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package main

import (

    cc ""
    _ "" // Initialize all known client auth plugins.
    cmdutil ""


func main() {
    // Kubernetes uses UTC times, status shows times only in "... ago" format, so
    // setting the TZ to UTC is safe.
    _ = os.Setenv("TZ", "UTC")
    if err := RootCmd().Execute(); err != nil {

var (
    longCmdMessage = `Display status for one or many resources

Prints human-friendly output that focuses on the status of the resources in kubernetes.

In most cases replacing a "kubectl get ..." with a "kubectl status ..." would be sufficient.

This plugin uses templates for well known api-conventions and has support for hardcoded resources,
not all resources are fully supported.`

    examplesMessage = `  # Show status of all pods in the current namespace
  kubectl status pods

  # Show status of all pods in all namespaces
  kubectl status pods --all-namespaces

  # Show status of all Deployments and StatefulSets in the current namespace
  kubectl status deploy,sts

  # Show status of all nodes
  kubectl status nodes

  # Show status of some pods
  kubectl status pod my-pod1 my-pod2

  # Same with previous
  kubectl status pod/my-pod1 pod/my-pod2

  # Show status of various resources
  kubectl status svc/my-svc1 pod/my-pod2

  # Show status of a particular deployment
  kubectl status deployment my-dep

  # Show deployments in the "v1" version of the "apps" API group.
  kubectl status deployments.v1.apps

  # Show status of nodes marked as master
  kubectl status node -l

// This variable is populated by goreleaser
var version string

func RootCmd() *cobra.Command {
    cmd := &cobra.Command{
        Use:     "kubectl-status (TYPE[.VERSION][.GROUP] [NAME | -l label] | TYPE[.VERSION][.GROUP]/NAME ...) [flags]",
        Short:   "Display status for one or many resources",
        Long:    longCmdMessage,
        Example: examplesMessage,
        PreRun: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
            _ = viper.BindPFlags(cmd.Flags())
        SilenceUsage: true,
        Version:      version,
    configFlags := initFlags(cmd)
    viper.SetEnvKeyReplacer(strings.NewReplacer("-", "_"))
    f := cmdutil.NewFactory(configFlags)
    cmd.RunE = func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
        klog.V(5).InfoS("running the cobra.Command ...")
        var err error
        cmdutil.BehaviorOnFatal(func(msg string, i int) {
            err = errors.New(msg)
        if b, _ := cmd.Flags().GetBool("time-hack-ago"); b {
            plugin.SetDurationRound(func(_ interface{}) string { return "1m" })
        ioStreams := genericiooptions.IOStreams{In: cmd.InOrStdin(), Out: cmd.OutOrStdout(), ErrOut: cmd.ErrOrStderr()}
        cmdutil.CheckErr(plugin.Run(f, ioStreams, args))
        return err
    return cmd

func initFlags(cmd *cobra.Command) *genericclioptions.ConfigFlags {
    flags := cmd.Flags()
    // copied from kubectl.pkg.cmd as is
    configFlags := genericclioptions.NewConfigFlags(true).
    resourceBuilderFlags := genericclioptions.NewResourceBuilderFlags().
    if ok, _ := flags.GetBool("help-all"); !ok {
    return configFlags

func initColorCobra(cmd *cobra.Command) {
        RootCmd:         cmd,
        Headings:        cc.HiCyan + cc.Bold + cc.Underline,
        Commands:        cc.HiYellow + cc.Bold,
        Example:         cc.Italic,
        ExecName:        cc.Bold,
        Flags:           cc.Bold,
        NoExtraNewlines: true,
        NoBottomNewline: true,

