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Test Coverage
{{- define "Ingress" }}
    {{- /*gotype:*/ -}}
    {{- template "status_summary_line" . }}
    {{- template "kstatus_summary" . }}
    {{- template "finalizer_details_on_termination" . }}
    {{- template "load_balancer_ingress" . }}
    {{- template "application_details" . }}
    {{- $missingSvcs := list }}
    {{- $unhealthySvcs := list }}
    {{- range .Spec.rules }}
        {{- range .http.paths }}
            {{- $ingSvcName := coalesce .backend.serviceName }}
            {{- $ingSvcPortNumber := coalesce .backend.service.port.number .backend.servicePort }}
            {{- $ingSvcPortName := coalesce .backend.serviceName }}
            {{- $ingSvcPort := coalesce $ingSvcPortNumber $ingSvcPortName }}
            {{- if not (and $ingSvcName $ingSvcPort) }}
                {{- "Ingress has no service reference" | yellow | bold | nindent 2 }}: Ingress doesn't have either a name ({{ $ingSvcName }}) or a port ({{ $ingSvcPort }}).
            {{- else }}
                {{- $svc := $.KubeGetFirst $.Namespace "Service" $ingSvcName }}
                {{- if not $svc }}
                    {{- if not ($missingSvcs | has $ingSvcName) }}
                        {{- "Service" | bold | nindent 2 }}/{{ $ingSvcName }} {{ "doesn't exist" | red | bold }}, but it's referenced in Ingress.
                        {{- $missingSvcs = append $missingSvcs $ingSvcName }}
                    {{- end }}
                {{- else }}
                    {{- $portDefinedInSvc := false }}
                    {{- range $svc.Spec.ports }}
                        {{- if or (eq $ingSvcPortName .name) (eq ($ingSvcPortNumber | int) (.port | int)) }}
                            {{- $portDefinedInSvc = true }}
                        {{- end }}
                    {{- end }}
                    {{- if not $portDefinedInSvc }}
                        {{- "Service port doesnt exist" | red | bold | nindent 2 }}: {{ "Service" | bold }}/{{ $ingSvcName }}:{{ $ingSvcPort }} referenced in ingress, but Service doesn't have that port defined.
                    {{- else }}
                        {{- $ep := $.KubeGetFirst $.Namespace "EndPoints" $ingSvcName }}
                        {{- if not $ep.Object }}
                            {{ "Service" | bold | nindent 2 }}/{{ $ingSvcName }} is {{ "experiencing outage" | red | bold }}, it doesn't have the corresponding {{ "EndPoints" | bold }}/{{ $ingSvcName }}.
                        {{- else }}
                            {{- $addressCount := 0 }}
                            {{- range $ep.Object.subsets }}
                                {{- range .addresses }}
                                    {{- $addressCount = add1 $addressCount }}
                                {{- end }}
                            {{- end }}
                            {{- if not $addressCount }}
                                {{- if not ($unhealthySvcs | has $ingSvcName) }}
                                    {{- "Service" | bold | nindent 2 }}/{{ $ingSvcName }} is {{ "experiencing outage" | red | bold }}, it doesn't have any Healthy endpoints.
                                    {{- $unhealthySvcs = append $unhealthySvcs $ingSvcName }}
                                {{- end }}
                            {{- else }}
                                {{- "Service" | bold | nindent 2 }}/{{ $ingSvcName }}:{{ $ingSvcPort }} has {{ printf "%d" $addressCount | green }} endpoints.
                            {{- end }}
                        {{- end }}
                    {{- end }}
                {{- end }}
            {{- end }}
        {{- end }}
    {{- end }}
    {{- template "recent_updates" . }}
    {{- template "events" . }}
    {{- template "owners" . }}
{{- end -}}

{{- define "load_balancer_ingress" }}
    {{- /*gotype:*/ -}}
    {{- with .Status.loadBalancer.ingress }}
        {{- if or (index . 0).hostname (index . 0).ip }}
            {{- with (index . 0).hostname }} {{ "LoadBalancer" | green }}:{{ . }}{{ end }}
            {{- with (index . 0).ip }} {{ "LoadBalancer" | green }}:{{ . }}{{ end }}
        {{- else }} {{ "Pending LoadBalancer" | red | bold }}
        {{- end }}
    {{- end }}
{{- end -}}