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79.0 La vita è bella

The Avocado team is proud to present another release: Avocado 79.0,
AKA "La vita è bella", is now available!

This releases contains mainly internal changes in preparation for the
N(ext)Runner architecture to replace the current one.  It's expected
that an LTS release will be done within the next two or three releases,
before the switch the current runner architecture is deprecated and

Release documentation: `Avocado 79.0

Users/Test Writers

* The Remote, VM and Docker runner plugins have been deprecated.  The
  current implementation would require a major rewrite to be
  compatible with the new Fabric API (currently uses the Fabric3 API).
  Also, the N(ext)Runner architecture requires that individual tests
  be executed in isolated environments (be them local or remote) and
  the current implementation actually runs a complete Avocado Job
  so it's not suitable to be reused in the N(ext)Runner.

* The Avocado docstring directives (the ones that go into docstrings
  and are prefixed with ``:avocado:``) now support ``requirement``
  entries.  Those will be used as part of the "Requirements Resolver"
  features, as per :doc:`/blueprints/BP002`.

* The ``--ignore-missing-references`` option, which used to take a
  ``on`` or ``off`` parameter, now takes no parameter. Now, the
  feature  it controls is not enabled unless you supply the command
  line option (but no ``on`` or ``off`` is required).

Bug Fixes

* When using the Job API (with the conventional runner or the
  N(ext)Runner) the ``job.log`` ended up being empty empty, but now it
  produces just like when using the Avocado command line tool.  This
  fix is part of the stabilization effort to declare the Job API as
  supported soon.

* Fixed an issue with the :mod:`avocado.core.safeloader` that would
  return duplicate tests when both a parent and child class
  implemented methods with the same name.

* Fixed an issue in the :func:`avocado.core.utils.cpu.cpu_has_flags`
  that could cause a crash because of a mixed used of bytes coming
  from reading ``/proc/cpuinfo`` and a string based regex.

Utility APIs

* The :class:`avocado.utils.gdb.GDBRemote` implementation of the GDB
  Remote Protocol now deals with bytes (instead of possibly multibyte
  strings), more in line with the original protocol specification.

* Users of the :func:`avocado.utils.partition.mount` can now skip
  checking if the devices/mountpoints are mounted, which is useful
  for bind mounts.

* The :func:`avocado.utils.cpu.online` and
  :func:`avocado.utils.cpu.offline` will now check the status of the
  CPU before attempting to apply a possibly (unnecessary) action.

* The :class:`avocado.utils.software_manager.DnfBackend` now properly
  implements a ``build_dep`` functionality, which differs from its
  parent :class:`avocado.utils.software_manager.YUMBackend`.

Internal Changes

* Optional plugins (shipped by Avocado) will now require a matching
  Avocado version.  This should prevent users from having installation
  and usage problems with versions mismatch.

* A number of selftests were ported from :class:`unittest.TestCase` to
  :class:`avocado.Test`, making use of Avocado's features and following
  a "eat your own dog food" approach.

* A new code style lint check is now enforced, W601, which drops the
  use of ``has_key()`` in favor for the ``key in`` idiom.

* The N(ext)Runner main module, :class:`avocado.core.nrunner`, now has
  two explicit registries for the two different types of supported
  runners.  The first one,
  is populated at run time with standalone executable runners
  available on the system (those named ``avocado-runner-$kind``).  The
  second one,
  :data:`avocado.core.nrunner.RUNNERS_REGISTRY_PYTHON_CLASS` contains
  Python based runner implementations, which are currently set
  manually following a class implementation definition (but may be
  converted to dynamic lookups, such as setuptools' entrypoints in
  the future).

* The N(ext)Runner example job is one way of checking the progress
  of its integration into the overall Avocado framework.  It's been
  broken, but it's now back to operation status and being used by the
  release process in the ``jobs/timesensitive.py`` job, which has
  replaced the ``make check-full`` rule.

* The N(ext)Runner standard runner implementations, say,
  ``avocado-runner-exec-text``, will now create an "output directory"
  on behalf of the test, and communicate its location via the
  ``AVOCADO_TEST_OUTPUT_DIR`` environment variable.  Further work will
  implement the retrieval and storage of individual tests' output into
  an organized Avocado Job result structure.

* The ``nrun`` command, a temporary entrypoint into the N(ext)Runner,
  will now show a list of tasks that failed with ``fail`` or ``error``
  results, which can be helpful while debugging Avocado's own selftests
  failures (or for those brave enough to be running nrun already).

* A number of optional plugins, including ``resultsdb``,
  ``results_upload``, ``varianter_cit`` and ``varianter_pict`` have
  been migrated to the "future" settings API, which delivers a
  consistent configuration between command line, configuration files
  and Job API usage.

* Documentation improvements on the :ref:`Fetching asset files`
  section, and on the explanation of the current and :ref:`nrunner`

* Because the minimum supported Python version was lifted from 3.4 to
  3.5 back in Avocado version 74.0, it was possible, but not done
  before, to upgrade the :mod:`asyncio` syntax from the
  :func:`asyncio.coroutine` and ``yield from`` to the more modern
  ``async def`` and ``await`` syntax.

* Python 3.8 is now formally supported, being enabled in the Python
  package manifest, and being actively tested on our CI.

For more information, please check out the complete
`Avocado changelog