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Test Coverage
.. _lts_103_0:

103.0 LTS

The Avocado team is proud to present another LTS (Long Term Stability)
release: Avocado 103.0, AKA "Sound of Freedom", is now available!

LTS Release

For more information on what a LTS release means, please read

Important Announcement

Since the previous LTS version (92.0), Avocado has removed the
legacy runner implementation (internally simply called ``runner``).
While the ``runner`` implementation is not the default on version 92.x
(``nrunner`` is the default) it was still available as an option.  Now
``nrunner`` is the only available runner implementation shipped by

**Users migrating from Avocado 92.x and using the legacy runner will
be impacted by this change and should act accordingly.**

If your Avocado configuration file has a ``[run]`` section with
``test_runner`` set to ``runner``, please keep in mind that:

* The ``runner`` implementation no longer exists
* The ``test_runner`` was renamed to ``suite_runner`` (along with the
  rename of the command line option ``--test-runner`` to
  ``--suite-runner``).  This is only relevant if you have a custom
  runner and want to use it.

While most of the functionality of the legacy runner is available
under the new runner implementation (``nrunner``) there are some
differences and even missing features.  `Known nrunner issues
are being tracked on our GitHub project page, with the ``nrunner``
tag, and new issue reports are appreciated.

Upgrading from 92.x to 103.0

Upgrading Installations

Avocado is available on a number of different repositories and
installation methods. You can find the complete details
:ref:`here <installing>`.

After looking at your installation options, please consider the
following when planning an in-place upgrade or a deployment version

* When using Python's own package management, that is, ``pip``, simply
  choose a version lower to the *next* Avocado release to benefit from
  minor releases (bugfixes) in this LTS series.  In short,
  ``avocado-framework<104.0`` will get you the latest release of this
  LTS series.

* When using RPM packages on Linux distributions, check if there's a
  particular repository that provides LTS packages only.  On
  distributions that provide "modules", you may find a ``103lts``
  stream.  If no modules are available, use your package manager tools
  (such as DNF's versionlock plugin) to pin the installation to the
  92.x versions.

Porting Tests

Depending on the test type (say, ``avocado-instrumented`` or
``exec-test``), test writers will have to observe different aspects of
the changes since 92.0 LTS.  This section deals primarily with
``avocado-instrumented`` tests.

To be considered an ``avocado-instrumented`` test, the test is based
on the :class:`avocado.test.Test <avocado.core.test.Test>` class.  The
API available in that class is called the "Test API".  It's also
common, but not mandatory, for such tests to leverage the modules
under the ``avocado.utils`` namespace, collectively known as the
Utility APIs.

With that in mind, the two sections below describe issues you should
consider when moving your tests from Avocado 92.X LTS to 103.0 LTS.

Test API compatibility

Fortunately, there have been no changes in the public Test API since
92.0 LTS that should impact tests.

If you're interested in knowing about all the internal implementation
changes, though, feel free to inspect them with a command such as::

  $ git diff 92.0..103.0 -- avocado/core/test.py
  $ git log 92.0..103.0 -- avocado/core/test.py

Utility API compatibility

The changes in the utility APIs (those that live under the
``avocado.utils`` namespace) are too many to present porting
suggestions.  Please refer to the :ref:`lts_103_0_utility_apis` section
for a comprehensive list of changes, including new features your test
may be able to leverage.

Changes from previous LTS

.. note:: This is not a collection of all changes encompassing all releases
          from 92.0 to 103.0.  This list contains changes that are relevant
          to users of 92.0, when evaluating an upgrade to 103.0.

When compared to the last LTS (version 92.0), the main changes
introduced by this versions are:

Users / Test Writers

* Python 3.10, 3.11 and 3.12 are formally supported (along with 3.7,
  3.8 and 3.9)

* Command line options prefixed with ``--nrunner-`` had this prefix
  removed. A command line option such as ``--nrunner-spawner`` is now
  simply ``--spawner``. The matching configuration options such as
  ``nrunner.something`` became ``run.something``. This is due to the
  fact that ``nrunner`` is now the only runner implementation offered
  by default, so the differentiation and extra typing seems
  unnecessary. If other runners are added in the future (or by custom,
  out of tree, plugins) they can choose to respect the existing
  options if they apply.

