import db from '../db/conn';
import { Request, Response } from 'express';
import { Collection, WithId, ObjectId, Filter } from 'mongodb';
import RequestStates from '../constants/RequestStates';
import { z } from 'zod';
import { checkForCompleteRequest } from '../helpers/checkForCompleteRequest';
import { User, getUserInfo } from '../keycloak/utils';
import Constants from '../constants/Constants';
import { Purchase } from '../interfaces/Purchase';
import { Approval } from '../interfaces/Approval';
import JSZip from 'jszip';
import { IFile } from '../interfaces/IFile';
import { sendChangeNotification, sendRequestSubmittedNotification } from '../helpers/useGCNotify';
import { getIDIRUser, IDIRUser } from '../helpers/useCssApi';
// All functions use requests collection
const collection: Collection<RequestRecord> = db.collection<RequestRecord>('requests');
// Schema to check for document id when coming in as url params
const idSchema = z.string().length(24);
* @interface
* @description The expected request stored in the 'requests' collection
* @property {ObjectId} _id - The unique ID of a request record.
* @property {boolean} lateEntry - Supplied by CHEFS. Only important if the CHEFS form has a due date.
* @property {string} firstName - The first name of the requestor.
* @property {string} lastName - The last name of the requestor.
* @property {number} employeeId - The requestor's employee ID.
* @property {string} idir - The requestor's IDIR code.
* @property {Array} purchases - A list of Purchase items.
* @property {Array} approvals - A list of Approval items.
* @property {boolean} submit - Supplied by CHEFS. True if submitted. Only important if CHEFS stores drafts.
* @property {string} submissionDate - The date of the reimbursement submission.
* @property {RequestStates} state - The current state of the request.
export interface RequestRecord {
_id: ObjectId;
lateEntry: boolean;
firstName: string;
lastName: string;
employeeId: number;
idir: string;
purchases: Purchase[];
approvals: Approval[];
additionalComments: string;
submit: boolean;
submissionDate: string;
state: RequestStates;
* @constant
* @description Allows for a reduced version of each document to be returned from Mongo. A true or 1 signifies that property will be included.
const minimalProjection = {
firstName: 1,
lastName: 1,
'purchases.cost': 1, // Format for getting specific properties of objects in an array
'purchases.supplier': 1,
submissionDate: 1,
state: 1,
* @description Gets all request records. Includes an option to retrieve records with projection.
* @param {Request} req Incoming Request
* @param {Response} res Outgoing Response
* @returns {Response} 200 status with array of records or 404 if no records are found.
export const getAllRequests = async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
const { minimal, before, after } = req.query;
const latestPossibleDate = '3000-01-01';
const earliestPossibleDate = '1970-01-01';
// Query will filter out by date, but only if provided.
const findQuery: Filter<RequestRecord> = {
submissionDate: {
$gte: (after as string) || earliestPossibleDate,
$lt: (before as string) || latestPossibleDate,
try {
const cursor =
minimal === 'true'
? collection.find(findQuery).sort({ submissionDate: -1 }).project(minimalProjection)
: collection.find(findQuery).sort({ submissionDate: -1 });
const records = await cursor.toArray();
// If there are no records.
if (records.length === 0) {
return res.status(404).send('No records found');
// If records are found.
if (records) {
return res.status(200).json(records);
} catch (e) {
// Error response
return res.status(400).send('Request could not be processed.');
* @description Get any request records matching a specific IDIR GUID. Includes an option to retrieve records with projection.
* @param {Request} req Incoming Request
* @param {Response} res Outgoing Response
* @returns {Response} 200 status with array of records or 404 if no records are found.
export const getRequestsByIDIR = async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
const { minimal, idir } = req.query;
const { TESTING } = Constants;
if (!TESTING) {
// If neither the IDIR matches nor the user is admin, return the 403
const userInfo = getUserInfo(req.headers.authorization.split(' ')[1]); // Excludes the 'Bearer' part of token.
const idirMatches = userInfo.idir_user_guid === idir;
const isAdmin = userInfo.client_roles?.includes('admin');
if (!idirMatches && !isAdmin)
return res.status(403).send('Forbidden: User does not match requested IDIR.');
try {
const cursor =
minimal === 'true'
? collection
.find({ idir: { $eq: idir as string } })
.sort({ submissionDate: -1 })
: collection.find({ idir: { $eq: idir as string } }).sort({ submissionDate: -1 });
const records = await cursor.toArray();
// If there are no records.
if (records.length === 0) {
return res.status(404).send('No records found');
// If records are found.
if (records) {
return res.status(200).json(records);
} catch (e) {
// Error response
return res.status(400).send('Request could not be processed.');
* @description Get a single request record by ID. Includes an option to retrieve records with projection.
