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# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# See LICENSE for more details.
# Copyright: 2021 Red Hat Inc.
# Authors : Beraldo Leal <bleal@redhat.com>

This module provides an basic API for interacting with podman.

This module it was designed to be executed in async mode. Remember this when
consuming this API.

import json
import logging
import subprocess
from asyncio import create_subprocess_exec
from asyncio import subprocess as asyncio_subprocess
from shutil import which

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class PodmanException(Exception):

class _Podman:

    PYTHON_VERSION_COMMAND = json.dumps(
                "import sys; print(sys.version_info.major, "
                "sys.version_info.minor, sys.executable)"

    def __init__(self, podman_bin=None):
        path = which(podman_bin or "podman")
        if not path:
            msg = f"Podman binary {podman_bin} is not available on the system."
            raise PodmanException(msg)

        self.podman_bin = path

class Podman(_Podman):
    def execute(self, *args):
        """Execute a command and return the returncode, stdout and stderr.

        :param args: Variable length argument list to be used as argument
                      during execution.
        :rtype: tuple with returncode, stdout and stderr.
            LOG.debug("Executing %s", args)

            cmd = [self.podman_bin, *args]
            proc = subprocess.Popen(
            stdout, stderr = proc.communicate()
            LOG.debug("Return code: %s", proc.returncode)
            LOG.debug("Stdout: %s", stdout.decode("utf-8", "replace"))
            LOG.debug("Stderr: %s", stderr.decode("utf-8", "replace"))
        except (FileNotFoundError, PermissionError) as ex:
            # Since this method is also used by other methods, let's
            # log here as well.
            msg = "Could not execute the command."
            LOG.error("%s: %s", msg, str(ex))
            raise PodmanException(msg) from ex

        if proc.returncode != 0:
            command_args = " ".join(args)
            msg = f'Failure from command "{self.podman_bin} {command_args}": returned code "{proc.returncode}" stderr: "{stderr}"'
            raise PodmanException(msg)

        return proc.returncode, stdout, stderr

    def copy_to_container(self, container_id, src, dst):
        """Copy artifacts from src to container:dst.

        This method allows copying the contents of src to the dst. Files will
        be copied from the local machine to the container. The "src" argument
        can be a file or a directory.

        :param str container_id: string with the container identification.
        :param str src: what file or directory you are trying to copy.
        :param str dst: the destination inside the container.
        :rtype: tuple with returncode, stdout and stderr.
            return self.execute("cp", src, f"{container_id}:{dst}")
        except PodmanException as ex:
            error = f"Failed copying data to container {container_id}"
            raise PodmanException(error) from ex

    def get_python_version(self, image):
        """Return the current Python version installed in an image.

        :param str image: Image name. i.e: 'fedora:33'.
        :rtype: tuple with both: major, minor numbers and executable path.
            _, stdout, _ = self.execute(
                "run", "--rm", f"--entrypoint={self.PYTHON_VERSION_COMMAND}", image
        except PodmanException as ex:
            raise PodmanException("Failed getting Python version.") from ex

        if stdout:
            output = stdout.decode().strip().split()
            return int(output[0]), int(output[1]), output[2]

    def get_container_info(self, container_id):
        """Return all information about specific container.

        :param container_id: identifier of container
        :type container_id: str
        :rtype: dict
            _, stdout, _ = self.execute(
                "ps", "--all", "--format=json", "--filter", f"id={container_id}"
        except PodmanException as ex:
            raise PodmanException(
                f"Failed getting information about container:" f" {container_id}."
            ) from ex
        containers = json.loads(stdout.decode())
        for container in containers:
            if container["Id"] == container_id:
                return container
        return {}

    def start(self, container_id):
        """Starts a container and return the returncode, stdout and stderr.

