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Test Coverage
74.0 Home Alone

The Avocado team is proud to present another release: Avocado 74.0,
AKA "Home Alone", is now available!

Release documentation: `Avocado 74.0

Users/Test Writers

* A new test type, ``TAP`` has been introduced along with a new loader
  and resolver.  With a ``TAP`` test, it's possible to execute a
  binary or script, similar to a ``SIMPLE`` test, and part its `Test
  Anything Protocol <https://testanything.org>`_ output to determine
  the test status.

* It's now possible to enforce colored or non-colored output, no
  matter if the output is a terminal or not.  The configuration item
  ``color`` was introduced in the ``runner.output`` section, and
  recognize the values ``auto``, ``always`` or ``never``.

Bug Fixes

* The ``safeloader`` mechanism that discovers both Avocado's Python
  based ``INSTRUMENTED`` tests, and Python's native unittests, would
  fail to find any tests if any of the classes on a given file
  contained references to a module that was not on a parent location.
  Now, the ``safeloader`` code will continue the discovery process,
  ignoring the modules that were not found at parent locations.

Utility APIs

* :mod:`avocado.utils.kernel` received a number of fixes and cleanups,
  and also new features.  It's now possible to configure the kernel for
  multiple targets, and also set kernel configurations at configuration
  time without manually touching the kernel configuration files.  It
  also introduced the :func:`avocado.utils.kernel.KernelBuild.vmlinux`
  property, allowing users to access that image if it was built.

* :mod:`avocado.utils.network` utilities
  :func:`avocado.utils.network.ping_check` and
  :func:`avocado.utils.network.set_mtu_host` now are plain functions,
  instead of methods of a class that shared nothing between them.

* New functions such as
  :func:`avocado.utils.multipath.get_mpath_status` and
  :func:`avocado.utils.multipath.suspend_mpath` have been introduced
  :func:to the :mod:`avocado.utils.multipath` module.

* The :mod:`avocado.utils.vmimage` module will not try to create
  snapshot images when it's not needed, acting lazily in that regard.
  It now provides a different method for download-only operations,
  :meth:`avocado.utils.vmimage.Image.download` that returns the base
  image location.  The behavior of the
  :meth:`avocado.utils.vmimage.Image.get` method is unchanged in the
  sense that it returns the path of a snapshot image.

Internal Changes

* A PyLint configuration file was added to the tree, facilitating the
  use of the standard Python linter when developing Avocado in IDEs
  that support this feature.

For more information, please check out the complete
`Avocado changelog