* @param {Request} req Incoming Request
* @param {Response} res Outgoing Response
* @returns {Response} 200 status with array of records or 404 if no records are found.
export const getRequestByID = async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
const { id } = req.params;
const { TESTING } = Constants;
// Projection to get everything except a file's data
const noFileProjection = {
'purchases.fileObj.file': 0,
// If ID doesn't match schema, return a 400
try {
} catch (e) {
return res.status(400).send('ID was malformed. Cannot complete request.');
try {
const record: WithId<RequestRecord> = await collection.findOne(
_id: { $eq: new ObjectId(id) },
projection: noFileProjection,
if (!record) {
return res.status(404).send('No record with that ID found.');
if (record) {
if (!TESTING) {
// If neither the IDIR matches nor the user is admin, return the 403
const userInfo = getUserInfo(req.headers.authorization.split(' ')[1]); // Excludes the 'Bearer' part of token.
const idirMatches = userInfo.idir_user_guid === record.idir;
const isAdmin = userInfo.client_roles?.includes('admin');
if (!idirMatches && !isAdmin)
return res.status(403).send('Forbidden: User does not match requested record.');
return res.status(200).json(record);
} catch (e) {
// Error response
return res.status(400).send('Request could not be processed.');
* @description Updates the state of a specific request record. Also functions as the soft-delete option.
* @param {Request} req Incoming Request
* @param {Response} res Outgoing Response
* @returns {Response} 200 status with a string indicating updated status.
export const updateRequestState = async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
const { id } = req.params;
const { employeeId, purchases, approvals, additionalComments, state, isAdmin } = req.body;
const { TESTING, FRONTEND_URL } = Constants;
const { GC_NOTIFY_ADMIN_EMAIL } = process.env;
// If ID doesn't match schema, return a 400
try {
} catch (e) {
return res.status(400).send('ID was malformed. Cannot complete request.');
// Establish the id that is used to find document
const filter = { _id: { $eq: new ObjectId(id) } };
// Check that state is a valid option
if (state < 0 || state >= RequestStates.__LENGTH)
return res.status(403).send('An invalid state was requested.');
// Get previous state of request
const existingRequest: WithId<RequestRecord> = await collection.findOne(filter);
if (!TESTING && existingRequest) {
// If neither the IDIR matches nor the user is admin, return the 403
const userInfo = getUserInfo(req.headers.authorization.split(' ')[1]); // Excludes the 'Bearer' part of token.
const idirMatches = userInfo.idir_user_guid === existingRequest.idir;
if (!idirMatches && !isAdmin)
return res.status(403).send('Forbidden: User does not match requested record.');
let refinedState = state;
// If user isn't an admin, take control of the state update
if (!isAdmin) {
// If request has all required fields and files
if (checkForCompleteRequest({ employeeId, purchases, approvals })) {
// If previous state was Incomplete, change it to Submitted
if (existingRequest.state === RequestStates.INCOMPLETE) {
refinedState = RequestStates.SUBMITTED;
} else {
// Otherwise, submission should be marked as Incomplete
refinedState = RequestStates.INCOMPLETE;
} else {
// User is admin
// If the state is changed by admin to Incomplete or Complete, notify requestor
if (refinedState === RequestStates.INCOMPLETE || refinedState === RequestStates.COMPLETE) {
// Get user with matching IDIR
const users: IDIRUser[] = await getIDIRUser(existingRequest.idir);
if (users.length > 0) {
sendChangeNotification(users.at(0).email, `${FRONTEND_URL}/request/${id}`);
* @description Determines whether the records need to update their files.
* @param {Purchase[] | Approval[]} records A list of records that contain fileObj properties.
* @returns A list of records that has updated file information.
const recordRefiner = (records: Purchase[] | Approval[]) =>
? records.map((record: unknown, index: number) => {
// Determine the type of records provided.
const listType = (record as Purchase).supplier ? 'purchase' : 'approval';
// Get the existing list of records
const existingList: Purchase[] | Approval[] =
listType === 'purchase' ? existingRequest.purchases : existingRequest.approvals;
// A mutable record copy
const tempRecord =
listType === 'purchase' ? { ...(record as Purchase) } : { ...(record as Approval) };
if (tempRecord.fileObj && tempRecord.fileObj.file) {
// New file incoming. Replace original.
return tempRecord;
} else if (existingList[index] && existingList[index].fileObj) {
// File exists on original, but not on incoming request
if (tempRecord.fileObj && tempRecord.fileObj.removed) {
// File has since been removed by the user
delete tempRecord.fileObj;
return tempRecord;
} else {
// File was not included for bandwidth reasons. Keep original.
tempRecord.fileObj.file = existingList[index].fileObj.file;
return tempRecord;
} else {
// No incoming new file, and original didn't have file either. Don't include file info.