* A contrib script that provides the features of the legacy
  ``--external-runner`` feature has been added. It’s built on the Job
  API and ``nrunner`` architecture.

* There were major changes to the Avocado logging behavior, most of
  them to address feedback from users since the previous logging

 1. The root logger handler was restored. This enables all loggers out
    of ``avocado.*`` namespace by default. If a test, either directly or
    indirectly through 3rd party libraries, logs into any namespace
    (say ``logging.getLogger('my-library')``) it will show up in the
    Avocado’s test logs.
 2. The job.log file continues to contain logs for the avocado.job
    namespace, but a new file called ``full.log`` contains all
    generated logs for a job, including logs from all tests.

* The ``runner.output.utf8`` and ``core.input_encoding`` were settings
  were removed, and now default to the system’s setting (by using

* Test results files (in a job’s result directory) can now be accessed
  by their result status. For instance, assuming the latest job
  results are stored in ``~/avocado/job-results/latest`` (the default
  location), users can find the results for tests that ended in ``FAIL``
  at ``~/avocado/job-results/latest/test-results/by-status/FAIL.``

* Avocado will now print at the end of the job a more descriptive list
  of tests that finished with :data:`"not OK"
  <avocado.core.teststatus.STATUSES_NOT_OK>` statuses.

* The ``avocado jobs get-output-files`` command was removed. Its
  original intended purpose has not been relevant for some time, and
  the preservation of output files are already handled directly by all
  spawner implementations.

* The Avocado Resolver now allows tests that are implemented in files
  (by far the most common scenario) and that may also access test data
  files (see :ref:`accessing-test-data-files`) to pass that
  information along to spawners. The effect of that is that when
  running such tests on “remote” spawner environments (such as
  “podman”) the test file and the data files can be made available in
  the remote environment. This is currently enabled in
  ``avocado-instrumented``, ``python-unittest``, ``exec-test`` and
  ``tap`` tests.

* User of macOS will have a better experience when using Avocado. The
  full set of Avocado’s selftests are now run under macOS
  on CI. Please be advised that macOS is not currently supported at
  the same level of Linux-based operating systems due to the lack of
  contributors/maintainers with access to the needed hardware. If you
  are a user/developer and are willing to contribute to this, please
  let the Avocado team know.

* :ref:`sysinfo-collection` is now fully supported in ``nrunner``,
  including per-test collection of system information.

* New plugin interfaces, :class:`PreTest
  <avocado.core.plugin_interfaces.PreTest>` and :class:`PostTest
  <avocado.core.plugin_interfaces.PostTest>`, allow actions to be
  executed right before or after the execution of a test, in the same
  spawner environment as the test itself.

* Plugins can now have a builtin priority in relation to other plugins
  of the same type that will affect its :ref:`execution order
  <plugins_execution_order>`.  This is in addition to the configurable
  ``plugins.$type.order`` settings.

* The ``dict_variants`` plugin now allows the configuration of the
  keys that will determine the variant ID.

* Environment variables such as ``AVOCADO_VERSION`` ,
  available to ``exec-test``.

* Result plugins such as ``json`` and ``xunit`` now contain more
  accurate values reflecting Avocado’s concepts of a test’s ID and

* The ``xunit`` (AKA ``junit``) result file now contains the class,
  test’s file names and better error information for test cases.

* The ``xunit`` and ``json`` result files now contain the test variant

* Avocado's :ref:`requirement management <managing-requirements>`
  has been extended in a number of ways detailed below.  In short,
  Avocado is now able to install requirements declared for a test in
  an isolated container if the ``--nrunner-spawner=podman`` is chosen
  (with a base image defined by ``--spawner-podman-image``).  That
  container image with the requirements fulfilled will only be built
  once, but a fresh environment will be used for every single test

  * All requirements fulfilled will be recorded in a "cache database"
    so they will only need to be fulfilled once

  * Transparent support for the all spawners.  This means that users
    of the podman spawner will have their requirements checked and
    fulfilled on the container image of their choice.  As stated
    previously, that information will be kept in a requirement cache
    database.  The container images will be available for super fast
    reuse after the first execution.

