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2 hrs
Test Coverage
import ast
import os

from avocado.core.safeloader.imported import ImportedSymbol
from avocado.core.safeloader.utils import get_statement_import_as

class PythonModule:
    Representation of a Python module that might contain interesting classes

    By default, it uses module and class names that matches Avocado
    instrumented tests, but it's supposed to be agnostic enough to
    be used for, say, Python unittests.

    __slots__ = (

    def __init__(self, path, module="avocado", klass="Test"):
        Instantiates a new PythonModule representation

        :param path: path to a Python source code file
        :type path: str
        :param module: the original module name from where the
                       possibly interesting class must have been
                       imported from
        :type module: str
        :param klass: the possibly interesting class original name
        :type klass: str
        self.klass_imports = set()
        self.mod_imports = set()
        if os.path.isdir(path):
            path = os.path.join(path, "__init__.py")
        self.path = path
        self.module = module
        self.klass = klass
        self.imported_symbols = {}
        with open(self.path, encoding="utf-8") as source_file:
            self.mod = ast.parse(source_file.read(), self.path)
        self.interesting_klass_found = False

    def is_matching_klass(self, klass):
        Detect whether given class directly defines itself as <module>.<klass>

        It can either be a <klass> that inherits from a test "symbol", like:

        ```class FooTest(Test)```

        Or from an <module>.<klass> symbol, like in:

        ```class FooTest(avocado.Test)```

        :type klass: :class:`_ast.ClassDef`
        :rtype: bool
        # Is it inherited from Test? 'class FooTest(Test):'
        if self.klass_imports:
            base_ids = [base.id for base in klass.bases if isinstance(base, ast.Name)]
            # Looking for a 'class FooTest(Test):'
            if not self.klass_imports.isdisjoint(base_ids):
                return True

        # Is it inherited from avocado.Test? 'class FooTest(avocado.Test):'
        if self.mod_imports:
            for base in klass.bases:
                if not isinstance(base, ast.Attribute):
                    # Check only 'module.Class' bases
                cls_module = base.value.id
                cls_name = base.attr
                if cls_module in self.mod_imports and cls_name == self.klass:
                    return True
        return False

    def _get_adjusted_path_for_level(statement, path):
        level = getattr(statement, "level", 0)
        if level is None:
            level = 0
        for _ in range(level - 1):
            path = os.path.dirname(path)
        return path

    def _get_imported_path_from_statement(self, statement):
        """Returns the imported path, from absolute or relative import."""
        abs_path_of_module_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(self.path))
        imported_path = self._get_adjusted_path_for_level(
            statement, abs_path_of_module_dir
        if getattr(statement, "module", None) is not None:
            # Module has a name, so its path is absolute, and not relative
            # to the directory structure
            module_path = statement.module.replace(".", os.path.sep)
            imported_path = os.path.join(imported_path, module_path)
        return imported_path

    def add_imported_symbol(self, statement):
        Keeps track of symbol names and importable entities
        for index, name in enumerate(statement.names):
            final_name = self._get_name_from_alias_statement(name)
            imported_symbol = ImportedSymbol.from_statement(
                statement, os.path.abspath(self.path), index
            self.imported_symbols[final_name] = imported_symbol

    def _get_name_from_alias_statement(alias):
        """Returns the aliased name or original one."""
        return alias.asname if alias.asname else alias.name

    def _handle_import_from(self, statement, interesting_klass):
        if interesting_klass in [name.name for name in statement.names]:
            self.interesting_klass_found = True
        if statement.module != self.module:
        name = get_statement_import_as(statement).get(self.klass, None)
        if name is not None:

    def _all_module_level_names(full_module_name):
        result = []
        components = full_module_name.split(".")[:-1]
        for topmost in range(len(components)):
        return result

    def _handle_import(self, statement):
        imported_as = get_statement_import_as(statement)
        name = imported_as.get(self.module, None)
        if name is not None:
        for as_name in imported_as.values():
            for mod_name in self._all_module_level_names(as_name):
                if mod_name == self.module:

    def iter_classes(self, interesting_klass=None):
        Iterate through classes and keep track of imported avocado statements
        for statement in self.mod.body:
            # Looking for a 'from <module> import <klass>'
            if isinstance(statement, ast.ImportFrom):
                self._handle_import_from(statement, interesting_klass)

            # Looking for a 'import <module>'
            elif isinstance(statement, ast.Import):

            # Looking for a 'class Anything(anything):'
            elif isinstance(statement, ast.ClassDef):
                yield statement