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Test Coverage
{{- define "Pod" }}
    {{- /*gotype:*/ -}}
    {{- template "pod_status_summary_line" . }}
    {{- template "kstatus_summary" . }}
    {{- template "finalizer_details_on_termination" . }}
    {{- template "application_details" . }}
    {{- .Include "pod_conditions_summary" . | nindent 2 }}
    {{- if not .Metadata.ownerReferences }}
        {{- $container := index .Spec.containers 0 }}{{/* not ideal but will likely work in most cases if not all */}}
        {{- "Standalone POD" | red | bold | nindent 2 }}{{ if $container.stdin }}, interactive{{ end }}{{ if $container.tty }} with attached TTY{{ end }}.
    {{- end }}
    {{- template "pod_init_containers" . }}
    {{- template "pod_containers" . }}
    {{- template "recent_updates" . }}
    {{- template "events" . }}
    {{- template "pod_volumes" . }}
    {{- template "owners" . }}
    {{- template "matching_services" . }}
{{- end }}

{{- define "pod_status_summary_line" }}
    {{- /*gotype:*/ -}}
    {{- template "status_summary_line" . }}
    {{- with .Status.qosClass }} {{ if ($.Object | default dict).inline }}{{ . }}{{ else }}{{ . | colorKeyword }}{{ end }}{{ end }}
    {{- with .Status.message }}, message: {{ . }}{{ end }}
{{- end -}}

{{- define "pod_init_containers" }}
    {{- /*gotype:*/ -}}
    {{- with .Status.initContainerStatuses }}
        {{- "InitContainers:" | nindent 2 }}
        {{- range $containerStatus := . }}
            {{- $.Include "container_status_summary" (dict "containerStatus" $containerStatus) | nindent 4 }}
        {{- end }}
    {{- end }}
{{- end }}

{{- define "pod_containers" }}
    {{- /*gotype:*/ -}}
    {{- $defaultLogsContainer := index .Annotations "" }}
    {{- $defaultContainer := index .Annotations "" }}
    {{- with .Status.containerStatuses }}
        {{- "Containers:" | nindent 2 }}
        {{- $podMetrics := $.KubeGetFirst $.Namespace "PodMetrics" $.Name }}
        {{- $containerStatusSummaryDict := dict }}
        {{- range $containerStatus := . }}
            {{- if ($podMetrics.Object | default dict).containers }}
                {{- $containerMetrics := $podMetrics.Object.containers | getMatchingItemInMapList (dict "name" $ }}
                {{- $containerSpec := $.Spec.containers | getMatchingItemInMapList (dict "name" $ }}
                {{- $containerStatusSummaryDict = dict "containerStatus" $containerStatus
                                                       "containerMetrics" $containerMetrics
                                                       "containerSpec" $containerSpec
                                                       "defaultContainer" (eq $ $defaultContainer)
                                                       "defaultLogsContainer" (eq $ $defaultLogsContainer)
            {{- else }}
                {{- $containerStatusSummaryDict = dict "containerStatus" $containerStatus
                                                       "defaultContainer" (eq $ $defaultContainer)
                                                       "defaultLogsContainer" (eq $ $defaultLogsContainer)
            {{- end }}
            {{- $.Include "container_status_summary" $containerStatusSummaryDict | nindent 4 }}
        {{- end }}
    {{- end }}
{{- end }}

{{- define "pod_volumes" }}
    {{- /*gotype:*/ -}}
    {{- if .Config.GetBool "include-volumes" }}
        {{- $nodeStatsSummary := $.KubeGetNodeStatsSummary (get $.Spec "nodeName") }}
        {{- $podStatsSummary := $nodeStatsSummary.pods | default list | getMatchingItemInMapList (dict "podRef.uid" $.Metadata.uid) }}
        {{- $ephemeralStorage := index $podStatsSummary "ephemeral-storage" }}
        {{- if $ephemeralStorage }}
            {{- "Ephemeral storage" | bold | nindent 2 }} {{ template "pod_volume_stats" $ephemeralStorage }}
        {{- end }}
        {{- $emptyDirsHeader := true }}
        {{- range $volume := .Spec.volumes }}
            {{- if hasKey $volume "emptyDir" }}
                {{- with $volumeStats := $podStatsSummary.volume | default list | getMatchingItemInMapList (dict "name" $ }}
                    {{- if $emptyDirsHeader }}{{ $emptyDirsHeader = false }}
                        {{- "EmptyDirs:" | nindent 2 }}
                    {{- end }}
                    {{- $ | bold | nindent 4 }}
                    {{- with $volume.emptyDir.medium }} ({{ . | bold }}){{ end }}
                    {{- " " }}{{ template "pod_volume_stats" $volumeStats }}
                {{- end }}
            {{- end }}
        {{- end }}
        {{- $pvcsHeader := true }}
        {{- range $volume := .Spec.volumes }}
            {{- with and $podStatsSummary.volume .persistentVolumeClaim }}
                {{- if $pvcsHeader }}{{ $pvcsHeader = false }}
                    {{- "PVCs:" | nindent 2 }}
                {{- end }}
                {{- "Volume" | bold | nindent 4 }}: {{ $ }}
                {{- $volumeStats := $podStatsSummary.volume | default list | getMatchingItemInMapList (dict "name" $ }}
                {{- with $volumeStats }}, {{ template "pod_volume_stats" . }}{{ end }}
                {{- $pvc := $.KubeGetFirst $.Namespace "PersistentVolumeClaim" .claimName}}
                {{- with $pvc }}
                    {{- $.Include "PersistentVolumeClaim" . | nindent 4 }}
                {{- end }}
            {{- end }}
        {{- end }}
    {{- end }}
{{- end }}

