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:Number: BP001
:Title: Configuration by convention
:Author: Beraldo Leal <bleal@redhat.com>
:Discussions-To: avocado-devel@redhat.com
:Reviewers: Cleber Rosa, Lukáš Doktor and Plamen Dimitrov
:Created: 06-Dec-2019
:Type: Epic Blueprint
:Status: Approved

.. contents:: Table of Contents


The number of plugins made by many people and the lack of some name, config
options, and argument type conventions may turn Avocado's usability difficult.
This also makes it challenging to create a future API for executing more
complex jobs. Even without plugins the lack of convention (or another type or
order setting mechanism) can induce growth pains. 

After an initial discussion on avocado-devel, we came up with this "blueprint"
to change some config file settings and argparse options in Avocado.

This document has the intention to list the requirements before coding. And
note that, since this is a relatively big change, this blueprint will be broken
into small cards/issues. At the end of this document you can find a list of all
issues that we should solve in order to solve this big epic Blueprint.


An Avocado Job is primarily executed through the `avocado run` command line.
The behavior of such an Avocado Job is determined by parsing the following
settings (listed in parsed order):

 1) Default values in source code
 2) Configuration file contents
 3) Command-line options

Currently, the Avocado config file is an .ini file that is parsed by Python's
`configparser` library and this config is broken into sections. Each Avocado
plugin has its dedicated section.

Today, the parsing of the command line options is made by `argparse` library
and produces a dictionary that is given to the `avocado.core.job.Job()` class
as its `config` parameter.

There is a lack of convention/order in the item 1. For instance, we have
"avocado/core/defaults.py" with some defaults, but there are other such
defaults scattered around the project, with ad-hoc names.

There is also no convention on the naming pattern used either on configuration
files or on command-line options. Besides the name convention, there is also a
lack of convention for some argument types. For instance::

 $ avocado run -d


 $ avocado run --sysinfo on

Both are boolean variables, but with different "execution model" (the former
doesn't need arguments and the latter needs `on` or `off` as argument).

Since the Avocado trend is to have more and more plugins, we need to design a
name convention on command-line arguments and settings to avoid chaos.

But, most important: It would be valuable for our users if Avocado provides a
Python API in such a way that developers could write more complex jobs
programmatically and advanced users that know the configuration entries used on
jobs, could do a quick one-off execution on command-line.


 import sys
 from avocado.core.job import Job

 config = {'references': ['tests/passtest.py:PassTest.test']}

 with Job(config) as j:

Before we address this API use-case, it is important to create this convention
so we can have an intuitive use of Avocado config options.

We understand that, plugin developers have the flexibility to configure they
options as desired but inside Avocado core and plugin, settings should have a
good naming convention.


Basics on Defaults

The Oxford dictionary lists the following as one of the meanings of the word
"default" (noum):

   *"a preselected option adopted by a computer program or other
   mechanism when no alternative is specified by the user or

The basic behavior on defaults values vs config files vs command line arguments
should be:

  1. Avocado has all default values inside the source code;
  2. Avocado parses the config files and override the defined values;
  3. Avocado parses the command-line options and override the defined values;

If the config files or configuration options are missing, Avocado should still
be able to use the default values. Users can only change 2 and 3.

.. note:: New Issue: Converte all "currently configured settings" into a
          default value.

Mapping between configuration options

Currently, Avocado has the following options to configure it:

  1. Default values;
  2. Configuration files;
  3. Command-line options;

Soon, we will have a fourth option:

  4. Job API config argument;

Although we should keep an eye on item 4 while implementing this blueprint, it
is not intended to address the API at this time.

The default values (within the source code) should have an 1:1 mapping to the
configuration file options. Must follow the same naming convention and
sections. Example::

        foo = bar
        foo = bar
        foo = bar

Should generate a dictionary or object in memory with a 1:1 mapping, respecting
chained sections::

        {'core': {'foo': 'bar',
                  'sysinfo': {'foo': 'bar'}},
         'pluginx': {'foo': 'bar'}}

Again, if the config file is missing or some option is missing the result
should be the same, but with the default values.

Since the command-line options are only the most used and basic ones, there is
no need to have a 1:1 mapping between item 2 and item 3. 

