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<pre><code>mb save [options]</code></pre>

<p>While you can always use the <a href='/docs/api/overview'>API</a> to capture the current configuration
of imposters, mountebank provides a convenient command line mechanism to save the configuration
into a file that can be used to start a subsequent process of <code>mb</code> using the
<code>--configfile</code> command line option. With a running <code>mb</code> process operating on port
3000, you can execute the following command:</p>

<pre><code>mb save --port 3000 --savefile saved.json --removeProxies</code></pre>

<p>All of the parameters are optional with the defaults listed in the table below. You could then
restart mountebank with the following command:</p>

<pre><code>mb restart --port 3000 --configfile saved.json</code></pre>

<p>The <code>save</code> command takes the following options:</p>

    <th style='width: 12em;'>Option</th>
    <td><code>--port 2525</code></td>
    <td>The port of the running the mountebank server</td>
    <td><code>--host mbserver.local</code></td>
    <td>The hostname of the running mountebank server</td>
    <td><code>--savefile saved.json</code></td>
    <td>The file to save imposters to</td>
    <td><code>--formatter path/to/module</code></td>
    <td>Historically, mountebank was limited to saving all configuration in a single file when
    calling <code>mb save</code>. A custom formatter allows you to save test data in whatever format
    you want (including in ways that convert between other service virtualization products). See
    <a href='#custom-formatters'>below</a> for more details.</td>
    <td><a href=''>mountebank-formatters</a></td>
    <td>Remove proxies from the saved configuration, useful when you want to switch
        from record to replay mode. Corresponds to the
      <code><a href='/docs/api/overview#get-imposters'>removeProxies</a></code> API
      query parameter</td>
    <td><code>--rcfile .mbrc</code></td>
    <td>The run commands file containing startup configuration (a JSON-equivalent representation
    of the command line arguments). When the same option is listed
    in both the <code>rcfile</code> and the command line, the command line option takes
    <td>Show help for the command</td>