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# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# See LICENSE for more details.
# Copyright (C) IBM 2020 - Harish <harish@linux.vnet.ibm.com>
# Author: Harish <harish@linux.vnet.ibm.com>

import glob
import json
import re

from avocado.utils import genio, path, process

class PMemException(Exception):
    Error raised for all PMem failures

    def __init__(self, additional_text=None):  # pylint: disable=W0231
        self.additional_text = additional_text

    def __str__(self):
        return f"Command failed.\ninfo: {self.additional_text}"

class PMem:
    PMem class which provides function to perform ndctl and daxctl operations

    This class can be used only if ndctl binaries are provided before hand

    def __init__(self, ndctl="ndctl", daxctl="daxctl"):
        Initialize PMem object

        :param ndctl: path to ndctl binary, defaults to ndctl
        :param daxctl: path to daxctl binary, defaults to ndctl
        abs_ndctl = path.find_command(ndctl, False)
        if not abs_ndctl:
            raise PMemException("Cannot use library without proper ndctl binary")
        self.ndctl = abs_ndctl

        abs_daxctl = path.find_command(daxctl, False)
        if not abs_daxctl:
            raise PMemException("Cannot use library without proper daxctl binary")
        self.daxctl = abs_daxctl

    def check_subcmd(binary, command):
        """Check if given sub command is supported by binary

        :param command: sub command of ndctl to check for existence
        :return: True if sub command is available
        :rtype: bool
        cmd = f"{binary} --list-cmds"
        out = process.system_output(cmd).decode().splitlines()
        if command in out:
            return True

        return False

    def check_ndctl_subcmd(self, command):
        """Check if given sub command is supported by ndctl"""
        return self.check_subcmd(self.ndctl, command)

    def check_daxctl_subcmd(self, command):
        """Check if given sub command is supported by daxctl"""
        return self.check_subcmd(self.daxctl, command)

    def run_ndctl_list(self, option=""):
        Get the json of each provided options

        :param option: optional arguments to ndctl list command
        :return: By default returns entire list of json objects
        :rtype: list of json objects
            cmd = f"{self.ndctl} list {option}"
            json_op = json.loads(process.system_output(cmd))
        except ValueError:
            json_op = []
        return json_op

    def run_ndctl_list_val(json_op, field):
        Get the value of a field in given json

        :param json_op: Input Json object
        :param field: Field to find the value from json_op object

        :rtype: Found value type, None if not found
        for key, value in json_op.items():
            if key == field:
                return value
        return None

    def run_daxctl_list(self, options=""):
        Get the json of each provided options

        :param options: optional arguments to daxctl list command
        :return: By default returns entire list of json objects
        :rtype: list of json objects
        cmd = f"{self.daxctl} list {options}"
        return json.loads(process.system_output(cmd))

    def set_dax_memory_online(self, device, region=None, no_movable=False):
        """Set memory from a given devdax device online

        :param device: Device from which memory is to be online
        :param region: Optionally filter device by region
        :param no_movable: Optionally make the memory non-movable

        :return: True if command succeeds
        :rtype: bool
        :raise: :class:`PMemException`, if command fails.
        cmd = f"{self.daxctl} online-memory {device}"
        if region:
            cmd += f" -r {region}"
        if no_movable:
            cmd += " --no-movable"
        if process.system(cmd, shell=True, ignore_status=True):
            raise PMemException(f"Failed to online memory with {device}")
        return True

    def set_dax_memory_offline(self, device, region=None):
        """Set memory from a given devdax device offline

        :param device: Device from which memory is to be offline
        :param region: Optionally filter device by region

        :return: True if command succeeds
        :rtype: bool
        :raise: :class:`PMemException`, if command fails.
        cmd = f"{self.daxctl} offline-memory {device}"
        if region:
            cmd += f" -r {region}"
        if process.system(cmd, shell=True, ignore_status=True):
            raise PMemException(f"Failed to offline memory with {device}")
        return True

    def reconfigure_dax_device(
        self, device, mode="devdax", region=None, no_online=False, no_movable=False
        """Reconfigure devdax device into devdax or system-ram mode

        :param device: Device from which memory is to be online
        :param mode: Mode with which device is to be configured, default:devdax
        :param region: Optionally filter device by region
        :param no_online: Optionally don't online the memory(only system-ram)
        :param no_movable: Optionally mark memory non-movable(only system-ram)

        :return: Property of configured device
        :rtype: str
        :raise: :class:`PMemException`, if command fails.
        cmd = f"{self.daxctl} reconfigure-device {device} -m {mode}"
        if region:
            cmd += f" -r {region}"
        if no_online:
            cmd += " -N"
        if no_movable:
            cmd += " --no-movable"
        device_property = process.run(cmd, shell=True, ignore_status=True)
        if device_property.exit_status:
            raise PMemException(f"Failed to reconfigure device {device}")
        return device_property.stdout_text

    def get_slot_count(self, region):
        Get max slot count in the index area for a dimm backing a region
        We use region0 - > nmem0

