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# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# See LICENSE for more details.
# This code was inspired in the autotest project,
# client/base_utils.py
# Copyright: 2022 IBM
# Authors : Naresh Bannoth <nbannoth@linux.vnet.ibm.com>

Nvme utilities

import json
import logging
import os
import time

from avocado.utils import pci, process

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class NvmeException(Exception):
    Base Exception Class for all exceptions

def get_controller_name(pci_addr):
    Returns the controller/Adapter name with the help of pci_address

    :param pci_addr: pci_address of the adapter
    :rtype: string
    :raises: :py:class:`NvmeException` on failure to find pci_address in OS
    if pci_addr in pci.get_pci_addresses():
        path = f"/sys/bus/pci/devices/{pci_addr}/nvme/"
        return "".join(os.listdir(path))
    raise NvmeException("Unable to list as wrong pci_addr")

def get_max_ns_supported(controller_name):
    Returns the number of namespaces supported for the nvme adapter

    :param controller_name: Name of the controller eg: nvme0
    :rtype: integer
    cmd = f"nvme id-ctrl /dev/{controller_name}"
    out = process.run(cmd, ignore_status=True, sudo=True, shell=True).stdout_text
    for line in out.splitlines():
        if line.split(":")[0].strip() == "nn":
            return int(line.split(":")[-1].strip())
    return ""

def get_total_capacity(controller_name):
    Returns the total capacity of the nvme adapter

    :param controller_name: Name of the controller eg: nvme0
    :rtype: integer
    cmd = f"nvme id-ctrl /dev/{controller_name}"
    out = process.run(cmd, ignore_status=True, sudo=True, shell=True).stdout_text
    for line in out.splitlines():
        if line.split(":")[0].strip() == "tnvmcap":
            return int(line.split(":")[-1].strip())
    return ""

def get_controller_id(controll_name):
    Returns the nvme controller id

    :param controller_name: Name of the controller eg: nvme0
    :rtype: string
    cmd = f"nvme id-ctrl /dev/{controll_name}"
    output = process.run(cmd, shell=True, sudo=True, ignore_status=True).stdout_text
    for line in output.splitlines():
        if "cntlid" in line:
            return line.split(":")[-1].strip()
    return ""

def get_current_ns_ids(controller_name):
    Returns the list of namespaces in the nvme controller

    :param controller_name: Name of the nvme controller like nvme0, nvme1
    :rtyp: list
    cmd = f"nvme list-ns /dev/{controller_name}"
    namespaces = []
    output = process.run(cmd, shell=True, sudo=True, ignore_status=True).stdout_text
    for line in output.splitlines():
        namespaces.append(int(line.split()[1].split("]")[0]) + 1)
    return namespaces

def get_current_ns_list(controller_name):
    Returns the list of namespaces in the nvme controller

    :param controller_name: Name of the nvme controller like nvme0, nvme1
    :rtyp: list
    namespace_list = []
    namespaces_ids = get_current_ns_ids(controller_name)
    for ns_id in namespaces_ids:
    return namespace_list

def get_block_size(controller_name):
    Returns the block size of the namespace.
    If not found, return defaults to 4k.

    :param namespace: Name of the namespace like /dev/nvme0n1 etc..
    :rtype: Integer
    namespaces = get_current_ns_list(controller_name)
    if namespaces:
        namespace = namespaces[0]
        cmd = f"nvme id-ns /dev/{namespace}"
        out = process.run(cmd, shell=True, ignore_status=True)
        for line in out.splitlines:
            if "in use" in line:
                return pow(2, int(line.split()[4].split(":")[-1]))
    return 4096

def delete_ns(controller_name, ns_id):
    Deletes the specified namespace on the controller

    :param controller_name: Nvme controller name to which namespace belongs
    :param ns_id: namespace id to be deleted
    cont_id = get_controller_id(controller_name)
    detach_ns(controller_name, ns_id, cont_id)
    cmd = f"nvme delete-ns /dev/{controller_name} -n {ns_id}"
    if process.system(cmd, shell=True, ignore_status=True):
        raise NvmeException(f"/dev/{controller_name}n{ns_id} delete failed")
    if is_ns_exists(controller_name, ns_id):
        raise NvmeException("namespace still listed even after deleted")

def delete_all_ns(controller_name):
    Deletes all the name spaces available on the given nvme controller

    :param controller_name: Nvme controller name eg : nvme0, nvme1 etc..
    namespaces_ids = get_current_ns_ids(controller_name)
    for ns_id in namespaces_ids[::-1]:
        delete_ns(controller_name, ns_id)

def is_ns_exists(controller_name, ns_id):
    Returns if that particular namespace exists on the controller or not

    :param controller_name: name of the controller on which we want to check
                            ns existence

    :returns: True if exists else False
    :rtype: boolean
    ns_list = get_current_ns_ids(controller_name)
    if ns_id in ns_list:
        return True
    return False

def get_lba(namespace):
    Returns LBA of the namespace. If not found, return defaults to 0.

