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Test Coverage
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# See LICENSE for more details.
# Copyright: Red Hat Inc. 2020
# Author: Beraldo Leal <bleal@redhat.com>

import os
from copy import deepcopy
from enum import Enum
from uuid import uuid4

from avocado.core.dispatcher import SuiteRunnerDispatcher
from avocado.core.exceptions import (
from avocado.core.parser import HintParser
from avocado.core.resolver import ReferenceResolutionResult, resolve
from avocado.core.settings import settings
from avocado.core.tags import filter_tags_on_runnables
from avocado.core.tree import TreeNode
from avocado.core.varianter import Varianter, dump_variant, is_empty_variant

class TestSuiteError(Exception):

class TestSuiteStatus(Enum):
    TESTS_NOT_FOUND = object()
    TESTS_FOUND = object()
    UNKNOWN = object()

def resolutions_to_runnables(resolutions, config):
    Transforms resolver resolutions into runnables suitable for a suite

    A resolver resolution
    (:class:`avocado.core.resolver.ReferenceResolution`) contains
    information about the resolution process (if it was successful
    or not) and in case of successful resolutions a list of
    resolutions.  It's expected that the resolution contain one
    or more :class:`avocado.core.nrunner.Runnable`.

    This function sets the runnable specific configuration for each
    runnable.  It also performs tag based filtering on the runnables
    for possibly excluding some of the Runnables.

    :param resolutions: possible multiple resolutions for multiple
    :type resolutions: list of :class:`avocado.core.resolver.ReferenceResolution`
    :param config: job configuration
    :type config: dict
    :returns: the resolutions converted to runnables
    :rtype: list of :class:`avocado.core.nrunner.Runnable`
    filter_by_tags = config.get("filter.by_tags.tags")
    include_empty = config.get("filter.by_tags.include_empty")
    include_empty_key = config.get("filter.by_tags.include_empty_key")
    if filter_by_tags:
        return filter_tags_on_runnables(
            resolutions, filter_by_tags, include_empty, include_empty_key
    result = []
    for resolution in resolutions:
        if resolution.result != ReferenceResolutionResult.SUCCESS:
        for runnable in resolution.resolutions:
    return result

class TestSuite:
    def __init__(
        self.name = name
        self.tests = tests
        self.resolutions = resolutions
        self.enabled = enabled

        # Create a complete config dict with all registered options + custom
        # config
        self.config = settings.as_dict()
        if job_config:
        if config:

        self._variants = None
        self._references = None
        self._runner = None
        self._test_parameters = None


        if self.config.get("run.dry_run.enabled"):

        if self.size == 0:

    def _has_both_parameters_and_variants(self):
        if not self.test_parameters:
            return False
        for variant in self.variants.itertests():
            var = variant.get("variant")
            if not is_empty_variant(var):
                return True
        return False

    def _check_both_parameters_and_variants(self):
        if self._has_both_parameters_and_variants():
            err_msg = (
                "Specifying test parameters (with config entry "
                '"run.test_parameters" or command line "-p") along with '
                'any varianter plugin (run "avocado plugins" for a list)'
                " is not yet supported. Please use one or the other."
            raise TestSuiteError(err_msg)

    def __len__(self):
        """This is a convenient method to run `len()` over this object.

        With this you can run: len(a_suite) and will return the same as
        return self.size

    def _convert_to_dry_run(self):
        if self.config.get("run.suite_runner") == "nrunner":
            for runnable in self.tests:
                runnable.kind = "dry-run"

    def _from_config_with_resolver(cls, config, name=None):
        ignore_missing = config.get("run.ignore_missing_references")
        references = config.get("resolver.references")
            hint = None
            hint_filepath = ".avocado.hint"
            if os.path.exists(hint_filepath):
                hint = HintParser(hint_filepath)
            resolutions = resolve(
                references, hint=hint, ignore_missing=ignore_missing, config=config
        except JobTestSuiteReferenceResolutionError as details:
            raise TestSuiteError(details)

        runnables = resolutions_to_runnables(resolutions, config)

        if name is None:
            name = str(uuid4())
        return cls(name=name, config=config, tests=runnables, resolutions=resolutions)

    def _get_stats_from_nrunner(self):
        stats = {}
        for test in self.tests:
            self._increment_dict_key_counter(stats, test.kind)
        return stats

    def _get_tags_stats_from_nrunner(self):
        stats = {}
        for runnable in self.tests:
            if runnable is None:
            tags = runnable.tags or {}
            for tag in tags:
                self._increment_dict_key_counter(stats, tag)
        return stats