        :param region: Region for which slot count is found
        :return: Number of slots for given region
                 0 in case region is not available/command fails
        :rtype: int
        nmem = "nmem%s" % re.findall(r"\d+", region)[0]
            json_op = json.loads(
                    f"{self.ndctl} read-labels -j {nmem} ", shell=True
        except ValueError:
            return []
        first_dict = json_op[0]
        index_dict = self.run_ndctl_list_val(first_dict, "index")[0]
        return self.run_ndctl_list_val(index_dict, "nslot") - 2

    def is_region_legacy(region):
        Check whether we have label index namespace. If legacy we can't create
        new namespaces.

        :param region: Region for which legacy check is made
        :return: True if given region is legacy, else False
        reg = f"/sys/bus/nd/devices/{region}/nstype"
        nstype = genio.read_file(reg).rstrip("\n")
        if nstype == "4":
            return True
        return False

    def check_buses():
        Get buses from sys subsystem to verify persistent devices exist

        :return: List of buses available
        :rtype: list
        return glob.glob("/sys/bus/nd/drivers/nd_bus/ndbus*")

    def disable_region(self, name="all"):
        Disable given region

        :param name: name of the region to be disabled
        :return: True on success
        :raise: :class:`PMemException`, if command fails.
        if process.system(
            f"{self.ndctl} disable-region {name}", shell=True, ignore_status=True
            raise PMemException(f"Failed to disable {name} region(s)")
        return True

    def enable_region(self, name="all"):
        Enable given region

        :param name: name of the region to be enabled
        :return: True on success
        :raise: :class:`PMemException`, if command fails.
        if process.system(
            f"{self.ndctl} enable-region {name}", shell=True, ignore_status=True
            raise PMemException(f"Failed to enable {name} region(s)")
        return True

    def disable_namespace(self, namespace="all", region="", bus="", verbose=False):
        Disable namespaces

        :param namespace: name of the namespace to be disabled
        :param region: Filter namespace by region
        :param bus: Filter namespace by bus
        :param verbose: Enable True command with debug information

        :return: True on success
        :raise: :class:`PMemException`, if command fails.
        args = namespace
        if region:
            args = f"{args} -r {region}"
        if bus:
            args = f"{args} -b {bus}"
        if verbose:
            args = f"{args} -v"

        if process.system(
            f"{self.ndctl} disable-namespace {args}", shell=True, ignore_status=True
            raise PMemException(f"Namespace disable failed for {namespace}")
        return True

    def enable_namespace(self, namespace="all", region="", bus="", verbose=False):
        Enable namespaces

        :param namespace: name of the namespace to be enabled
        :param region: Filter namespace by region
        :param bus: Filter namespace by bus
        :param verbose: Enable True command with debug information

        return: True on success
        :raise: :class:`PMemException`, if command fails.
        args = namespace
        if region:
            args = f"{args} -r {region}"
        if bus:
            args = f"{args} -b {bus}"
        if verbose:
            args = f"{args} -v"

        if process.system(
            f"{self.ndctl} enable-namespace {args}", shell=True, ignore_status=True
            raise PMemException(f'Namespace enable failed for "{namespace}"')
        return True

    def create_namespace(
        Creates namespace with specified options

        :param region: Region on which namespace has to be created
        :param bus: Bus with which namespace has to be created
        :param n_type: Type of namespace to be created [pmem/blk]
        :param mode: Mode of namespace to be created, defaults to fsdax
        :param memmap: Metadata mapping for created namespace
        :param name: Optional name provided for namespace
        :param size: Size with which namespace has to be created
        :param uuid: Optional uuid provided for namespace
        :param sector_size: Sector size with which namespace has to be created
        :param align: Alignment with which namespace has to be created
        :param reconfig: Optionally reconfigure namespace providing existing
                         namespace/region name
        :param force: Force creation of namespace
        :param autolabel: Optionally autolabel the namespace
        :return: True on success
        :raise: :class:`PMemException`, if command fails.
        args_dict = {
            region: "-r",
            bus: "-b",
            name: "-n",
            size: "-s",
            uuid: "-u",
            sector_size: "-l",
            align: "-a",
            reconfig: "-e",
        minor_dict = {force: "-f", autolabel: "-L"}
        args = f"-t {n_type} -m {mode} "

        if mode in ["fsdax", "devdax"]:
            args += f" -M {memmap}"
        for option in list(args_dict.keys()):
            if option:
                args += f" {args_dict[option]} {option}"
        for option in list(minor_dict.keys()):
            if option:
                args += f" {minor_dict[option]}"

        if self.is_region_legacy(region) and not reconfig:
            namespace = "namespace%s.0" % re.findall(r"\d+", region)[0]
            args += " -f -e " + namespace

        if process.system(
            f"{self.ndctl} create-namespace {args}", shell=True, ignore_status=True
            raise PMemException("Namespace create command failed")
        return True

    def destroy_namespace(self, namespace="all", region="", bus="", force=False):
        Destroy namespaces, skipped in case of legacy namespace