    :param namespace: nvme namespace like /dev/nvme0n1, /dev/nvme0n2 etc..
    :rtype: Integer
    if namespace:
        cmd = f"nvme id-ns {namespace}"
        out = process.run(cmd, shell=True, ignore_status=True).stdout_text
        for line in out.splitlines():
            if "in use" in line:
                return int(line.split()[1])
    return 0

def ns_rescan(controller_name):
    re-scans all the names spaces on the given controller

    :param controller_name: controller name on which re-scan is applied
    cmd = f"nvme ns-rescan {controller_name}"
        process.run(cmd, shell=True, ignore_status=True)
    except process.CmdError as detail:

def detach_ns(controller_name, ns_id, cont_id):
    detach the namespace_id to specified controller

    :param ns_id: namespace ID
    :param controller_name: controller name
    :param cont_id: controller_ID
    cmd = f"nvme detach-ns /dev/{controller_name} --namespace-id={ns_id} -controllers={cont_id}"
    if not process.run(cmd, shell=True, ignore_status=True):
        raise NvmeException("detach command failed")
    if is_ns_exists(controller_name, ns_id):
        raise NvmeException("namespace dettached but still listing")

def attach_ns(ns_id, controller_name, cont_id):
    attach the namespace_id to specified controller

    :param ns_id: namespace ID
    :param controller_name: controller name
    :param cont_id: controller_ID
    cmd = f"nvme attach-ns /dev/{controller_name} --namespace-id={ns_id} -controllers={cont_id}"
    if not process.run(cmd, shell=True, ignore_status=True):
        raise NvmeException("namespaces attach command failed")
    if not is_ns_exists(controller_name, ns_id):
        raise NvmeException("namespaces attached but not listing")

def create_full_capacity_ns(controller_name):
    Creates one namespace with full capacity

    :param controller_name: name of the controller like nvme0/nvme1 etc..
    ns_size = get_total_capacity(controller_name) // get_block_size(controller_name)
    if get_current_ns_list(controller_name):
        raise NvmeException("ns already exist, delete it before creating ")
    create_one_ns("1", controller_name, ns_size)

def create_one_ns(ns_id, controller_name, ns_size):
    creates a single namespaces with given size and controller_id

    :param ns_id: Namespace ID
    :param controller_name: name of the controller like nvme0/nvme1 etc..
    :param ns_size: Size of the namespace that is going to be created
    cmd = f"nvme create-ns /dev/{controller_name} --nsze={ns_size} --ncap={ns_size} --flbas=0 --dps=0"
    if process.system(cmd, shell=True, ignore_status=True):
        raise NvmeException(f"namespace create command failed {cmd}")
    cont_id = get_controller_id(controller_name)
    attach_ns(ns_id, controller_name, cont_id)

def create_max_ns(controller_name, force):
    Creates maximum number of namespaces, with equal capacity

    :param controller_name: name of the controller like nvme0/nvme1 etc..
    :param force: if wants to create the namespace foce, then pass force=True
    if get_current_ns_list(controller_name) and not force:
        raise NvmeException("ns already exist, cannot create max_ns")
    max_ns = int(get_max_ns_supported(controller_name))
    ns_size = get_equal_ns_size(controller_name, max_ns)
    for ns_id in range(1, (max_ns + 1)):
        create_one_ns(str(ns_id), controller_name, ns_size)

def get_equal_ns_size(controller_name, ns_count):
    It calculate and return the size of a namespace when want to create
    more than one namespace with equal sizes

    :param controller_name: name of the controller like nvme0/nvme1 etc...
    :param ns_count: Number of namespaces you want to create with equal sixe
                     it should be less thans or eaqual to max ns supported
                     on the controller
    :rtype: integer
    existing_ns_list = len(get_current_ns_ids(controller_name))
    max_ns = get_max_ns_supported(controller_name)
    if ns_count > (max_ns - existing_ns_list):
        raise NvmeException("required ns count is greater than max supported")
    free_space = get_free_space(controller_name)
    if free_space < 1000:
        raise NvmeException("available free space is less than 1GB")
    return int(((60 * (free_space // 4096)) // 100) // ns_count)

def get_free_space(controller_name):
    Returns the total capacity of the nvme adapter

    :param controller_name: Name of the controller eg: nvme0
    :rtype: integer
    cmd = f"nvme id-ctrl /dev/{controller_name}"
    out = process.run(cmd, ignore_status=True, sudo=True, shell=True).stdout_text
    for line in out.splitlines():
        if line.split(":")[0].strip() == "unvmcap":
            return int(line.split(":")[-1].strip())
    return 0

def create_namespaces(controller_name, ns_count):
    creates eaqual n number of namespaces on the specified controller

    :param controller_name: name of the controller like nvme0
    :param ns_count: number of namespaces to be created
    namespaces = get_current_ns_ids(controller_name)
    if namespaces:
    blk_size = get_total_capacity(controller_name) // get_block_size(controller_name)
    ns_size = blk_size // (ns_count + 1)
    for ns_id in range(1, ns_count + 1):
        create_one_ns(ns_id, controller_name, ns_size)

def get_ns_status(controller_name, ns_id):
    Returns the status of namespaces on the specified controller

    :param controller_name: name of the controller like nvme0
    :param ns_id: ID of namespace for which we need the status

    :rtype: list
    stat = []
    cmd = f"nvme show-topology /dev/{controller_name} -o json"
    data = process.run(cmd, ignore_status=True, sudo=True, shell=True).stdout_text
    json_data = json.loads(data)
    for data in json_data:
        for subsystem in data["Subsystems"]:
            for namespace in subsystem["Namespaces"]:
                nsid = namespace["NSID"]
                for paths in namespace["Paths"]:
                    if nsid == ns_id and paths["Name"] == controller_name:
                        stat.extend([paths["State"], paths["ANAState"]])
    return stat

def get_nslist_with_pci(pci_address):
    Fetches and returns list of namespaces for specified pci_address

    :param pci_address: pci_address of any nvme adapter

    :rtype: list
    ns_list = []
    cmd = "nvme show-topology -o json"
    data = process.run(cmd, ignore_status=True, sudo=True, shell=True).stdout_text
    json_data = json.loads(data)
    for data in json_data:
        for subsystem in data["Subsystems"]:
            for namespace in subsystem["Namespaces"]:
                for paths in namespace["Paths"]:
                    if paths["Address"] == pci_address:
    return ns_list