func hideNoisyFlags(flags *pflag.FlagSet) {
    flagsToHide := []string{"add_dir_header", "as-uid", "alsologtostderr", "as", "as-group", "cache-dir",
        "certificate-authority", "client-certificate", "client-key", "cluster", "context", "insecure-skip-tls-verify",
        "kubeconfig", "log_backtrace_at", "log_dir", "log_file", "log_file_max_size", "logtostderr", "one_output",
        "password", "request-timeout", "server", "skip_headers", "skip_log_headers", "stderrthreshold",
        "tls-server-name", "token", "user", "username", "vmodule", "time-hack-ago"}
    for _, flagName := range flagsToHide {
        flags.Lookup(flagName).Hidden = true

func initKlog(flags *pflag.FlagSet) {
    // We Follow
    // for the logs.
    fs := flag.NewFlagSet("", flag.PanicOnError)
    defer klog.Flush()

func addRenderFlags(flags *pflag.FlagSet) {
    flags.Bool("local", false,
        "Run the template against the provided yaml manifest. Need to be used with a --filename parameter. No request to apiserver is done.")
    flags.Bool("include-owners", false,
        "Follow the ownerReferences in the objects and render them as well.")
    flags.Bool("include-events", true,
        "Include events in the output.")
    flags.Bool("include-matching-services", true,
        "Include Services matching the Pod in the output.")
    flags.Bool("include-matching-ingresses", true,
        "Include Ingresses referencing the Service in the output.")
    flags.Bool("include-application-details", true,
        "This will include well known application metadata into the output.")
    flags.Bool("include-rollout-diffs", false,
        "Include unified diff between stored revisions of Deployment, DaemonSet and StatefulSets.")
    flags.Bool("include-volumes", false,
        "Include volume relates information.")
    flags.Bool("include-managed-fields", true,
        "Include managed field details in the output.")
    flags.Bool("include-node-lease", false,
        "Include node lease details.")
    flags.Bool("include-node-kubelet-api-summary", true,
        "Include Kubelet API stats/summary in the output.")
    flags.Bool("include-node-detailed-usage", true,
        "Include details about Pods' resource usage on a node. Does lots of queries against API Server and causes dramatic slow down.")
    flags.Bool("shallow", false,
        "Set all --include-* flags to false and let user selectively enable them.")
    flags.Bool("deep", false,
        "Set all --include-* flags to true and let user selectively disable them.")
    flags.BoolP("watch", "w", false,
        "After listing/getting the requested object, watch for changes.")
    flags.Bool("help-all", false,
        "Show all available flags.")
    flags.String("color", "auto",
        "One of 'auto', 'never' or 'always'.")
    flags.Bool("time-hack-ago", false,
        "always report 1m for any time duration")

func isBoolConfigExplicitlySetToTrue(key string) bool {
    return viper.IsSet(key) && viper.GetBool(key)

func complete(f cmdutil.Factory) error {
    klog.V(5).InfoS("Complete options...")
    err := setNamespace(f)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    if viper.GetBool("shallow") {
    if viper.GetBool("deep") {
    return nil

func setNamespace(f cmdutil.Factory) error {
    if viper.GetBool("all-namespaces") {
        viper.Set("namespace", "")
        return nil
    namespace, _, err := f.ToRawKubeConfigLoader().Namespace()
    if err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("can't determine namespace")
    viper.Set("namespace", namespace)
    return nil

func allowExplicitIncludesOnly() {
    for key, val := range viper.AllSettings() {
        if strings.HasPrefix(key, "include") {
            switch val.(type) {
            case bool:
                if !isBoolConfigExplicitlySetToTrue(key) {
                    viper.Set(key, false)

func enableAllIncludes() {
    for key, val := range viper.AllSettings() {
        if strings.HasPrefix(key, "include") {
            switch val.(type) {
            case bool:
                viper.Set(key, true)

func validate() error {
    klog.V(5).InfoS("Validating cli options...")
    if viper.GetBool("shallow") && viper.GetBool("deep") {
        return fmt.Errorf("--shallow and --deep are mutually exclusive")
    if viper.GetBool("local") && len(viper.GetStringSlice("filename")) == 0 {
        return fmt.Errorf("when using --local, --filename must be provided")
    return nil