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Test Coverage
{{- define "PersistentVolume" }}
    {{- /*gotype:*/ -}}
    {{- template "status_summary_line" . }}
    {{- template "kstatus_summary" . }}
    {{- template "finalizer_details_on_termination" . }}
    {{- "PV" | nindent 2 }} is {{- with .Status.phase }} {{ . | colorKeyword }}{{ end }}
    {{- with .Spec.storageClassName  }} managed by {{ "StorageClass" | bold }}/{{ . }}{{ end }}
    {{- with index .Annotations "" }} created by {{ . | bold }}{{ end }}
    {{- with index .Annotations "" }} provisioned by {{ . | bold }}{{ end }}
    {{- with index .Spec.accessModes 0 }} with {{ . | bold }} mode{{ end }}
    {{- with .Status.reason }}{{ "reason" | bold }}: {{ . }}{{ end }}
    {{- with .Status.message }}{{ "message" | red | bold | nindent 2 }}: {{ . }}{{- end }}{{/* Exists usually when there is problem */}}
    {{- with .Spec.claimRef }}
        {{- "Created" | nindent 2 }} for {{ .kind | bold }}/{{ .name }} -n {{ .namespace }}
        {{- $pvc := $.KubeGetFirst .namespace .kind .name }}
        {{- if $pvc.Object }}
            {{- if ne $pvc.Metadata.uid .uid }}
                {{- "Dangling" | red | bold | nindent 4 }}: The PVC referenced in this PV is replaced by a new one. And a new PV is created for the replacement PVC.
                {{- "PVC" | nindent 6 }} uid referenced in this PV: {{ .uid }}
                {{- "Current PVC" | nindent 6 }} uid: {{ $pvc.Metadata.uid }}
            {{- end }}
        {{- else }}
            {{- "Replaced" | red | bold | nindent 4 }}: This PVC doesn't exist anymore. Its likely that this PV is dangling.
        {{- end }}
    {{- end }}
    {{- with .Spec.azureDisk }}
        {{- "Azure Disk" | bold | nindent 2 }}
        {{- with .kind }} of kind {{ . | bold }}{{ end }}
        {{- with .readOnly }}, in {{ "RO" | bold | yellow }} mode{{ end }}
        {{- with .cachingMode }}, with {{ . | bold }} host cache{{end}}
        {{- with .fsType }}, using {{ . | bold }} FS type{{end}}
        {{- "Disk URI" | nindent 4 }}: {{ .diskURI }}
    {{- end }}
    {{- with .Spec.azureFiles }}
        {{- "Azure Files" | bold | nindent 2 }}
        {{- with .shareName }}, share name is {{ . | bold }}{{end}}
        {{- with .readOnly }}, in {{ "RO" | bold | yellow }} mode{{ end }}
    {{- end }}
    {{- template "application_details" . }}
    {{- template "recent_updates" . }}
    {{- template "events" . }}
    {{- template "owners" . }}
{{- end -}}