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Test Coverage
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# See LICENSE for more details.
# This code was inspired in the autotest project,
# client/base_utils.py
# Copyright: 2018 IBM
# Authors : Praveen K Pandey <praveen@linux.vnet.ibm.com>
#         : Narasimhan V <sim@linux.vnet.ibm.com>
#         : Naresh Bannoth <nbannoth@linux.vnet.ibm.com>

Disk utilities

import json
import logging
import os
import re

from avocado.utils import genio, multipath, process

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class DiskError(Exception):
    Generic DiskError

def freespace(path):
    fs_stats = os.statvfs(path)
    return fs_stats.f_bsize * fs_stats.f_bavail

def get_disk_blocksize(path):
    """Return the disk block size, in bytes"""
    fs_stats = os.statvfs(path)
    return fs_stats.f_bsize

def create_loop_device(size, blocksize=4096, directory="./"):
    Creates a loop device of size and blocksize specified.

    :param size: Size of loop device, in bytes
    :type size: int
    :param blocksize: block size of loop device, in bytes. Defaults to 4096
    :type blocksize: int
    :param directory: Directory where the backing file will be created.
                      Defaults to current directory.
    :type directory: str

    :return: loop device name
    :rtype: str
    cmd = "losetup --find"
    loop = process.run(cmd, ignore_status=True, sudo=True).stdout_text.strip("\n")

    loop_file = os.path.join(directory, f"tmp_{loop.split('/')[-1]}.img")
    cmd = (
        f"dd if=/dev/zero of={loop_file} bs={blocksize} "
        f"count={int(size / blocksize)}"
    if process.system(cmd, ignore_status=True, sudo=True) != 0:
        raise DiskError("Unable to create backing file for loop device")

    cmd = f"losetup {loop} {loop_file} -P"
    if process.system(cmd, ignore_status=True, sudo=True) != 0:
        raise DiskError("Unable to create the loop device")
    return loop

def delete_loop_device(device):
    Deletes the specified loop device.

    :param device: device to be deleted
    :type device: str

    :return: True if deleted.
    :rtype: bool
    cmd = "losetup -aJl"
    loop_dic = json.loads(process.run(cmd, ignore_status=True, sudo=True).stdout_text)
    loop_file = ""
    for loop_dev in loop_dic["loopdevices"]:
        if device == loop_dev["name"]:
            loop_file = loop_dev["back-file"]
    if not loop_file:
        raise DiskError("Unable to find backing file for loop device")
    cmd = f"losetup -d {device}"
    if process.system(cmd, ignore_status=True, sudo=True) != 0:
        raise DiskError("Unable to delete the loop device")
    return True

def get_disks():
    Returns the physical "hard drives" available on this system

    This is a simple wrapper around `lsblk` and will return all the
    top level physical (non-virtual) devices return by it.

    TODO: this is currently Linux specific.  Support for other
    platforms is desirable and may be implemented in the future.

    :returns: a list of paths to the physical disks on the system
    :rtype: list of str
        json_result = process.run("lsblk --json --paths --inverse")
    except process.CmdError as ce:
        raise DiskError(f"Error occurred while executing lsblk command: {ce}")
        json_data = json.loads(json_result.stdout_text)
    except json.JSONDecodeError as je:
        raise DiskError(f"Error occurred while parsing JSON data: {je}")
    disks = []
    for device in json_data["blockdevices"]:
        if "children" in device:
            for child in device["children"]:
    return disks

def get_all_disk_paths():
    Returns all available disk names and alias on this  system

    This will get all the sysfs disks name entries by its device
    node name, by-uuid, by-id and by-path, irrespective of any
    platform and device type

    :returns: a list of all disk path names
    :rtype: list of str
    disk_list = abs_path = []
    for path in [
        if os.path.exists(path):
            for device in os.listdir(path):
                abs_path.append(os.path.join(path, device))
    return disk_list

def get_absolute_disk_path(device):
    Returns absolute device path of given disk

    This will get actual disks path of given device, it can take
    node name, by-uuid, by-id and by-path, irrespective of any
    platform and device type

    :param device: disk name or disk alias names sda or scsi-xxx
    :type device: str

    :returns: the device absolute path name
    :rtype: bool
    if not os.path.exists(device):
        for dev_path in get_all_disk_paths():
            if device == os.path.basename(dev_path):
                return dev_path
    return device

def get_available_filesystems():
    Return a list of all available filesystem types

    :returns: a list of filesystem types
    :rtype: list of str
    filesystems = set()
    with open("/proc/filesystems") as proc_fs:  # pylint: disable=W1514
        for proc_fs_line in proc_fs.readlines():
            filesystems.add(re.sub(r"(nodev)?\s*", "", proc_fs_line))
    return list(filesystems)

def get_filesystem_type(mount_point="/"):
    Returns the type of the filesystem of mount point informed.
    The default mount point considered when none is informed
    is the root "/" mount point.