    def _increment_dict_key_counter(dict_object, key):
            dict_object[key.lower()] += 1
        except KeyError:
            dict_object[key.lower()] = 1

    def references(self):
        if self._references is None:
            self._references = self.config.get("resolver.references")
        return self._references

    def runner(self):
        if self._runner is None:
            runner_name = self.config.get("run.suite_runner")
                runner_extension = SuiteRunnerDispatcher()[runner_name]
                self._runner = runner_extension.obj
            except KeyError:
                raise TestSuiteError("Runner not implemented.")
        return self._runner

    def size(self):
        """The overall length/size of this test suite."""
        if self.tests is None:
            return 0
        return len(self.tests)

    def stats(self):
        """Return a statistics dict with the current tests."""
        runner_name = self.config.get("run.suite_runner")
        if runner_name == "nrunner":
            return self._get_stats_from_nrunner()
        return {}

    def status(self):
        if self.tests is None:
            return TestSuiteStatus.RESOLUTION_NOT_STARTED
        elif self.size == 0:
            return TestSuiteStatus.TESTS_NOT_FOUND
        elif self.size > 0:
            return TestSuiteStatus.TESTS_FOUND
            return TestSuiteStatus.UNKNOWN

    def tags_stats(self):
        """Return a statistics dict with the current tests tags."""
        runner_name = self.config.get("run.suite_runner")
        if runner_name == "nrunner":
            return self._get_tags_stats_from_nrunner()
        return {}

    def test_parameters(self):
        """Placeholder for test parameters.

        This is related to --test-parameters command line option or
        if self._test_parameters is None:
            self._test_parameters = {
                name: value
                for name, value in self.config.get("run.test_parameters", [])
        return self._test_parameters

    def variants(self):
        if self._variants is None:
            variants = Varianter()
            if not variants.is_parsed():
                except (IOError, ValueError) as details:
                    raise OptionValidationError(
                        f"Unable to parse variant: " f"{details}"
            self._variants = variants
        return self._variants

    def _get_test_variants(self):
        def add_variant(runnable, variant):
            runnable = deepcopy(runnable)
            runnable.variant = dump_variant(variant)

        runnable_with_variant = []
        if self.test_parameters:
            paths = ["/"]
            tree_nodes = TreeNode().get_node(paths[0], True)
            tree_nodes.value = self.test_parameters
            variant = {"variant": tree_nodes, "variant_id": None, "paths": paths}
            for runnable in self.tests:
                add_variant(runnable, variant)
        elif self.variants:
            # let's use variants when parameters are not available
            # define execution order
            execution_order = self.config.get("run.execution_order")
            if execution_order == "variants-per-test":
                for runnable in self.tests:
                    for variant in self.variants.itertests():
                        add_variant(runnable, variant)
            elif execution_order == "tests-per-variant":
                for variant in self.variants.itertests():
                    for runnable in self.tests:
                        add_variant(runnable, variant)
        return runnable_with_variant

    def get_test_variants(self):
        """Computes test variants based on the parameters"""

        return [(test, test.variant) for test in self._get_test_variants()]

    def run(self, job):
        """Run this test suite with the job context in mind.

        :param job: A :class:`avocado.core.job.Job` instance.
        :rtype: set
        return self.runner.run_suite(job, self)

    def from_config(cls, config, name=None, job_config=None):
        """Helper method to create a TestSuite from config dicts.

        This is different from the TestSuite() initialization because here we
        are assuming that you need some help to build the test suite. Avocado
        will try to resolve tests based on the configuration information
        instead of assuming pre populated tests.

        If you need to create a custom TestSuite, please use the TestSuite()
        constructor instead of this method.

        :param config: A config dict to be used on the desired test suite.
        :type config: dict
        :param name: The name of the test suite. This is optional and default
                     is a random uuid.
        :type name: str
        :param job_config: The job config dict (a global config). Use this to
                           avoid huge configs per test suite. This is also
        :type job_config: dict
        suite_config = config
        config = settings.as_dict()
        if job_config:
        runner = config.get("run.suite_runner")
        if runner == "nrunner":
            suite = cls._from_config_with_resolver(config, name)
            if suite.test_parameters or suite.variants:
                suite.tests = suite._get_test_variants()
            raise TestSuiteError(
                f'Suite creation for runner "{runner}" ' f"is not supported"

        if not config.get("run.ignore_missing_references"):
            if not suite.tests:
                msg = (
                    "Test Suite could not be created. No test references "
                    "provided nor any other arguments resolved into tests"
                raise TestSuiteError(msg)

        return suite