When naming subcommands options you don’t have to worry about name conflicts
outside the subcommand scope, just keep them short, simple and intuitive.

When naming a command-line option on the core functionality we should remove
the "core" word section and replace "_" by "-". For instance::

        execution_timeout = 30

Should be::

        avocado --execution-timeout 30

When naming plugin options, we should try to use the following standard::

        foo = bar


        avocado --pluginx-foo bar

This only makes sense if the plugins' names are short.

.. warning:: Maybe I have to get more used with all the Avocado options to
         understand better. Or someone could help here.

Standards for Command Line Interface

When it comes to the command line interface, a very interesting recommendation
is the POSIX Standard's recommendation for arguments[1]. Avocado should try to
follow this standard and its recommendations.

This pattern does not cover long options (starting with --). For this, we should
also embrace the GNU extension[2].

One of the goals of this extension, by introducing long options, was to make
command-line utilities user-friendly. Also, another aim was to try to create a
norm among different command-line utilities. Thus, --verbose, --debug,
--version (with other options) would have the same behavior in many programs.
Avocado should try to, where applicable, use the GNU long options table[3] as

.. note:: New Issue: Review the command line options to see if we can use the
          GNU long options table.

Many of these recommendations are obvious and already used by Avocado or
enforced by default, thanks to libraries like `argparse`.

However, those libraries do not force the developer to follow all

Besides the basic ones, there is a particular case to pay attention:

Option-arguments should not be optional (Guideline 7, from POSIX). So we should
avoid this::
        avocado run --loaders [LOADERS [LOADERS ...]]

        avocado run --store-logging-stream [STREAM[:LEVEL] [STREAM[:LEVEL] ...]]

As discussed we should try to have this::

        avocado run --loaders LOADERS [LOADERS ...]

.. note:: New Issue: Make the option-arguments not optional.

Argument Types

Basic types, like strings and integers, are clear how to use. But here is a
list of what should expect when using other types:

1. **Booleans**: Boolean options should be expressed as "flags" args (without
   the "option-argument"). Flags, when present, should represent a
   True/Active value.  This will reduce the command line size. We should
   avoid using this::

        avocado run --json-job-result {on,off}

   So, if the default it is enabled, we should have only one option on the

        avocado run --disable-json-job-result

   This is just an example, the name and syntax may be different.

.. note:: New Issue: Fix boolean command line options

2. **Lists**: When an option argument has multiple values we should use the
   space as the separator.

.. note:: New Issue: Review if we have any command line list using non space as


Finding options easily, either in the manual or in the help, favor usability
and avoids chaos.

We can arrange the display of these options in alphabetical order within each

Standards for Config File Interface

Many other config file options could be used here, but since that this is
another discussion, we are assuming that we are going to keep using
`configparser` for a while.

As one of the main motivations of this Blueprint is to create a convention to
avoid chaos and make the job execution API use as straightforward as possible,
We believe that the config file should be as close as possible to the
dictionary that will be passed to this API.

For this reason, this may be the most critical point of this blueprint. We
should create a pattern that is intuitive for the developer to convert from one
format to another without much juggling.

Nested Sections

While the current `configparser` library does not support nested sections,
Avocado can use the dot character as a convention for that. i.e:

This convention will be important soon, when converting a dictionary into a
config file and vice-versa.

And since almost everything in Avocado is a plugin, each plugin section should
**not** use the "plugins" prefix and **must** respect the reserved sections
mentioned before. Currently, we have a mix of sections that start with
"plugins" and sections that don't.

.. note:: New Issue: Remove "plugins" from the configuration section names.

Plugin section name

Most plugins currently have the same name as the python module. Example: human,
diff, tap, nrun, run, journal, replay, sysinfo, etc.

These are examples of "good" names.

However, some other plugins do not follow this convention. Ex: runnable_run,
runnable_run_recipe, task_run, task_run_recipe, archive, etc.

We believe that having a convention here helps when writing more complex tests,
configfiles, as well as easily finding plugins in various parts of the project,
either on a manual page or during the installation procedure.

