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Test Coverage
{{- define "Node" }}
    {{- /*gotype: */ -}}
    {{- template "status_summary_line" . }}
    {{- template "application_details" . }}
    {{- .Status.nodeInfo.operatingSystem | bold | nindent 2 }} {{ .Status.nodeInfo.osImage }} ({{ .Status.nodeInfo.architecture }}), kernel {{ .Status.nodeInfo.kernelVersion }}, kubelet {{ .Status.nodeInfo.kubeletVersion }}, kube-proxy {{ .Status.nodeInfo.kubeProxyVersion }}
    {{- if or (index .Labels "") (index .Labels "") (index .Labels "") (index .Labels "") (index .Labels "") }}
        {{- "cloudprovider" | bold | nindent 2 }}
        {{- with index .Labels "" | default (index .Labels "") }} {{ . }}{{ end }}
        {{- with index .Labels "" | default (index .Labels "") }}{{ . }}{{ end }}
        {{- with index .Labels "" | default (index .Labels "") }} {{ . }}{{ end }}
        {{- with .Labels.agentpool }}, agentpool:{{ . }}{{ end }}
        {{- with index .Labels "" }}, windows-build:{{ . }}{{ end }}
        {{- with index .Labels "" }}, role:{{ . }}{{ end }}
    {{- end }}
    {{- with .Status.images }}{{ "images" | bold | nindent 2 }} {{ . | len }}{{ end }}
    {{- if .Status.volumesInUse }} {{ "volumes" | bold }} inuse={{ .Status.volumesInUse | len }}
        {{- with index .Status.allocatable "attachable-volumes-azure-disk" }}/{{ . }}{{ end }}, attached={{ .Status.volumesAttached | default list | len }}
    {{- end }}
    {{- template "kstatus_summary" . }}
    {{- template "finalizer_details_on_termination" . }}
    {{- template "conditions_summary" . }}
    {{- template "taints" . }}
    {{- template "node_addresses" . }}
    {{- template "node_lease" . }}
    {{- template "node_capacity" . }}
    {{- template "node_pod_details" . }}
    {{- template "kubelet_api_summary" . }}
    {{- template "recent_updates" . }}
    {{- template "events" . }}
    {{- template "owners" . }}
{{- end -}}

{{- define "node_addresses" }}
    {{- with .Status.addresses }}
        {{- "addresses" | nindent 2 }}:{{ range . }}{{ if .address }} {{ .type }}={{ .address }}{{ end }}{{ end }}
    {{- end }}
{{- end -}}

{{- define "taints" }}
    {{- with .Spec.taints }}
        {{- "taints" | nindent 2 }}:{{ range . }} {{ .key }}{{ with.value }}={{ . }}{{ end }}:{{ .effect | yellow }}{{ end }}
    {{- end }}
{{- end -}}

{{- define "kubelet_api_summary" }}
    {{- if .Config.GetBool "include-node-kubelet-api-summary" }}
        {{- with .KubeGetNodeStatsSummary .Name }}
            {{- "kubelet-api/stats/summary"  | nindent 2 }}:
            {{- "node overall" | nindent 4 }}: {{ template "node_stats_summary_resources" .node }}
            {{- range .node.systemContainers }}
                {{- .name | nindent 4 }}: {{ template "node_stats_summary_resources" . }}
            {{- end }}
        {{- end }}
    {{- end }}
{{- end -}}

{{- define "node_lease" }}
    {{- if .Config.GetBool "include-node-lease" }}
        {{- with .KubeGetFirst "kube-node-lease" "Lease" .Name }}
            {{- $.Include "Lease" . | nindent 2 }}
        {{- end }}
    {{- end }}
{{- end -}}