* A new type of plugin, ``Cache``, has been introduced and is
  responsible for manipulating with cache, and it's representation
  through the Avocado interface. It is currently implemented for
  the ``vmimage`` and ``requirements`` cache.

* Asset cache checksum can now use multiple hash algorithms. The
  ability to store multiple hashes, created by different algorithm to
  the cache ``CHECKSUM`` file was added. This is useful when different
  tests refer to the same asset, but use different hash algorithms.

* Ansible modules can now be used as dependencies. For instance,
  instead of asking test writers to write code to, say, create user
  accounts that will be used during a test, a developer can simply use
  ansible’s `user
  module.  Likewise, if a test needs a service installed or up and
  running: instead of writing all that code, the test writer can
  describe that dependency using the `service
  ansible module.

* By setting the ``spawner.podman.avocado_spawner_egg`` configuration
  users can now control the exact Avocado package that will be
  automatically deployed within Podman containers.

* When using the podman spawner, if the test URI looks like a
  filesystem path, it will be exposed read only to the container. This
  makes running Avocado tests inside containers transparent in many

* A Podman image can now be treated as a dependency. This is currently
  mostly useful to tests that will manually create containers, but
  it’s expected to also be leveraged by the podman spawner and suite
  and job level dependencies in the near future.

* :class:`avocado.core.nrunner.runnable.Runnable` instances will now,
  under some circumstances, automatically include the current
  environment’s relevant and required configuration. This makes
  standalone executions of ``avocado-runner-*`` commands easier, while
  previously it would require manually entering all required

* The ``--failfast`` feature now acts on any :data:`"not OK"
  <avocado.core.teststatus.STATUSES_NOT_OK>` result.  Previously, it
  would only act (that is, abort the job) upon a ``FAIL`` test result.

* Test writers can now access a test’s status while the
  :meth:`avocado.core.test.Test.tearDown` method is being run.

* Support was added for ``Coverage.py`` when running
  ``avocado-instrumented`` tests (currently limited to the
  process spawner).

* A results plugin for `Beaker <https://beaker-project.org>`_ is
  now available and works out of the box without any manual
  configuration needed.

* The task identifiers can now be configured as a format string that
  utilizes the attributes of the runnable. This allows users to define
  how test results will be named and presented.

* When using the Job API, test suites can be enabled or
  disabled. Having a disabled test suite means it won’t be
  executed. This eases the creation of custom jobs where the user can
  choose to run a subset of suites.

* The remote spawner is a new optional plugin that makes use of remote
  `aexpect <https://github.com/avocado-framework/aexpect/>`__ sessions
  (to remote hosts or equivalently remote containers behind remote hosts
  forwarded via specific ports) as slots to schedule test runs on.

* The ``avocado-instrumented`` runner used to have an internal timeout
  of 24 hours that users might not have intended to use or respect.
  This internal timeout has been removed and configuration such as
  ``task.timeout.running`` or ``--job-timeout`` are the timeout users
  should worry about.

* The ``json`` result file now contains the actual start and end time
  of tests in a format based on :func:`time.time`.

* The ``avocado jobs list`` command now presents a sorted list of jobs
  based on the modification of the results file.

* If the status server is manually configured (that is,
  ``--status-server-disable-auto`` is set), and either the URI
  (``--status-server-uri`` or the listen address is given
  (``--status-server-listen``) the other will automatically be set to
  the same value for convenience.

* Resolvers can now choose to report a resolution result of type
  :data:`avocado.core.resolver.ReferenceResolutionResult.CORRUPT`, which
  can be used when the reference seems to be accurate to the resolver in
  question, but something is broken in the resolved entity (such as a
  corrupt test file.

