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Test Coverage
// Copyright © 2016 Asteris, LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

package load

import (


type source struct {
    Parent       string
    ParentSource string
    Source       string

func (s *source) String() string {
    return fmt.Sprintf("%s (%s)", s.Source, s.Parent)

// Nodes loads and parses all resources referred to by the provided url
func Nodes(ctx context.Context, root string, verify bool) (*graph.Graph, error) {
    logger := logging.GetLogger(ctx).WithField("function", "Nodes")

    toLoad := []*source{{"root", root, root}}

    out := graph.New()
    out.Add(node.New("root", nil))

    for len(toLoad) > 0 {
        select {
        case <-ctx.Done():
            return nil, errors.New("interrupted")

        current := toLoad[0]
        toLoad = toLoad[1:]

        url, err := fetch.ResolveInContext(current.Source, current.ParentSource)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err

        logger.WithField("url", url).Debug("fetching")
        content, err := fetch.Any(ctx, url)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, errors.Wrap(err, url)

        if verify {
            signatureURL := url + ".asc"

            logger.WithField("signatureUrl", signatureURL).Debug("fetching")
            signature, sigErr := fetch.Any(ctx, signatureURL)
            if sigErr != nil {
                return nil, errors.Wrap(sigErr, signatureURL)

            err = keystore.Default().CheckSignature(bytes.NewBuffer(content), bytes.NewBuffer(signature))
            if err != nil {
                return nil, errors.Wrap(err, signatureURL)

        resources, err := parse.Parse(content)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, errors.Wrap(err, url)

        for _, resource := range resources {
            if control.IsSwitchNode(resource) {
                out, err = expandSwitchMacro(content, current, resource, out)
                if err != nil {
                    return out, errors.Wrap(err, "unable to load resource")
            newID := graph.ID(current.Parent, resource.ID())
            out.Add(node.New(newID, resource))
            out.ConnectParent(current.Parent, newID)

            if resource.IsModule() {
                toLoad = append(
                        Parent:       newID,
                        ParentSource: url,
                        Source:       resource.Source(),
    return out, out.Validate()

// expandSwitchMacro is responsible for adding the generated switch nodes into
// the graph.  Nodes inside of the switch macro are added as children to the
// case statements, who are parents of the outer switch statement.  Actual node
// generation happens in parse/preprocessor/switch and we add the nodes into the
// graph here.
func expandSwitchMacro(data []byte, current *source, n *parse.Node, g *graph.Graph) (*graph.Graph, error) {
    if !control.IsSwitchNode(n) {
        return g, nil
    switchObj, err := control.NewSwitch(n, data)
    if err != nil {
        return g, err
    switchNode, err := switchObj.GenerateNode()
    if err != nil {
        return g, err
    switchID := graph.ID(current.Parent, switchNode.ID())
    switchGrNode := node.New(switchID, switchNode)
    g.ConnectParent(current.Parent, switchID)

    switchGrNode.AddMetadata(conditional.MetaSwitchName, switchObj.Name)
    switchGrNode.AddMetadata(conditional.MetaType, conditional.NodeCatSwitch)

    var peerList []string
    for _, branch := range switchObj.BranchNames() {
        peerList = append(peerList, ""+branch)

    for idx, branch := range switchObj.Branches {
        branchNode, err := branch.GenerateNode()
        if err != nil {
            return g, err

        branchID := graph.ID(switchID, branchNode.ID())
        branchGrNode := node.New(branchID, branchNode)
        g.ConnectParent(switchID, branchID)

        branchGrNode.AddMetadata(conditional.MetaSwitchName, switchObj.Name)
        branchGrNode.AddMetadata(conditional.MetaUnrenderedPredicate, branch.Predicate)
        branchGrNode.AddMetadata(conditional.MetaBranchName, branch.Name)
        branchGrNode.AddMetadata(conditional.MetaPeers, peerList)
        branchGrNode.AddMetadata(conditional.MetaType, conditional.NodeCatBranch)

        for _, innerNode := range branch.InnerNodes {
            if err := validateInnerNode(innerNode); err != nil {
                return g, err
            innerID := graph.ID(branchID, innerNode.ID())

            condNode := node.New(innerID, innerNode)
            condNode.AddMetadata(conditional.MetaSwitchName, switchObj.Name)
            condNode.AddMetadata(conditional.MetaUnrenderedPredicate, branch.Predicate)
            condNode.AddMetadata(conditional.MetaBranchName, branch.Name)
            condNode.AddMetadata(conditional.MetaPeers, peerList)
            condNode.AddMetadata(conditional.MetaType, conditional.NodeCatResource)

            g.ConnectParent(branchID, innerID)
        if idx > 0 {
            parent, _ := switchObj.Branches[idx-1].GenerateNode()

            g.Connect(branchID, graph.ID(switchID, parent.ID()))
    return g, nil

// validateInnerNode ensures that we do not nest control statements nor attempt
// to add modules under a switch statement.
func validateInnerNode(node *parse.Node) error {
    switch node.Kind() {
    case "module":
        return errors.New("modules not supported in conditionals")
    case "switch":
        return errors.New("nested conditionals are not supported")
    case "case":
        return errors.New("nested branches are not supported")
    return nil