        :param namespace: name of the namespace to be destroyed
        :param region: Filter namespace by region
        :param bus: Filter namespace by bus
        :param force: Force a namespace to be destroyed

        :return: True on Success
        :raise: :class:`PMemException`, if command fails.
        if region and self.is_region_legacy(region):
            return True

        args = namespace
        args_dict = {region: "-r", bus: "-b"}
        for option in list(args_dict.keys()):
            if option:
                args += f" {args_dict[option]} {option}"
        if force:
            args += " -f"

        if process.system(
            f"{self.ndctl} destroy-namespace {args}", shell=True, ignore_status=True
            raise PMemException("Namespace destroy command failed")
        return True

    def _check_arg(key, kwargs):
        if key in kwargs and kwargs[key]:
            return True
        return False

    def _check_add_arg(args_dict, key, kwargs, pop=False):
        if PMem._check_arg(key, kwargs):
            if pop:
                return f" {args_dict[key]}" % kwargs.pop(key)
            return f" {args_dict[key]}" % kwargs.get(key)
        return ""

    def _filter_ns_infoblock(namespace, args_dict, kwargs):
        args = ""
        if namespace == "all":
            for key in ["region", "bus"]:
                args += PMem._check_add_arg(args_dict, key, kwargs, pop=True)
        return args

    def write_infoblock(self, namespace="", stdout=False, output=None, **kwargs):
        Write an infoblock to the specified medium.

        :param namespace: Write the infoblock to given namespace
        :param stdout: Write the infoblock to stdout if True
        :param output: Write the infoblock to the file path specified
        :param kwargs:

           pmem.write_infoblock(namespace=ns_name, align=align,
                                size=size, mode='devdax')

        :return: True if command succeeds
        :rtype: bool
        :raise: :class:`PMemException`, if command fails.
        if not (namespace or stdout or output):
            raise PMemException("Specify at least one output medium")

        args_dict = {
            "region": "-r %s",
            "bus": "-b %s",
            "mode": "-m %s",
            "memmap": "-M %s",
            "size": "-s %s",
            "align": "-a %s",
            "uuid": "-u %s",
            "parent_uuid": "-p %",
            "offset": "-O %s",

        if namespace:
            args = namespace
        elif stdout:
            args = "-c"
        elif output:
            args = f"-o {output}"

        args += self._filter_ns_infoblock(namespace, args_dict, kwargs)
        args += f" {args_dict['mode']}" % kwargs.pop("mode", "fsdax")
        args += f" {args_dict['memmap']}" % kwargs.pop("memmap", "dev")

        for key, value in kwargs.items():
            if not value:
            if key in args_dict:
                args += f" {args_dict[key]}" % value
                raise PMemException("Input not supported for write-infoblock")

        write_cmd = f"{self.ndctl} write-infoblock {args}"
        if process.system(write_cmd, shell=True, ignore_status=True):
            raise PMemException("write-infoblock command failed")
        return True

    def read_infoblock(self, namespace="", inp_file="", **kwargs):
        Read an infoblock from the specified medium

        :param namespace: Read the infoblock from given namespace
        :param inp_file: Input file to read the infoblock from
        :param kwargs:

           self.plib.read_infoblock(namespace=ns_name, json_form=True)

        :return: By default return list of json objects, if json_form is True
                 Return as raw data, if json_form is False
                 Return file path if op_file is specified
        :raise: :class:`PMemException`, if command fails.
        if not (namespace or inp_file):
            raise PMemException("Namespace or input file must be specified")

        args_dict = {"region": "-r %s", "bus": "-b %s", "op_file": "-o %s"}
        if namespace:
            args = namespace
        elif inp_file:
            args = f"-i {inp_file}"

        args += self._filter_ns_infoblock(namespace, args_dict, kwargs)
        args += self._check_add_arg(args_dict, "op_file", kwargs)

        json_form = kwargs.pop("json_form", True)
        verify = kwargs.pop("verify", False)
        if verify:
            args += " -V"
        if json_form:
            args += " -j"

        read_cmd = f"{self.ndctl} read-infoblock {args}"
        ret = process.run(read_cmd, shell=True, ignore_status=True)
        if ret.exit_status:
            raise PMemException("read-infoblock command failed")
        if self._check_arg("op_file", kwargs):
            return kwargs.get("op_file")
        read_op = ret.stdout.decode()
        if json_form:
            read_op = json.loads(read_op)

        return read_op