* Provides the markup for a repeater field
* Must include an multi-dimensional array with each field in it. The
* field type should be the key for the field's attribute array.
* $fields['file-type']['all-the-field-attributes'] = 'Data for the attribute';
* @link
* @since 1.0.0
* @package WordPress_Security_Txt
* @subpackage WordPress_Security_Txt/admin/partials
<ul class="repeaters">
for ($i = 0; $i <= $count; $i++) {
if ($i === $count) {
$setatts['class'] .= ' hidden';
if (! empty($repeater[$i][$setatts['title-field']])) {
$setatts['label-header'] = $repeater[$i][$setatts['title-field']];
} ?>
<li class="<?php echo esc_attr($setatts['class']); ?>">
<div class="handle">
<span class="title-repeater"><?php echo esc_html($setatts['label-header']); ?></span>
<button aria-expanded="true" class="btn-edit" type="button">
<span class="screen-reader-text"><?php echo esc_html($setatts['label-edit']); ?></span>
<span class="toggle-arrow"></span>
<div class="repeater-content">
<div class="wrap-fields">
foreach ($setatts['fields'] as $fieldcount => $field) {
foreach ($field as $type => $atts) {
if (! empty($repeater) && ! empty($repeater[$i][$atts['id']])) {
$atts['value'] = $repeater[$i][$atts['id']];
$atts['id'] .= '[]';
$atts['name'] .= '[]'; ?><p class="wrap-field"><?php
require plugin_dir_path(__FILE__) . $this->plugin_name . '-field-' . $type . '.php'; ?>
} ?>
<a class="link-remove" href="#">
echo esc_html(apply_filters($this->plugin_name . '-repeater-remove-link-label',
$setatts['label-remove'])); ?>
<div class="repeater-more">
<span id="status"></span>
<a class="button" href="#" id="add-repeater">
echo esc_html(apply_filters($this->plugin_name . '-repeater-more-link-label', $setatts['label-add']));