    :param str mount_point: mount point to asses the filesystem type.
                            Default "/"

    :returns: filesystem type
    :rtype: str
    with open("/proc/mounts") as mounts:  # pylint: disable=W1514
        for mount_line in mounts.readlines():
            _, fs_file, fs_vfstype, _, _, _ = mount_line.split()
            if fs_file == mount_point:
                return fs_vfstype

def is_root_device(device):
    check for root disk

    :param device: device to check

    :returns: True or False, True if given device is root disk
              otherwise will return False.
    cmd = "lsblk --j -o MOUNTPOINT,PKNAME"
    output = process.run(cmd)
    result = json.loads(output.stdout_text)
    for item in result["blockdevices"]:
        if item["mountpoint"] == "/" and device == str(item["pkname"]):
            return True
    return False

def is_disk_mounted(device):
    check if given disk is mounted or not

    :param device: disk/device name
    :type device: str

    :returns: True if the device/disk is mounted else False
    :rtype: bool
    with open("/proc/mounts") as mounts:  # pylint: disable=W1514
        for mount_line in mounts.readlines():
            dev, _, _, _, _, _ = mount_line.split()
            if dev == device:
                return True
        return False

def is_dir_mounted(dir_path):
    check if given directory is mounted or not

    :param dir_path: directory path
    :type dir_path: str

    :returns: True if the given director is mounted else False
    :rtype: bool
    with open("/proc/mounts") as mounts:  # pylint: disable=W1514
        for mount_line in mounts.readlines():
            _, fs_dir, _, _, _, _ = mount_line.split()
            if fs_dir == dir_path:
                return True
        return False

def fs_exists(device):
    check if filesystem exists on give disk/device

    :param device: disk/device name
    :type device: str

    :returns: returns True if filesystem exists on the give disk else False
    :rtype: bool
    cmd = f"blkid -o value -s TYPE {device}"
    out = process.system_output(cmd, shell=True, ignore_status=True).decode("utf-8")
    fs_list = ["ext2", "ext3", "ext4", "xfs", "btrfs"]
    if out in fs_list:
        return True
    return False

def get_dir_mountpoint(dir_path):
    get mounted disk name that is mounted on given dir_path

    :param dir_path: absolute directory path
    :type dir_path: str

    :returns: returns disk name which mounted on given dir_path
    :rtype: str
    with open("/proc/mounts") as mounts:  # pylint: disable=W1514
        for mount_line in mounts.readlines():
            dev, fs_dir, _, _, _, _ = mount_line.split()
            if fs_dir == dir_path:
                return dev
        return None

def get_disk_mountpoint(device):
    get mountpoint on which given disk is mounted

    :param device: disk/device name
    :type device: str

    :return: return directory name on which disk is mounted
    :rtype: str
    with open("/proc/mounts") as mounts:  # pylint: disable=W1514
        for mount_line in mounts.readlines():
            dev, fs_dir, _, _, _, _ = mount_line.split()
            if dev == device:
                return fs_dir
        return None

def create_linux_raw_partition(disk_name, size=None, num_of_par=1):
    Creates partitions using sfdisk command

    :param disk_name: disk/device name
    :type disk_name: str
    :param size: size of partition
    :type size: str
    :param num_of_par: Number of partitions to be created
    :type num_of_par: int

    Returns list of created partitions
    if not size:
        size = get_size_of_disk(disk_name) / 1073741824
        size = size / num_of_par
        size = str(size) + "G"
    partitions = [
        "size= +" + size if val != 3 else "type=5" for val in range(0, num_of_par + 1)
    disk_partition_file = (
        "/tmp/creat_partition" + process.run("date '+%d-%m-%y_%T'").stdout_text.strip()
    if not os.path.isfile(disk_partition_file):
        process.run("touch " + disk_partition_file)
    for line in partitions:
        genio.append_one_line(disk_partition_file, line)
        part_output = process.getoutput(
            "sfdisk " + disk_name + " < " + disk_partition_file
        msg = f"sfdisk partition creation command failed on disk {disk_name}"
        raise DiskError(msg)
    if "The partition table has been altered" in part_output:
        return get_disk_partitions(disk_name)

def get_size_of_disk(disk):
    Returns size of disk in bytes

    :param disk: disk/device name
    :type disk: str

    Return Type: int
    return int(process.getoutput("lsblk -b --output SIZE -n -d " + disk))

def delete_partition(partition_name):
    Deletes mentioned partition from disk

    :param partition_name: partition absolute path
    :type partition_name: str
    disk_index = re.search(r"\d+", partition_name).start()
            "sfdisk --delete "
            + partition_name[:disk_index]
            + " "
            + partition_name[disk_index:]
        msg = f"sfdisk --delete command failed on disk {partition_name}"
        raise DiskError(msg)

def clean_disk(disk_name):
    Cleans partitions table of a disk

    :param disk_name: disk name
    :type disk_name: str
    output = process.getoutput("sfdisk --delete " + disk_name)
    if not get_disk_partitions(disk_name):
        if "The partition table has been altered" in output:
            process.run("wipefs -af " + disk_name)

def rescan_disk(disk_name):
    Rescans disk

    :param disk_name: disk name
    :type disk_name: str
    disk_name = os.path.realpath(disk_name)
    if re.search(r"dm-\d+", disk_name):
        mpath_dict = multipath.get_multipath_details()
        for _ in range(len(mpath_dict["maps"])):
            if mpath_dict["maps"][_]["sysfs"] == disk_name.split("/")[-1]:
                disk_name = (
                    "/dev/" + mpath_dict["maps"][_]["path_groups"][0]["paths"][0]["dev"]
    process.run(f"echo 1 > /sys/block/{disk_name}/device/rescan")

def get_disk_partitions(disk):
    Returns partitions of a disk excluding extended partition

    :param disk: disk name
    :type disk: str

    Returns array with all partitions of disk
    partitions_op = process.getoutput("sfdisk -l " + disk)
    return [
        line.split(" ")[0]
        for line in partitions_op.split("\n")
        if line.startswith(disk) and "Extended" not in line