Showing 1,792 of 1,794 total issues
Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 155 characters Open
$this->html->template->dangerouslyAppendHtml('Head', $this->getTag('link/', ['rel' => 'stylesheet', 'type' => 'text/css', 'href' => $url]) . "\n");
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Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 161 characters Open
* @phpstan-type JsCallbackSetClosure \Closure(Jquery, mixed, mixed, mixed, mixed, mixed, mixed, mixed, mixed, mixed, mixed): (JsExpressionable|View|string|void)
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Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 170 characters Open
* @param array<string, mixed> $resizerOptions column-resizer module options, see
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Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 148 characters Open
$control->set($this->getApp()->uiPersistence->typecastAttributeLoadField($control->entityField->getField(), $postRawValue));
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Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 127 characters Open
$this->paginator = $seg->add(Factory::factory([Paginator::class, 'reload' => $this->container], $this->paginator));
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protected function _setOrAppend($tag, ?string $value = null, bool $encodeHtml = true, bool $append = false, bool $throwIfNotFound = true): void
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Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 129 characters Open
* On top of the content there is automated title showing page title but can also work as a bread-crumb or container for buttons.
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Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 172 characters Open
$this->name => $this->getApp()->uiPersistence->typecastAttributeSaveField($this->action->getModel()->getIdField(), $this->action->getEntity()->getId()),
- Create a ticketCreate a ticket
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Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 132 characters Open
if (((new \ReflectionProperty(self::class, 'model'))->isInitialized($this) ? $this->model : $this->entity) === $model) {
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$this->stickyArgs[$name] = $newValue ?? $this->stickyArgs[$name] ?? $this->getApp()->tryGetRequestQueryParam($name);
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Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 229 characters Open
* @param string $event JavaScript event
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Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 243 characters Open
* @param ($action is object ? string : ($action is null ? string : never)|JsExpressionable|JsCallback|JsCallbackSetClosure|array{JsCallbackSetClosure}|UserAction\ExecutorInterface|Model\UserAction) $selector Optional jQuery-style selector
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Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 156 characters Open
$this->html->template->dangerouslyAppendHtml('Head', $this->getTag('script', ['src' => $url, 'defer' => $isDefer, 'async' => $isAsync], '') . "\n");
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Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 161 characters Open
* @phpstan-type JsCallbackSetClosure \Closure(Jquery, mixed, mixed, mixed, mixed, mixed, mixed, mixed, mixed, mixed, mixed): (JsExpressionable|View|string|void)
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Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 127 characters Open
$columnDecorator = $this->decoratorFactory($field, Factory::mergeSeeds($columnDecorator, ['columnData' => $name]));
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Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 121 characters Open
* @param \Closure(VirtualPage, mixed, mixed, mixed, mixed, mixed, mixed, mixed, mixed, mixed, mixed): void $callback
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Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 143 characters Open
// [name] in selector is to suppress console errors from Multiline/vue fields
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Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 139 characters Open
$control->set($this->getApp()->uiPersistence->typecastLoadField($control->entityField->getField(), $postRawValue));
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Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 128 characters Open
/** @var list<string> Field names to search for in Model. It will automatically add quicksearch component to grid if set. */
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Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 137 characters Open
* @param string $scrollRegion A specific template region to render. Render output is append to container HTML element.
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