        :param str container_id: Container identification string to start.
        :rtype: tuple with returncode, stdout and stderr.
            return self.execute("start", container_id)
        except PodmanException as ex:
            raise PodmanException("Failed to start the container.") from ex

    def stop(self, container_id):
        """Stops a container and return the returncode, stdout and stderr.

        :param str container_id: Container identification string to stop.
        :rtype: tuple with returncode, stdout and stderr.
            return self.execute("stop", "-t=0", container_id)
        except PodmanException as ex:
            raise PodmanException("Failed to stop the container.") from ex

class AsyncPodman(_Podman):
    async def execute(self, *args):
        """Execute a command and return the returncode, stdout and stderr.

        :param args: Variable length argument list to be used as argument
                      during execution.
        :rtype: tuple with returncode, stdout and stderr.
            LOG.debug("Executing %s", args)

            proc = await create_subprocess_exec(
            stdout, stderr = await proc.communicate()
            LOG.debug("Return code: %s", proc.returncode)
            LOG.debug("Stdout: %s", stdout.decode("utf-8", "replace"))
            LOG.debug("Stderr: %s", stderr.decode("utf-8", "replace"))
        except (FileNotFoundError, PermissionError) as ex:
            # Since this method is also used by other methods, let's
            # log here as well.
            msg = "Could not execute the command."
            LOG.error("%s: %s", msg, str(ex))
            raise PodmanException(msg) from ex

        if proc.returncode != 0:
            command_args = " ".join(args)
            msg = f'Failure from command "{self.podman_bin} {command_args}": returned code "{proc.returncode}" stderr: "{stderr}"'
            raise PodmanException(msg)

        return proc.returncode, stdout, stderr

    async def copy_to_container(self, container_id, src, dst):
        """Copy artifacts from src to container:dst.

        This method allows copying the contents of src to the dst. Files will
        be copied from the local machine to the container. The "src" argument
        can be a file or a directory.

        :param str container_id: string with the container identification.
        :param str src: what file or directory you are trying to copy.
        :param str dst: the destination inside the container.
        :rtype: tuple with returncode, stdout and stderr.
            return await self.execute("cp", src, f"{container_id}:{dst}")
        except PodmanException as ex:
            error = f"Failed copying data to container {container_id}"
            raise PodmanException(error) from ex

    async def get_python_version(self, image):
        """Return the current Python version installed in an image.

        :param str image: Image name. i.e: 'fedora:33'.
        :rtype: tuple with both: major, minor numbers and executable path.
            _, stdout, _ = await self.execute(
                "run", "--rm", f"--entrypoint={self.PYTHON_VERSION_COMMAND}", image
        except PodmanException as ex:
            raise PodmanException("Failed getting Python version.") from ex

        if stdout:
            output = stdout.decode().strip().split()
            return int(output[0]), int(output[1]), output[2]

    async def get_container_info(self, container_id):
        """Return all information about specific container.

        :param container_id: identifier of container
        :type container_id: str
        :rtype: dict
            _, stdout, _ = await self.execute(
                "ps", "--all", "--format=json", "--filter", f"id={container_id}"
        except PodmanException as ex:
            raise PodmanException(
                f"Failed getting information about container:" f" {container_id}."
            ) from ex
        containers = json.loads(stdout.decode())
        for container in containers:
            if container["Id"] == container_id:
                return container
        return {}

    async def start(self, container_id):
        """Starts a container and return the returncode, stdout and stderr.

        :param str container_id: Container identification string to start.
        :rtype: tuple with returncode, stdout and stderr.
            return await self.execute("start", container_id)
        except PodmanException as ex:
            raise PodmanException("Failed to start the container.") from ex

    async def stop(self, container_id):
        """Stops a container and return the returncode, stdout and stderr.

        :param str container_id: Container identification string to stop.
        :rtype: tuple with returncode, stdout and stderr.
            return await self.execute("stop", "-t=0", container_id)
        except PodmanException as ex:
            raise PodmanException("Failed to stop the container.") from ex