* When running ``avocado-instrumented`` tests with a ``timeout``
  defined, it's possible to set a ``timeout_factor`` parameter that
  will either extend or shorten the actual timeout for that execution.

Bug Fixes

* Avocado now presents the correct message when it’s interrupted with
  a ``CTRL+C`` (AKA ``SIGNINT``, AKA :class:`KeyboardInterrupt`).

* The ``fetchasset`` plugin would fail when parsing some Python test
  files (in search of assets) and would produce a hard to follow error
  message (``AttributeError: 'Subscript' object has no attribute 'id'``).

* A runnable’s variant (and thus parameters) information was not being
  respected when using the Job API.

* Test parameters given with the command line argument ``-p`` are now
  internally converted into variants values. This fixes the issue with
  those parameters not being displayed in the ``results.html`` files.

* The ``variants.json`` file, saved at the jobdata directory inside a
  job’s result directory, now takes into consideration the possible
  multiple suites in a job. The files are now named after named with a
  numeric suffix and, if a name was given to the suite, a name suffix
  as well.

* The serialization of the job configuration file, also saved in the
  ``jobdata`` directory, has been updated to support set data types.

* Fixed a limit for ``exec-test`` and ``tap`` tests, where the
  ``STDOUT`` or ``STDERR`` buffers could be exhausted, and the test
  would get stuck forever on further writes. The exec-test and tap
  runners can now make use of the (optional) output_dir parameter,
  resulting in a much more efficient I/O handling. When output_dir is
  used, the only limitation on ``STDOUT`` and ``STDERR`` is the
  file-system itself.

* Tests of type ``exec-test`` with a URI pointing to a file on the
  current working directory (that is, without an absolute directory
  prefix or a directory component to it) were not properly executed
  (“No such file or directory” was given). This is now fixed.

* The automatic status server was very prone to failures due to
  ``AF_UNIX``’s limitation on the length of paths, because it was
  created inside a job’s result directory. Now it’s created on the
  base system temporary directory, which makes it very hard to exceed
  the path length limit.

* Avocado now supports actual file system limitation regarding the
  maximum file name length, instead of making assumptions about the
  limits. This allows Avocado to properly behave in environments such
  as containers backed by overlayfs.

* A condition that would favor the configuration given to the job,
  instead of the more specific configuration given to the suite, was

* A condition that could crash Avocado when a suite name wasn’t a
  filesystem safe name has been fixed.

* Tasks that are "skipped" due to their timeouts being hit now include
  the appropriate reason.

* The HTML report now contains an "ALL" selection for test types,
  instead of an empty value.

* The independence of ``--status-server-uri``
  and ``--status-server-listen`` was not being respected. Because
  Tasks are being created with whatever is the current status server
  URI (either determined automatically, or with the "listen" config),
  the "uri" config went unused. These issues are now fixed.

* Running tests’ statuses are now properly marked as ``INTERRUPTED``
  instead of ``CANCEL`` when they reach their own (or the job) timeout.

* The ``avocado jobs show`` command used to show a simplified and
  possibly incorrect information about the spawner used. This
  information is no longer displayed, given that it’s a test suite
  attribute, and not really a job level information.

* The loader for ``avocado-instrumented`` tests could end up using the
  wrong Python module if a module of the same name existed elsewhere
  in the import path.  Now, the actual path of the Python file
  containing the test (given in the ``modulePath`` parameter) is used
  explicitly by the Python module importer.

* When :ref:`dependencies <managing-requirements>` are not fulfilled,
  test results would be missing, instead of being clearly shown as

* :func:`avocado.utils.path.init_dir` would raise
  :class:`FileExistsError` if the directory already existed, usually
  causing crashes on its users.

* The :ref:`whiteboard <saving-test-generated-custom-data>` file was
  being created with duplicate content because of the legacy runner
  implementation, which is now removed.

* The ``avocado jobs show`` command now presents the correct time
  tests have ended.

* The :func:`avocado.utils.download.url_open` function used to
  misleadingly says that a URL had been retrieved at a stage where
  only a response was obtained.  It now presents an accurate message.

