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Test Coverage
57.0 Star Trek: Discovery

The Avocado team is proud to present another release: Avocado version
57.0, AKA "Star Trek: Discovery", is now available!

Release documentation: `Avocado 57.0

The major changes introduced on this version are listed below,
roughly categorized into major topics and intended audience:

Users/Test Writers

* A new (optional) plugin is available, the "result uploader".  It
  allows job results to be copied over to a centralized results server
  at the end of job execution.  Please refer to
  :ref:`results-upload-plugin` for more information.

* The :mod:`avocado.utils.cpu` functions, such as
  :func:`avocado.utils.cpu.cpu_oneline_list` now support the S390X

* The ``default_parameters`` mechanism for setting default parameters
  on tests has been removed.  This was introduced quite early in the
  Avocado development, and allowed users to set a dictionary at the
  class level with keys/values that would serve as default parameter
  values.  The recommended approach now, is to just provide default
  values when calling ``self.parameters.get`` within a test method,
  such as ``self.parameters.get("key",

* The ``__getattr__`` interface for ``self.params`` has been removed.  It
  used to allow users to use a syntax such as ``self.params.key`` when
  attempting to access the value for key ``key``.  The supported syntax
  is ``self.params.get("key")`` to achieve the same thing.

* Yet another batch of progress towards Python 3 support.  On this release,
  we have only 3 unittests that FAIL on a Python 3 environment.  We even got
  bug reports of Avocado on Python 3, which makes us believe that it's
  already being used.  Still, keep in mind that *there are still issues*,
  which will hopefully be iron out on the upcoming release(s).

Bug Fixes

* The :func:`avocado.utils.crypto.hash_file` function received fixes
  for a bug caused by a badly indented block.

* The :ref:`golang-plugin` now won't report a test as found if the GO
  binary is not available to subsequently run those tests.

* The output record functionality receives fixes at the API level, so
  that it's now possible to enable and disable at the each API call.

* The subtests filter, that can be added to test references, was fixed
  and now works properly when added to directories and SIMPLE tests.

* The :class:`avocado.utils.process.FDDrainer` now properly flushes its
  contents and the once occurring data loss (last line read) is now

Internal Changes

* The "multiplexer" related code is being moved outside of the core
  Avocado.  Only the variant plugin interface and support code (but
  not such an implementation) will remain in core Avocado.

* A new core :mod:`avocado.core.parameter` module was added and it's
  supposed to contain just the implementation of parameters, but no
  variants and/or multiplexer related code.

* The ``sysinfo`` feature implementation received a code clean up and
  now relies on the common :mod:`avocado.utils.process` code, to run the
  commands that will be collected, instead of having its own custom code
  for handling with output, timeouts, etc.

Other Changes

* The Avocado project now has a new server that hosts its RPM package
  repository and some other assets, including the JeOS images used
  on Avocado-VT.  The documentation now points towards the new server
  and its updated URLs.

For more information, please check out the complete
`Avocado changelog

Release Meeting

The Avocado release meetings are now open to the community via
Hangouts on Air.  The meetings are recorded and made available on the
`Avocado Test Framework YouTube channel

For this release, you can watch the meeting on `this link


| Sprint theme: https://trello.com/c/fJ1ilSuA/1198-sprint-theme-star-trek-discovery