{{- define "node_pod_details" }}
    {{- if .Config.GetBool "include-node-detailed-usage" }}
        {{- $podCount := 0 }}
        {{- $podsTotalCpuUsage := 0.0 }}
        {{- $podsTotalCpuRequests := 0.0 }}
        {{- $podsTotalCpuLimits := 0.0 }}
        {{- $podsTotalMemUsage := 0.0 }}
        {{- $podsTotalMemRequests := 0.0 }}
        {{- $podsTotalMemRequestsBurstable := 0.0 }}
        {{- $podsTotalMemRequestsGuaranteed := 0.0 }}
        {{- $podsTotalMemLimits := 0.0 }}
        {{- range $pod := .KubeGetNonTerminatedPodsOnNode .Name }}
            {{- $podCount = $podCount | add 1 }}
            {{- range $containerSpec := $pod.Spec.containers | default list }}
                {{- if $containerSpec.resources.requests.cpu }}
                    {{- $podsTotalCpuRequests = $podsTotalCpuRequests | addFloat64 ($containerSpec.resources.requests.cpu | quantityToFloat64) }}
                {{- end }}
                {{- if $containerSpec.resources.limits.cpu }}
                    {{- $podsTotalCpuLimits = $podsTotalCpuLimits | addFloat64 ($containerSpec.resources.limits.cpu | quantityToFloat64) }}
                {{- end }}
                {{- if $containerSpec.resources.requests.memory }}
                    {{- $podsTotalMemRequests = $podsTotalMemRequests | addFloat64 ($containerSpec.resources.requests.memory | quantityToFloat64) }}
                    {{- if eq $pod.Status.qosClass "Burstable" }}
                        {{- $podsTotalMemRequestsBurstable = $podsTotalMemRequestsBurstable | addFloat64 ($containerSpec.resources.requests.memory | quantityToFloat64) }}
                    {{- else if eq $pod.Status.qosClass "Guaranteed"  }}
                        {{- $podsTotalMemRequestsGuaranteed = $podsTotalMemRequestsGuaranteed | addFloat64 ($containerSpec.resources.requests.memory | quantityToFloat64) }}
                    {{- end }}
                {{- end }}
                {{- if $containerSpec.resources.limits.memory }}
                    {{- $podsTotalMemLimits = $podsTotalMemLimits | addFloat64 ($containerSpec.resources.limits.memory | quantityToFloat64) }}
                {{- end }}
                {{- if eq $pod.Status.phase "Running" }}
                    {{- $podMetrics := $.KubeGetFirst $pod.Namespace "PodMetrics" $pod.Name }}
                    {{- if $podMetrics.Object }}{{- if $podMetrics.Object.containers }}
                        {{- $containerMetrics := $podMetrics.Object.containers | getMatchingItemInMapList (dict "name" .name) }}
                        {{- if $containerMetrics }}
                            {{- $podsTotalCpuUsage = $podsTotalCpuUsage | addFloat64 ($containerMetrics.usage.cpu | quantityToFloat64) }}
                            {{- $podsTotalMemUsage = $podsTotalMemUsage | addFloat64 ($containerMetrics.usage.memory | quantityToFloat64) }}
                        {{- end }}
                    {{- end }}{{ end }}
                {{- end }}
            {{- end }}
        {{- end }}
        {{- $inferredBurstableMemLimit := .Status.allocatable.memory | quantityToFloat64 | subFloat64 $podsTotalMemRequestsGuaranteed }}
        {{- $inferredBestEffortMemLimit := $inferredBurstableMemLimit | subFloat64 $podsTotalMemRequestsBurstable }}
        {{- "Inferred memory limits" | nindent 2 }} for BestEffort: {{ $inferredBestEffortMemLimit | humanizeSI "B" }}, for Burstable: {{ $inferredBurstableMemLimit | humanizeSI "B" }}
        {{- $nodeMetrics := $.KubeGetFirst "" "NodeMetrics" .Name }}
        {{- if ($nodeMetrics.Object | default dict).usage }}
            {{- "pods" | bold | nindent 2 }}: usage/allocatable:{{ $podCount }}/
            {{- .Status.allocatable.pods | quantityToFloat64 | printf "%g" }}(
            {{- percent ($podCount | float64) (.Status.allocatable.pods | quantityToFloat64) | colorPercent "%.0f%%" }})
            {{- if eq ($podCount | float64) (.Status.allocatable.pods | quantityToFloat64) }}
                {{- "Reached Max Pods Limit" | red | bold | nindent 4 }}: Number of Pods that can run on this Kubelet (`--max-pods`) limit is reached. No more pods will be scheduled to this Node even if there is free resource (E.g. cpu/mem).
            {{- end }}
            {{- "cpu" | bold | nindent 2 }}: usage/allocatable:{{ $nodeMetrics.Object.usage.cpu | quantityToFloat64 | printf "%g" }}/
            {{- .Status.allocatable.cpu | quantityToFloat64 | printf "%g" }}(
            {{- percent ($nodeMetrics.Object.usage.cpu | quantityToFloat64) (.Status.allocatable.cpu | quantityToFloat64) | colorPercent "%.0f%%" }})
            {{- $percent := percent $podsTotalCpuUsage (.Status.allocatable.cpu | quantityToFloat64) }}
            {{- "" }}, allocated usage:{{ $podsTotalCpuUsage | printf "%.3g" }}({{ $percent | colorPercent "%.0f%%" }} of allocatable)/[req:
            {{- $percent := percent $podsTotalCpuRequests (.Status.allocatable.cpu | quantityToFloat64) }}
            {{- $podsTotalCpuRequests | printf "%.3g" }}({{ $percent | colorPercent "%.0f%%" }} of allocatable), lim:
            {{- $percent := percent $podsTotalCpuLimits (.Status.allocatable.cpu | quantityToFloat64) }}
            {{- $podsTotalCpuLimits | printf "%.3g" }}({{ $percent | colorPercent "%.0f%%" }} of allocatable)]
            {{- if ge $podsTotalCpuLimits (.Status.allocatable.cpu | quantityToFloat64) }}
                {{- "CPU overcommitted" | red | bold | nindent 4 }}: Application may be slow, applications are more likely to race for free cpu cycles.
            {{- end }}
            {{- "mem" | bold  | nindent 2 }}: usage/allocatable:{{ $nodeMetrics.Object.usage.memory | quantityToFloat64 | humanizeSI "B" }}/
            {{- .Status.allocatable.memory | quantityToFloat64 | humanizeSI "B" }}(
            {{- percent ($nodeMetrics.Object.usage.memory | quantityToFloat64) (.Status.allocatable.memory | quantityToFloat64) | colorPercent "%.0f%%" }})
            {{- $percent := percent $podsTotalMemUsage (.Status.allocatable.memory | quantityToFloat64) }}
            {{- "" }}, allocated usage:{{ $podsTotalMemUsage | humanizeSI "B" }}({{ $percent | colorPercent "%.0f%%" }} of allocatable)/[req:
            {{- $percent := percent $podsTotalMemRequests (.Status.allocatable.memory | quantityToFloat64) }}
            {{- $podsTotalMemRequests | humanizeSI "B" }}({{ $percent | colorPercent "%.0f%%" }} of allocatable), lim:
            {{- $percent := percent $podsTotalMemLimits (.Status.allocatable.memory | quantityToFloat64) }}
            {{- $podsTotalMemLimits | humanizeSI "B" }}({{ $percent | colorPercent "%.0f%%" }} of allocatable)]
            {{- if ge $podsTotalMemLimits (.Status.allocatable.memory | quantityToFloat64) }}
                {{- "Memory overcommitted" | red | bold | nindent 4 }}: Application may be OOMKilled. Expect BestEffort and then Burstable pods to have OOMKill due to overcommitted memory on the node.
            {{- end }}
            {{- with index .Status.allocatable "ephemeral-storage" }}{{ "ephemeral-storage" | bold | nindent 2 }}: {{ . | quantityToFloat64 | humanizeSI "B" }}{{ end }}
        {{- end }}
    {{- end }}
{{- end }}

