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 * Public: The `bms` package is a library for working with rhythm game data.
 * Although this library’s name suggests that it is for BMS file format,
 * almost every part can be used standalone.
 * This package contains:
 * - __Modules that reads and parses BMS files:__
 *   - {Reader} reads the BMS file from a {Buffer}, detects the character set
 *     and decodes the buffer using that character set into a {String}.
 *   - {Compiler} reads the BMS source from a {String}, and converts into
 *     {BMSChart}, an internal representation of a BMS notechart.
 * - __Classes for representing a BMS notechart.__
 *   These module stores the data as close to the BMS file format as possible.
 *   Almost no musical interpretation is made.
 *   For example, a BPM change is simply represented using a
 *   BMSObject with `channel` = `03` or `08`.
 *   - {BMSChart} is composed of {BMSHeaders}, {BMSObjects}, and {TimeSignatures}.
 *   - {BMSHeaders} represents the header sentences in a BMS file.
 *   - {BMSObjects} represents the objects in a BMS file.
 *   - {BMSObject} represents a single object.
 * - __Classes that represent different aspects of a notechart.__
 *   Instance of these classes may be created from a {BMSChart},
 *   but they can be used in a standalone manner as well.
 *   This makes this library very flexible,
 *   and able to accommodate different formats of notechart.
 *   For example, see the [bmson](https: * package.
 *   It’s also possible to use these classes in context other than music gaming,
 *   for example, you can use these classes to help building a music player
 *   that requires precise synchronization between beats.
 *   - {TimeSignatures} represents a collection of time signatures
 *     in a musical score, and lets you convert the measure number and fraction
 *     into beat number.
 *   - {Timing} represents the timing information in a musical score,
 *     and provides methods to convert between musical time (beats) and
 *     metric time (seconds).
 *   - {SongInfo} represents the basic song information,
 *     such as title, artist, and genre.
 *   - {Notes} represents the sound objects inside your notechart.
 *   - {Keysounds} represents a mapping between keysound ID and filename.
 *   - {Positioning} represents a mapping between beat and in-game position.
 *     Some rhythm game lets chart author control the amount of scrolling
 *     per beat. In StepMania 5, this is called the scroll segments.
 *   - {Spacing} represents a mapping between beat and note spacing.
 *     Some rhythm game lets chart author change the note spacing (HI-SPEED)
 *     dynamically. In StepMania 5, this is called the speed segments.
 * - __Low-level utility classes:__
 *   - {Speedcore} represents a linear animation.

import * as Reader from './reader'
import * as Compiler from './compiler'

export { Reader, Compiler }
export * from './reader/types'

export * from './bms/chart'
export * from './bms/headers'
export * from './bms/objects'

export * from './speedcore'
export * from './time-signatures'
export * from './notes'
export * from './timing'
export * from './song-info'
export * from './keysounds'
export * from './positioning'
export * from './spacing'