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<h1>v<%= releaseVersion %></h1>

<p>v1.9 adds some really nice features and fixes important bugs. Thanks for all the help
getting it across the line.</p>

<p class='info-icon'>Be sure to keep up with the latest releases by subscribing to the
    <a href=''>ATOM feed</a>.</p>

<h2>New Features</h2>
<ul class='bullet-list'>
    <li>Added a new <a href='http://<%= host %>/docs/api/behaviors'><code>lookup</code></a>
    behavior that allows you to add data in the response that comes from an external data source.
    Initially, a CSV file is the only data source supported.</li>
    <li>Added an ability to add a decorator to the newly created response saved through
    a <a href='http://<%= host %>/docs/api/proxies'><code>proxy</code></a> response type with
    the <code>addDecorate</code> field.</li>
    <li>Support for stateful predicate injections based on response injections changing state.
    An <code>imposterState</code> parameter has been added to each injection function.</li>
    <li>A few new FAQs based on common queries around npm shrinkwrap, CORS pre-flight requests,
    and preventing proxies from compressing data.</li>

<h2>Bug Fixes</h2>
<ul class='bullet-list'>
    <li>The default self-signed certificate for https imposters is no longer expired</li>
    <li>Fixed content-length issues with binary data coming from proxied results</li>
    <li>Fixed a bug preventing you from seeing the _links field in your imposter body when
    getting the imposter state through the API</li>

<p>Many thanks to the following kind folks for help with this release, either through bug reports,
    suggestions, or direct code contributions:</p>

<ul class='bullet-list'>
    <li>Stephen Tkac and team, for the suggestion and initial implementation of the <code>lookup</code> behavior</li>
    <li>Kevin Pouget for adding support to decorate saved responses from proxies</li>
    <li>Gabriel Kohen for adding support for stateful injections to use in predicates</li>
    <li>Adam Kalman for helping </li>


<pre><code>npm install -g mountebank@<%= releaseVersion %></code></pre>


        <th>node.js required?</th>
        <th>sudo required?</th>
        <td>Self-contained archives</td>
        <td style="min-width: 5em;">
                <li><a href="<%= releaseMajorMinor %>/mountebank-v<%= releaseVersion %>-darwin-x64.tar.gz">osx</a></li>
                <li><a href="<%= releaseMajorMinor %>/mountebank-v<%= releaseVersion %>-linux-x86.tar.gz">linux x86</a></li>
                <li><a href="<%= releaseMajorMinor %>/mountebank-v<%= releaseVersion %>-linux-x64.tar.gz">linux x64</a></li>
                <li><a href="<%= releaseMajorMinor %>/mountebank-v<%= releaseVersion %>">win x86<sup>*</sup></a></li>
                <li><a href="<%= releaseMajorMinor %>/mountebank-v<%= releaseVersion %>">win x64<sup>*</sup></a></li>
        <td>Simply unpack and run <code>mb</code> from inside</td>
        <td>OS-specific packages</td>
                <li><a href="<%= releaseMajorMinor %>/mountebank-v<%= releaseVersion %>.pkg">pkg</a></li>
                <li><a href="<%= releaseMajorMinor %>/mountebank-<%= releaseVersion %>-1.x86_64.rpm">rpm</a></li>
                <li><a href="<%= releaseMajorMinor %>/mountebank_<%= releaseVersion %>_amd64.deb">deb</a></li>
        <td>Puts <code>mb</code> at <code>/usr/local/bin</code>, which is generally in the <code>PATH</code>.</td>
        <td>source tarball</td>
                <li><a href="<%= releaseMajorMinor %>/mountebank-v<%= releaseVersion %>-npm.tar.gz">mb</a></li>
        <td>source tarball if you roll that way.</td>

<h2 id='windows-path-limitations'>Windows path limitations</h2>

<p><sup>*</sup>mountebank wishes very much for your Windows experience to be hassle-free, but he is simply not qualified to address
    a particular constraint of Windows Explorer.  For legacy reasons, some Windows applications, including most notably Windows Explorer,
    have a maximum number of characters allowed in a path of 260 characters.  As mountebank writes these words, the longest path he
    includes in the zip files is around 175 characters.  The zip file name, which is likely to represent itself as <i>two</i>
    nested directories if you use the defaults to unzip it, will be around 25 characters.  That gives you very little wiggle room.
    If you unzip the file in your users directory, you may very likely get an error because of this constraint.</p>

<p>The following solutions will all work:</p>

<ul class='bullet-list'>
    <li>Unzip to the root of your C: drive (or a similar small path)</li>
    <li>Use <a href=''>7zip</a> to unzip the file instead of Windows Explorer</li>
    <li>Use <code>npm</code> to install mountebank instead of the zip file</li>