We understand that the name of the plugin is different from the module name in
python, but in any case we should try to follow the PEP8:

        From PEP8: *Modules should have short, all-lowercase names. Underscores
        can be used in the module name if it improves readability. Python
        packages should also have short, all-lowercase names, although the use
        of underscores is discouraged.*

Let's get the `human` example:

  * Python module name: human
  * Plugin name: human

Let's get the `task_run_recipe` example:

  * Python module name: task_run_recipe
  * Plugin name: task-run-recipe

Let's get another example:

  * Python module name: archive
  * Plugin name: zip_archive

One suggestion should be to have a namespace like `resolvers.tests.exec`,

And all the duplicated code could be imported from a common module inside the
plugin. But yes, it is a "delicate issue".

.. note:: New Issue: Rename the plugins modules and names. This might be

Reserved Sections

We should have one reserved section, the `core` section for the Avocado's core

All plugin code that it is considered "core" should be inside core as a "nested
section". Example::

        foo = bar
        collect_enabled = True

.. note:: New Issue: Move all 'core' related settings to the core section.

Config Types

`configparser` do not guess datatypes of values in configuration files, always
storing them internally as strings. This means that if you need other
datatypes, you should convert on your own

There are few methods on this library to help us: `getboolean()`, `getint()`
and `getfloat()`. Basic types here, are also straightforward.

Regarding boolean values, `getboolean()` can accept `yes/no`, `on/off`,
`true/false` or `1/0`. But we should adopt one style and stick with it.

.. note:: New Issue: Create a simple but effective type system for
          configuration files and argument options.


As the avocado trend is to have more and more plugins, We believe that to make
it easier for the user to find where each configuration is, we should split the
file into smaller files, leaving one file for each plugin. Avocado already
supports that with the conf.d directory. What do you think?

.. note:: New Issue: Split config files into small ones (if necessary).

Backwards Compatibility

In order to keep a good naming convention, this set of changes probably will
rename some args and/or config file options.

While some changes proposed here are simple and do not affect Avocado's
behavior, others are critical and may break Avocado jobs.

Command line syntax changes

These command-line conversions will lead to a "syntax error". We should have a
transition period with a "deprecated message".

Plugin name changes

Changing the modules names and/or the 'name' attribute of plugins will require
to change the config files inside Avocado as well. This will not break unless
the user is using an old config file. In that case, we should also have a
"deprecated message" and accept the old config file option for some time. 

Security Implications

Avocado users should have the warranty that their jobs are running on isolated

We should consider this and keep in mind that any moves here should continue
with this assumption.

How to Teach This

We should provide a complete configuration reference guide section in our
User's Documentation.

.. note:: New Issue: Create a complete configuration reference.

In the future, the Job API should also be very well detailed so sphinx could
generate good documentation on our Test Writer's Guide.

Besides a good documentation, there is no better way to learn than by example.
If our plugins, options and settings follow a good convention it will serve as
template to new plugins.

If these changes are accepted by the community and implemented, this RFC could
be adapted to become a section on one of our guides, maybe something like the a
Python PEP that should be followed when developing new plugins.

.. note:: New Issue: Create a new section in our Contributor's Guide describing
          all the conventions on this blueprint.

Related Issues

Here a list of all issues related to this blueprint:

#. Create a new section in our Contributor's Guide describing all the
   conventions on this blueprint.

#. Create a complete configuration reference.

#. Split config files into small ones (if necessary).

#. Create a simple but effective type system for configuration files and
   argument options.

#. Move all 'core' related settings to the core section.

#. Rename the plugins modules and names. This might be tricky.

#. Remove "plugins" from the configuration section names.

#.  Review if we have any command line list using non space as separator.

#. Fix boolean command line options.

#. Make the option-arguments not optional.

#. Review the command line options to see if we can use the GNU long options

#. Converte all "currently configured settings" into a default value.

.. warning:: After this blueprint get approved, I will open all issues on GH,
             add links here and remove all the notes.


[1] - https://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/basedefs/V1_chap12.html

[2] - https://www.gnu.org/prep/standards/html_node/Command_002dLine-Interfaces.html

[3] - https://www.gnu.org/prep/standards/html_node/Option-Table.html#Option-Table