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<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><head><title>hi my name is ashley hi</title><link href="//,300,600" rel="stylesheet"><link href="/public/vendor/Skeleton-2.0.4/css/normalize.css" rel="stylesheet"><link href="/public/vendor/Skeleton-2.0.4/css/skeleton.css" rel="stylesheet"><link href="/public/css/styles.css" rel="stylesheet"></head><body><a href=""><img style="position: absolute; top: 0; right: 0; border: 0;" src="" alt="Fork me on GitHub" data-canonical-src=""></a><div class="container"><div class="intro"><back class="u-full-width u-cf"><a href="/" class="button u-pull-right">Take me back!</a></back><h1>GET /ashleygwilliams</h1><p>hi my name is ashley. it's nice to meet you.</p><p>i am an engineer/educator/organizer living in ridgewood, queens, NYC.</p><p>i currently work as the developer community and content manager at <a href="">npm, Inc</a>.</p><a href="" class="button button-primary u-full-width">Email me!</a><hr></div><div id="engineer"><h2>## engineer</h2><p>i have been working as an engineer, professionally, for about 3 years.
most of my experience has been in web development, primarily in ruby,
javascript, and node. i have worked with most server-side and client-side
frameworks, including rails, sinatra, express, angular, ember, and backbone.</p><p>my current passion in engineering is working on a framework called Endpoints.
Endpoints is a hypermedia API framework that aims to provide a convention-heavy
paradigm for building node APIs on top of relational databases, leveraging
Express, Knex, and Bookshelf. </p><p>i am a self-taught developer, and am constantly learning new skills. at the
moment i am teaching myself reactive programming.</p><p>in addition to my work as a web developer, i also have an academic interest
in programming language design, particularly how specific programming paradigms
affect the "learn/teach-ability" of the languages that implement them. i have
given, and will be giving, several talks on this specific idea at meetups, 
conferences, and universities all over the world.</p></div><div id="educator"> <h2>## educator</h2><p>for nearly as long as i can remember, education has been a deep passion of mine.
i am known to repurpose the famous Dijkstra reference about writing to say,
"teaching is nature's way of letting you know how sloppy your understanding is."</p><p>immediately after college i became a NYC teaching fellow; i taught middle school
science, remedial reading at the 4th grade level, and advanced "test-taking" math.
this experience was one of the toughest in my life and taught me a great deal
about communication, humility, organizational structures, and of course, teaching.</p><p>the vast majority of my career has been spent teaching beginners web development.
in my most recent position, i expanded my audience to intermediate and advanced
developers. i've also applied my passion for education to technical writing and
documentation.</p><p>long-term i'm interested in developing tools and workflows to improve the 
maintenance, accessibility, and discovery of free educational content. in 
particular, i would like to make a new, and/or leverage an existing, package
manager to automate the creation and dependency management of classes,
particularly for the beginner web developer.</p></div><div id="organizer"><h2>## organizer</h2><p>at the intersection of education and engineering is the infamous tech community.
despite issues and complexities, i have dedicated a large portion of my free
time to volunteering, organizing, and speaking at user groups, meetups, hackathons,
and conferences.</p><p>at these events, i primarily find myself advocating for diversity, accessibility,
and open source participation. this has taken the form of free classes on git/Github,
discussions of codes of conduct, evangelising STEM programs for women, or even
just volunteering A/V support for high school hackathon presentations.</p></div></div></body></html>