{{- define "pod_volume_stats" }}
    {{- /* pod_volume_stats returns a single liner representing all the known volume details */ -}}
    {{- $bytesUsagePercentOfCapacity := percent (.usedBytes | float64) (.capacityBytes | float64) }}
    {{- .usedBytes | humanizeSI "B" }}/{{ .capacityBytes | humanizeSI "B" }}({{- $bytesUsagePercentOfCapacity | colorPercent "%.0f%%" }}) used, {{ .availableBytes | humanizeSI "B" }} free, {{""}}
    {{- $inodesUsagePercentOfCapacity := percent (.inodesUsed | float64) (.inodes | float64) }}
    {{- .inodesUsed | humanizeSI "" }}/{{ .inodes | humanizeSI "" }}({{- $inodesUsagePercentOfCapacity | colorPercent "%.0f%%" }}) inodes used, {{ .inodesFree | humanizeSI "" }} free.
{{- end }}

{{- define "matching_services" }}
    {{- /*gotype:*/ -}}
    {{- if .Config.GetBool "include-matching-services" }}
        {{- range $index, $svc := .KubeGetServicesMatchingPod .Namespace .Name }}
            {{- if eq $index 0 }}
                {{- "Services matching this pod:" | nindent 2 }}
            {{- end }}
            {{- $.Include "Service" $svc | nindent 4 }}
        {{- end}}
    {{- end}}
{{- end }}

{{- define "pod_conditions_summary" }}
    {{- /*gotype:*/ -}}
    {{- $podScheduledCondition := .StatusConditions | getMatchingItemInMapList (dict "type" "PodScheduled") }}
    {{- $readyCondition := .StatusConditions | getMatchingItemInMapList (dict "type" "Ready") }}
    {{- if (isStatusConditionHealthy $podScheduledCondition) }}
        {{- "PodScheduled" | bold }}
    {{- else }}
        {{- "Not PodScheduled" | red | bold }}
    {{- end }}
    {{- " -> "}}
    {{- $initializedCondition := .StatusConditions | getMatchingItemInMapList (dict "type" "Initialized") }}
    {{- if (isStatusConditionHealthy $initializedCondition) }}
        {{- "Initialized" | bold }}
    {{- else }}
        {{- "Not Initialized" | red | bold }}
    {{- end }}
    {{- " -> "}}
    {{- $containersReadyCondition := .StatusConditions | getMatchingItemInMapList (dict "type" "ContainersReady") }}
    {{- if (isStatusConditionHealthy $containersReadyCondition) }}
        {{- "ContainersReady" | bold }}
    {{- else }}
        {{- "Not ContainersReady" | red | bold }}
    {{- end }}
    {{- " -> "}}
    {{- if (isStatusConditionHealthy $readyCondition) }}
        {{- template "condition_summary" $readyCondition }}
    {{- else }}
        {{- "Not Ready" | red | bold }}
    {{- end }}
    {{- range .Status.conditions }}
        {{- /* show details for only unhealthy conditions */ -}}
        {{- if (not (isStatusConditionHealthy .)) }}
            {{- $.Include "condition_summary" . | nindent 2}}
        {{- end }}
    {{- end }}
{{- end -}}

