.AppMetadata, obj *unstructured.Unstructured) (bool, helmify.Template, error) {
    if obj.GroupVersionKind() != crdGVC {
        return false, nil, nil
    name, ok, err := unstructured.NestedString(obj.Object, "spec", "names", "singular")
    if err != nil || !ok {
        return true, nil, fmt.Errorf("%w: unable to create crd template", err)
    if appMeta.Config().Crd {
        logrus.WithField("crd", name).Info("put CRD under crds dir without templating")
        // do not template CRDs when placed to crds dir
        res, err := yaml.Marshal(obj)
        if err != nil {
            return true, nil, fmt.Errorf("%w: unable to create crd template", err)
        return true, &result{
            name: name + "-crd.yaml",
            data: res,
        }, nil

    var labels, annotations string
    if len(obj.GetAnnotations()) != 0 {
        a := obj.GetAnnotations()
        certName := a[""]
        if certName != "" {
            certName = strings.TrimPrefix(certName, appMeta.Namespace()+"/")
            certName = appMeta.TrimName(certName)
            a[""] = fmt.Sprintf(`{{ .Release.Namespace }}/{{ include "%[1]s.fullname" . }}-%[2]s`, appMeta.ChartName(), certName)
        annotations, err = yamlformat.Marshal(map[string]interface{}{"annotations": a}, 2)
        if err != nil {
            return true, nil, err
    if len(obj.GetLabels()) != 0 {
        l := obj.GetLabels()
        // provided by Helm
        delete(l, "")
        delete(l, "")
        delete(l, "")
        delete(l, "")
        delete(l, "")
        if len(l) != 0 {
            labels, err = yamlformat.Marshal(l, 4)
            if err != nil {
                return true, nil, err
            labels = strings.Trim(labels, "\n")

    specUnstr, ok, err := unstructured.NestedMap(obj.Object, "spec")
    if err != nil || !ok {
        return true, nil, fmt.Errorf("%w: unable to create crd template", err)

    spec := v1.CustomResourceDefinitionSpec{}
    err = runtime.DefaultUnstructuredConverter.FromUnstructured(specUnstr, &spec)
    if err != nil {
        return true, nil, fmt.Errorf("%w: unable to cast to crd spec", err)

    if spec.Conversion != nil {
        conv := spec.Conversion
        if conv.Strategy == v1.WebhookConverter {
            wh := conv.Webhook
            if wh != nil && wh.ClientConfig != nil && wh.ClientConfig.Service != nil {
                wh.ClientConfig.Service.Name = appMeta.TemplatedName(wh.ClientConfig.Service.Name)
                wh.ClientConfig.Service.Namespace = strings.ReplaceAll(wh.ClientConfig.Service.Namespace, appMeta.Namespace(), `{{ .Release.Namespace }}`)

    specYaml, _ := yaml.Marshal(spec)
    specYaml = yamlformat.Indent(specYaml, 2)
    specYaml = bytes.TrimRight(specYaml, "\n ")

    res := fmt.Sprintf(crdTeml, obj.GetName(), appMeta.ChartName(), annotations, labels, string(specYaml))
    res = strings.ReplaceAll(res, "\n\n", "\n")

    return true, &result{
        name: name + "-crd.yaml",
        data: []byte(res),
    }, nil

type result struct {
    name string
    data []byte

func (r *result) Filename() string {

func (r *result) Values() helmify.Values {
    return helmify.Values{}

func (r *result) Write(writer io.Writer) error {
    _, err := writer.Write(
    return err