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Test Coverage


namespace Atk4\Ui;

use Atk4\Ui\Exception\UnhandledCallbackExceptionError;

 * Add this object to your render tree and it will expose a unique URL which, when
 * executed directly will perform a PHP callback that you set().
 * Callback function run when triggered, i.e. when it's urlTrigger param value is present in the $_GET request.
 * The current callback will be set within the $_GET[Callback::URL_QUERY_TARGET] and will be set to urlTrigger as well.
 * $button = Button::addTo($layout);
 * $button->set('Click to do something')->link(
 *      Callback::addTo($button)
 *          ->set(function () {
 *              do_something();
 *          })
 *          ->getUrl()
 *  );
class Callback extends AbstractView
    public const URL_QUERY_TRIGGER_PREFIX = '__atk_cb_';
    public const URL_QUERY_TARGET = '__atk_cbtarget';

    /** @var string Specify a custom GET trigger. */
    protected $urlTrigger;

    /** @var bool Allow this callback to trigger during a reload. */
    public $triggerOnReload = true;

    public function add(AbstractView $object, array $args = []): AbstractView
        throw new Exception('Callback cannot contain children');

    protected function init(): void
        $this->getApp(); // assert has App



    public function setUrlTrigger(?string $trigger = null): void
        $this->urlTrigger = $trigger ?? $this->name;

        $this->getOwner()->stickyGet(self::URL_QUERY_TRIGGER_PREFIX . $this->urlTrigger);

    public function getUrlTrigger(): string
        return $this->urlTrigger;

     * Executes user-specified action when callback is triggered.
     * @template T
     * @param \Closure(mixed, mixed, mixed, mixed, mixed, mixed, mixed, mixed, mixed, mixed): T $fx
     * @param array                                                                             $fxArgs
     * @return T|null
    public function set($fx = null, $fxArgs = null)
        if ($this->isTriggered() && $this->canTrigger()) {
            try {
                return $fx(...($fxArgs ?? []));
            } catch (\Exception $e) {
                // catch and wrap an exception using a custom Error class to prevent "Callback requested, but never reached"
                // exception which is hard to understand/locate as thrown from the main app context
                throw new UnhandledCallbackExceptionError('', 0, $e);

        return null;

     * Terminate this callback by rendering the given view.
    public function terminateJsonIfCanTerminate(View $view): void
        if ($this->canTerminate()) {

     * Return true if urlTrigger is part of the request.
    public function isTriggered(): bool
        return $this->getApp()->hasRequestQueryParam(self::URL_QUERY_TRIGGER_PREFIX . $this->urlTrigger);

    public function getTriggeredValue(): string
        return $this->getApp()->tryGetRequestQueryParam(self::URL_QUERY_TRIGGER_PREFIX . $this->urlTrigger) ?? '';

     * Only current callback can terminate.
    public function canTerminate(): bool
        return $this->getApp()->hasRequestQueryParam(self::URL_QUERY_TARGET) && $this->getApp()->getRequestQueryParam(self::URL_QUERY_TARGET) === $this->urlTrigger;

     * Allow callback to be triggered or not.
    public function canTrigger(): bool
        return $this->triggerOnReload || !$this->getApp()->hasRequestQueryParam('__atk_reload');

     * Return URL that will trigger action on this callback. If you intend to request
     * the URL directly in your browser (as iframe, new tab, or document location), you
     * should use getUrl instead.
    public function getJsUrl(string $value = 'ajax'): string
        return $this->getOwner()->jsUrl($this->getUrlArguments($value));

     * Return URL that will trigger action on this callback. If you intend to request
     * the URL loading from inside JavaScript, it's always advised to use getJsUrl instead.
    public function getUrl(string $value = 'callback'): string
        return $this->getOwner()->url($this->getUrlArguments($value));

     * Return proper URL argument for this callback.
    private function getUrlArguments(?string $value = null): array
        return [
            self::URL_QUERY_TARGET => $this->urlTrigger,
            self::URL_QUERY_TRIGGER_PREFIX . $this->urlTrigger => $value ?? ($this->isTriggered() ? $this->getTriggeredValue() : ''),