{{- define "container_usage" -}}
    {{- /* Expects to get a map with these keys (and also their initContainer counterparts):
           * containerMetrics (required): PodMetrics.containers[name=container]
           * containerSpec (required): Pod.spec.containers[name=container]
        */ -}}
    cpu usage:{{ .containerMetrics.usage.cpu | quantityToFloat64 | printf "%.1g" -}}/[
    {{- if .containerSpec.resources.requests.cpu -}}
        {{- percent (.containerMetrics.usage.cpu | quantityToFloat64) (.containerSpec.resources.requests.cpu | quantityToFloat64) | colorPercent "%.0f%% " -}}
        of req:{{ .containerSpec.resources.requests.cpu | quantityToFloat64 | printf "%.1g" }}
    {{- else }}{{ "no-req" | yellow }}
    {{- end }}, {{ if .containerSpec.resources.limits.cpu -}}
        {{- percent (.containerMetrics.usage.cpu | quantityToFloat64) (.containerSpec.resources.limits.cpu | quantityToFloat64) | colorPercent "%.0f%% " -}}
        of lim:{{ .containerSpec.resources.limits.cpu | quantityToFloat64 | printf "%.1g" }}
    {{- else }}{{ "no-lim" | yellow }}
    {{- end -}}
    ], mem usage:{{- .containerMetrics.usage.memory | quantityToFloat64 | humanizeSI "B" -}}/[
    {{- if .containerSpec.resources.requests.memory -}}
        {{- percent (.containerMetrics.usage.memory | quantityToFloat64) (.containerSpec.resources.requests.memory | quantityToFloat64) | colorPercent "%.0f%% " -}}
        of req:{{ .containerSpec.resources.requests.memory | quantityToFloat64 | humanizeSI "B" }}
    {{- else }}{{ "no-req" | yellow }}
    {{- end }}, {{ if .containerSpec.resources.limits.memory -}}
        {{- percent (.containerMetrics.usage.memory | quantityToFloat64) (.containerSpec.resources.limits.memory | quantityToFloat64) | colorPercent "%.0f%% " -}}
        of lim:{{ .containerSpec.resources.limits.memory | quantityToFloat64 | humanizeSI "B" }}
    {{- else }}{{ "no-lim" | yellow }}
    {{- end -}}
{{- end -}}

{{- define "container_status_summary" }}
    {{- /* Expects to get a map with these keys (and also their initContainer counterparts):
           * containerStatus (required): Pod.status.containerStatuses[name=container]
           * containerMetrics (optional): PodMetrics.containers[name=container]
           * containerSpec (optional): Pod.spec.containers[name=container]
           * defaultContainer (optional): Boolean
           * defaultLogsContainer (optional): Boolean
        */ -}}
    {{- | bold }} ({{ .containerStatus.image | markYellow "latest" }}) {{ template "container_state_summary" .containerStatus.state }}
    {{- if .containerStatus.state.running }}{{ if .containerStatus.ready }} and {{ "Ready" | green }}{{ else }} but {{ "Not Ready" | red | bold }}{{ end }}{{ end }}
    {{- if gt (.containerStatus.restartCount | int ) 0 }}, {{ printf "restarted %d times" (.containerStatus.restartCount | int) | yellow | bold }}{{ end }}
    {{- if or .defaultContainer .defaultLogsContainer }} (default kubectl container){{ end }}
    {{- if .containerMetrics }}{{ if .containerMetrics.usage.cpu }}{{ "usage" | nindent 2 }} {{ template "container_usage" . }}{{ end }}{{ end }}
    {{- with .containerStatus.lastState }}
        {{- "previously:" | yellow | nindent 2 }} {{ template "container_state_summary" . }}
    {{- end }}
{{- end -}}

{{- define "container_state_summary" }}
    {{- /* Expects one of:
           * Pod.status.containerStatuses[name=container].state
           * Pod.status.containerStatuses[name=container].lastState */ -}}
    {{- with .waiting }}
        {{- "Waiting" | red | bold }} {{ .reason | red | bold }}{{ with .message }}: {{ . | red | bold }}{{ end }}
    {{- end }}
    {{- with .running }}
        {{- "Running" | green }} for {{ .startedAt | colorAgo }}
    {{- end }}
    {{- with .terminated }}
        {{- if .startedAt }}
            {{- $started := .startedAt | toDate "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z" -}}
            {{- $finished := .finishedAt | toDate "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z" -}}
            {{- $ranfor := $finished.Sub $started -}}
            Started {{ .startedAt | colorAgo }} ago and {{ if .reason }}{{ .reason | colorKeyword }}{{ else }}terminated{{ end }} after {{ $ranfor | colorDuration }}
            {{- if .exitCode }} with {{ "exit code" | redIf (ne (.exitCode | toString) "0") }} {{ template "exit_code_summary" . }}{{ end }}
        {{- else -}}
            {{ "Terminated" | red }}
            {{- with .reason }} as {{ . | bold }}{{end}}
            {{- with .message }} with {{ . | quote }}{{end}}
            {{- " " }}{{ template "exit_code_summary" . }}
        {{- end }}
    {{- end }}
{{- end -}}

{{- define "exit_code_summary" }}
    {{- "exit with" }} {{ .exitCode | toString | redBoldIf (ne (.exitCode | toString) "0" ) }}
    {{- with .signal }} (signal: {{ . }}){{ end }}
    {{- if and (gt (.exitCode | int) 128) (le (.exitCode | int) 165) }} ({{ sub (.exitCode | int) 128 | int64 | signalName }}){{ end }}
{{- end -}}