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40 mins
Test Coverage
package poddisruptionbudget

import (


    yamlformat ""
    policyv1 ""

const (
    pdbTempSpec = `
  minAvailable: {{ .Values.%[1]s.minAvailable }}
  maxUnavailable: {{ .Values.%[1]s.maxUnavailable }}
    {{- include "%[3]s.selectorLabels" . | nindent 6 }}`

var pdbGVC = schema.GroupVersionKind{
    Group:   "policy",
    Version: "v1",
    Kind:    "PodDisruptionBudget",

// New creates processor for k8s Service resource.
func New() helmify.Processor {
    return &pdb{}

type pdb struct{}

// Process k8s Service object into template. Returns false if not capable of processing given resource type.
func (r pdb) Process(appMeta helmify.AppMetadata, obj *unstructured.Unstructured) (bool, helmify.Template, error) {
    if obj.GroupVersionKind() != pdbGVC {
        return false, nil, nil
    pdb := policyv1.PodDisruptionBudget{}
    err := runtime.DefaultUnstructuredConverter.FromUnstructured(obj.Object, &pdb)
    if err != nil {
        return true, nil, fmt.Errorf("%w: unable to cast to pdb", err)
    spec := pdb.Spec
    values := helmify.Values{}

    meta, err := processor.ProcessObjMeta(appMeta, obj)
    if err != nil {
        return true, nil, err

    name := appMeta.TrimName(obj.GetName())
    nameCamel := strcase.ToLowerCamel(name)

    selector, _ := yaml.Marshal(pdb.Spec.Selector)
    selector = yamlformat.Indent(selector, 4)
    selector = bytes.TrimRight(selector, "\n ")

    if spec.MaxUnavailable != nil {
        _, err := values.Add(spec.MaxUnavailable.IntValue(), nameCamel, "maxUnavailable")
        if err != nil {
            return true, nil, err

    if spec.MinAvailable != nil {
        _, err := values.Add(spec.MinAvailable.IntValue(), nameCamel, "minAvailable")
        if err != nil {
            return true, nil, err

    res := meta + fmt.Sprintf(pdbTempSpec, nameCamel, selector, appMeta.ChartName())
    return true, &result{
        name:   name,
        data:   res,
        values: values,
    }, nil

type result struct {
    name   string
    data   string
    values helmify.Values

func (r *result) Filename() string {
    return + ".yaml"

func (r *result) Values() helmify.Values {
    return r.values

func (r *result) Write(writer io.Writer) error {
    _, err := writer.Write([]byte(
    return err