// Need to still update info from purchase
delete tempRecord.fileObj;
return tempRecord;
: [];
const refinedPurchases: unknown = recordRefiner(purchases);
const refinedApprovals: unknown = recordRefiner(approvals);
// Create setting object
const newProperties = {
approvals: refinedApprovals as Approval[],
additionalComments: additionalComments || existingRequest?.additionalComments || '',
purchases: refinedPurchases as Purchase[],
employeeId: employeeId || existingRequest?.employeeId || 999999,
refinedState === undefined || refinedState === null ? existingRequest.state : refinedState,
// Update the document
const updateDoc = {
$set: newProperties,
try {
const result = await collection.updateOne(filter, updateDoc);
// If no records matched that ID
if (result.matchedCount === 0) return res.status(404).send('No matching record found.');
// Else, return the updated result
return res.status(200).send(`Request state updated to ${RequestStates[state]}.`);
} catch (e) {
return res.status(400).send('Request could not be processed.');
* @description Gets all files associated with a record or a single requested file based on record ID and file upload timestamp
* @param {Request} req The incoming request.
* @param {Response} res The returned response.
* @returns A response with the attached base64 files in the body.
export const getFile = async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
const { id } = req.params;
const { date } = req.query;
const { TESTING } = Constants;
interface FilesRecord {
idir: string;
purchases: Purchase[];
approvals: Approval[];
// Projection to get only the file's data
const onlyFileProjection = {
idir: 1,
'purchases.fileObj': 1,
'approvals.fileObj': 1,
// If ID doesn't match schema, return a 400
try {
} catch (e) {
return res.status(400).send('ID was malformed. Cannot complete request.');
try {
// Get all files from that record
const record: WithId<FilesRecord> = await collection.findOne(
_id: { $eq: new ObjectId(id) },
projection: onlyFileProjection,
// Return 404 if that record didn't exist
if (!record) {
return res.status(404).send('No record with that ID found.');
} else {
if (!TESTING) {
// If neither the IDIR matches nor the user is admin, return the 403
const userInfo = getUserInfo(req.headers.authorization.split(' ')[1]); // Excludes the 'Bearer' part of token.
const idirMatches = userInfo.idir_user_guid === record.idir;
const isAdmin = userInfo.client_roles?.includes('admin');
if (!idirMatches && !isAdmin)
return res.status(403).send('Forbidden: User does not match requested record.');
// Flat map files
const allFiles = [...record.purchases, ...record.approvals].map((el) => el.fileObj);
if (date) {
// Select only the file with the matching date
const desiredFile = allFiles.find((fileObj) => fileObj && fileObj.date === date);
// Return 404 if no files were returned
if (!desiredFile) {
return res.status(404).send('No file matches that request.');
// Update file to be marked as downloaded.
const { user } = req;
if ((user as User).client_roles?.includes('admin')) {
if (desiredFile.source === 'purchase') {
await collection.updateOne(
_id: { $eq: new ObjectId(id) },
'purchases.fileObj.date': date,
$set: {
'purchases.$.fileObj.downloaded': true,
} else {
await collection.updateOne(
_id: { $eq: new ObjectId(id) },
'approvals.fileObj.date': date,
$set: {
'approvals.$.fileObj.downloaded': true,
return res.status(200).json({ file: desiredFile.file });
} else {
// No date? Return all files
// If any files are undefined (missing purchase or approvals), remove them.
// Remove any deleted files
const trimmedFiles = allFiles.filter((fileObj) => fileObj && !fileObj.deleted);
// Zip the files together
const zip = new JSZip();
trimmedFiles.forEach((fileObj: IFile) => {
// Only need the base64 hash, not declaritive info
zip.file(fileObj.name, fileObj.file.split('base64,')[1], {
base64: true, // must specify files are base64
// Creates the zip folder (as base64), then sends with appropriate declarative info
zip.generateAsync({ type: 'base64' }).then((content: string) => {
res.status(200).json({ zip: `data:application/zip;base64,${content}` });
const { user } = req;
if ((user as User).client_roles?.includes('admin')) {
// Mark all files as downloaded.
await collection.updateOne(
_id: { $eq: new ObjectId(id) },
$set: {
'purchases.$[].fileObj.downloaded': true,
'approvals.$[].fileObj.downloaded': true,
return res;
} catch (e) {
// Error response
return res.status(400).send('Request could not be processed.');