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require "uri"

module Backup
  module Notifier
    class HttpPost < Base
      # URI to post notification to.
      # URI scheme may be `http` or `https`.
      # If Basic Authentication is needed, supply the `user:password` in the URI.
      # e.g. ''
      # Port may also be supplied.
      # e.g. ''
      attr_accessor :uri

      # Hash of additional HTTP headers to send.
      # This notifier sets the following headers:
      # { 'User-Agent'   => "Backup/#{ Backup::VERSION }",
      #   'Content-Type' => 'x-www-form-urlencoded' }
      # 'Content-Type' may not be changed.
      # 'User-Agent' may be overridden or omitted by setting it to +nil+.
      # e.g. { 'Authorization' => 'my_auth_info', 'User-Agent' => nil }
      attr_accessor :headers

      # Hash of additional POST parameters to send.
      # This notifier will set two parameters:
      # { 'status'  => 'success|warning|failure',
      #   'message' => '[Backup::(Success|Warning|Failure)] label (trigger)' }
      # 'status' may not be changed.
      # 'message' may be overridden or omitted by setting a +nil+ value.
      # e.g. { 'auth_token' => 'my_token', 'message' => nil }
      attr_accessor :params

      # Successful HTTP Status Code(s) that should be returned.
      # This may be a single code or an Array of acceptable codes.
      # e.g. [200, 201, 204]
      # If any other response code is returned, the request will be retried
      # using `max_retries` and `retry_waitsec`.
      # Default: 200
      attr_accessor :success_codes

      # Verify the server's certificate when using SSL.
      # This will default to +true+ for most systems.
      # It may be forced by setting to +true+, or disabled by setting to +false+.
      attr_accessor :ssl_verify_peer

      # Path to a +cacert.pem+ file to use for +ssl_verify_peer+.
      # This is provided (via Excon), but may be specified if needed.
      attr_accessor :ssl_ca_file

      def initialize(model, &block)
        instance_eval(&block) if block_given?

        @headers ||= {}
        @params  ||= {}
        @success_codes ||= 200


      # Notify the user of the backup operation results.
      # `status` indicates one of the following:
      # `:success`
      # : The backup completed successfully.
      # : Notification will be sent if `on_success` is `true`.
      # `:warning`
      # : The backup completed successfully, but warnings were logged.
      # : Notification will be sent if `on_warning` or `on_success` is `true`.
      # `:failure`
      # : The backup operation failed.
      # : Notification will be sent if `on_warning` or `on_success` is `true`.
      def notify!(status)
        msg =, status: status_data_for(status))

        opts = {
          headers: { "User-Agent" => "Backup/#{VERSION}" }
            .merge(headers).reject { |_, value| value.nil? }
            .merge("Content-Type" => "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"),
          body: URI.encode_www_form({ "message" => msg }
              .merge(params).reject { |_, value| value.nil? }
              .merge("status" => status.to_s)),
          expects: success_codes # raise error if unsuccessful
        opts[:ssl_verify_peer] = ssl_verify_peer unless ssl_verify_peer.nil?
        opts[:ssl_ca_file] = ssl_ca_file if ssl_ca_file, opts)