* The Podman Spawner had a race condition where the state of the
  container (and thus the task) would not take into account the
  transition from "created" to "running".

* Avocado has re-enabled ``stdout`` and ``stderr`` files for
  ``avocado-instrumented`` files.

* The Spawner interface and implementations now properly checks if the
  termination of a task was successful or not.  The statemachine uses
  that information to let users know of situations where a task could
  not be terminated.

* The ``tearDown()`` of ``avocado-instrumented`` now gets called
  properly if a test times out.

* The Process Spawner now properly handles a situation where, during
  the termination of a task, the process itself finishes before the
  spawner has the chance to do so.

* When interrupting ``avocado-instrumented`` tests, the ``tearDown()``
  will be called to allow for cleanups.  If an error occurred during
  the execution of ``tearDown()`` the status of the test would change
  to ``ERROR`` instead of keeping its original ``INTERRUPT`` status.

* The HTML result plugin was not properly filtering tests based on
  their status.

* The ``testlogs`` plugin was not showing tests with all "not ok"
  statuses and was showing test names instead of test IDs which are
  unique in a suite.

.. _lts_103_0_utility_apis:

Utility APIs

* :mod:`avocado.utils.nvme` added new functions, such as:

  * :func:`avocado.utils.nvme.create_namespaces`
  * :func:`avocado.utils.nvme.get_ns_status`
  * :func:`avocado.utils.nvme.get_nslist_with_pci`

* :mod:`avocado.utils.multipath` added a new function:

  * :func:`avocado.utils.multipath.get_mpath_paths_status` that
    returns the status of all paths of a mpath device was introduced.

* :mod:`avocado.utils.distro`:

  * Received updates to support more recent versions of the UnionTech
  * Added specific detection for CentOS Stream.
  * Improved detection for Amazon Linux.

* :mod:`avocado.utils.cpu`:

  * Introduced a utility to check if a given CPU is hotpluggable

* :mod:`avocado.utils.ssh`:

  * The :meth:`avocado.utils.ssh.Session.cmd` now supports setting a
    ``timeout`` for the command execution.

* :mod:`avocado.utils.network`:

  * Removed deprecated modules and methods.
  * Adds a missing network mask prefix when creating static
  * Added :func:`avocado.utils.network.hosts.Host.validate_mac_addr`
    which checks if a given MAC address is valid.
  * A function to check packet loss was added to
  * :func:`avocado.utils.network.interfaces.NetworkInterface.is_bond`
    that allows users to check if a given interface is a bonding
  * The :mod:`avocado.utils.network.ports` fixed some wrong premises
    regarding the availability of open ports for different protocols
    (such as a free TCP versus a free UDP port).

* :mod:`avocado.utils.disk`:

  * Introduced :func:`avocado.utils.disk.get_disks_by_id()` which
    returns all disks by device ids.

* :mod:`avocado.utils.archive`:

  * Added support for Zstandard uncompression.

* :mod:`avocado.utils.process`:

  * Received the changes necessary to cope with changes in
    :func:`signal.default_int_handler`. It now passes all the given
    arguments along.

* :mod:`avocado.utils.software_manager`:

  * Allows DNF/YUM repository options to be customized.

* :mod:`avocado.utils.softwareraid`:

  * A new method was added that checks the existence of a software
    raid device.

* :mod:`avocado.utils.podman`:

  * A new :func:`avocado.utils.podman.Podman.get_container_info`
    method introduced.

* :mod:`avocado.utils.cloudinit`:

  * Now allows for a finer grained usage of the functionality in

* :mod:`avocado.utils.vmimage`:

  * Ubuntu’s provider now properly handles the version number when it
    compares versions with trailing zeroes.
  * Ubuntu and OpenSUSE providers can now fetch the best (latest)
    version available when no version is given.
  * OpenSUSE provider will now use OpenStack images starting from
    version 15.3, due to the other images having been discontinued.
  * Uses https://cloud.debian.org for obtaining Debian Cloud images.

Complete list of changes

For a complete list of changes between the last LTS release (92.0) and
this release, please check out `the Avocado commit changelog