{{- define "node_capacity" }}
    {{- "allocatable" | nindent 2 }}: pods:{{ .Status.allocatable.pods -}}
    , cpu:{{ .Status.allocatable.cpu | quantityToFloat64 | printf "%g" -}}
    , mem:{{ .Status.allocatable.memory | quantityToFloat64 | humanizeSI "B" }}
    {{- with index .Status.allocatable "ephemeral-storage" }}, ephemeral-storage:{{ . | quantityToFloat64 | humanizeSI "B" }}{{ end }}
    {{- "capacity" | nindent 2 }}: pods:{{ .Status.capacity.pods -}}
    , cpu:{{ .Status.capacity.cpu | quantityToFloat64 | printf "%g" -}}
    , mem:{{ .Status.capacity.memory | quantityToFloat64 | humanizeSI "B" -}}
    {{- with index .Status.capacity "ephemeral-storage" }}, ephemeral-storage:{{ . | quantityToFloat64 | humanizeSI "B" }}{{ end }}
{{- end -}}

{{- define "node_stats_summary_fs" }}
    {{- .usedBytes | float64 | humanizeSI "B" }}/{{ .capacityBytes | float64 | humanizeSI "B" -}}, {{ .availableBytes | float64 | humanizeSI "B" }} still free; {{ "" }}
    {{- .inodesUsed | float64 | humanizeSI "" }}/{{ .inodes | float64 | humanizeSI "" }} inode, {{ .inodesFree | float64 | humanizeSI "" }} inode still free
{{- end -}}

{{- define "node_stats_summary_resources" }}
    {{- /* Expects one of:
           * kubelet-api/stats/summary -> node
           * kubelet-api/stats/summary -> node.systemContainers */ -}}
    {{- with .cpu }}{{ with .usageNanoCores }}cpu {{ . | float64 | divFloat64 1000000000 | printf "%.2g" }}core/sec, {{ end }}{{ end }}
    {{- with .memory -}}
        mem {{ .usageBytes | float64 | humanizeSI "B" -}}
        , workingSet {{ .workingSetBytes | float64 | humanizeSI "B" -}}
        , rss {{ .rssBytes | float64 | humanizeSI "B" -}}
        {{- if .available -}}
        , available {{ .available | float64 | humanizeSI "B" -}}
        {{- end -}}
        , pageFaults/major {{ .pageFaults | float64 | humanizeSI "" }}/{{ .majorPageFaults | float64 | humanizeSI "" }}
    {{- end }}
    {{- with .rlimit -}}
    , processes {{ .curproc | float64  | humanizeSI "" }}/{{ .maxpid | float64  | humanizeSI "" }} (rlimit)
    {{- end }}
    {{- with .network }}
      network: rx/tx {{ .rxBytes | float64 | humanizeSI "B" }}/{{ .txBytes | float64 | humanizeSI "B" }}, rx/tx errors {{ .rxErrors | float64 | humanizeSI "" }}/{{ .txErrors | float64 | humanizeSI "" }}
    {{- end }}
    {{- if .fs }}
      {{ "rootfs" | bold }}: {{ template "node_stats_summary_fs" .fs }}
        {{- with .runtime.imageFs }}
      {{ "imagefs" | bold }}: {{ template "node_stats_summary_fs" . }}
        {{- end }}
      {{- end }}
{{- end -}}