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Test Coverage
{{- define "StatefulSet" }}
    {{- /*gotype:*/ -}}
    {{- template "status_summary_line" . }}
    {{- template "kstatus_summary" . }}
    {{- template "finalizer_details_on_termination" . }}
    {{- template "observed_generation_summary" . }}
    {{- template "application_details" . }}
    {{- /* When there is no readyReplicas, STS may not have related fields at all */ -}}
    {{- $status := .Status }}
    {{- $_ := set $status "readyReplicas" ($status.readyReplicas | default 0) }}
    {{- $_ := set $status "currentReplicas" ($status.replicas | default 0) }}
    {{- $_ := set .Object "status" $status }}
    {{- template "replicas_status" . }}
    {{- template "suspended" . }}
    {{- template "conditions_summary" . }}
    {{- $rolloutStatus := .RolloutStatus . }}
    {{- if not $status.readyReplicas }}
        {{- "Outage" | red | bold | nindent 2 }}: StatefulSet has no Ready replicas.
        {{- if and $status.currentRevision (eq ($status.observedGeneration | default 1) 1) }}
            {{- "Stuck Initial Rollout?" | yellow | bold | nindent 2 }} First rollout not yet progressed.
        {{- end }}
    {{- else if ne $status.currentReplicas $status.readyReplicas }}
        {{- if $rolloutStatus.done }}
            {{- "Not Ready Replicas" | yellow | bold | nindent 2 }}: {{ sub $status.currentReplicas $status.readyReplicas }} replicas are not Ready.
        {{- end }}
    {{- end }}
    {{- if not $rolloutStatus.done }}
        {{- "Ongoing rollout" | yellow | bold | redBoldIf $rolloutStatus.error | nindent 2 }}
        {{- with $rolloutStatus.message }}: {{ . | yellow }}{{ end }}
        {{- with $rolloutStatus.error }}: Error: {{ . | red }}{{ end }}
        {{- if eq ($status.updatedCount | default 0) 0 }}
            {{- "Stuck Rollout?" | yellow | bold | nindent 2 }}: Still replacing the first Pod, may indicate a stuck rollout.
        {{- end }}
        {{- if and (hasKey $status "currentRevision") (hasKey $status "updateRevision") }}
            {{- with .KubeGetUnifiedDiffString "ControllerRevision" .Namespace $status.currentRevision $status.updateRevision }}
                {{- "Active Rollout Diff:" | nindent 2 }}
                {{- . | markRed "^-.*" | markGreen "^\\+.*" | nindent 4 }}
            {{- end }}
        {{- end }}
    {{- else }}
        {{- if and .Spec.replicas (eq $status.readyReplicas 0) }}
            {{- "Stuck rollout" | red | bold | nindent 2 }}: No ready replicas, this StatefulSet won't likely go further.
        {{- end }}
    {{- end }}
    {{- template "recent_statefulset_rollouts" . }}
    {{- template "recent_updates" . }}
    {{- template "events" . }}
    {{- template "owners" . }}
{{- end }}

{{- define "recent_statefulset_rollouts" }}
    {{- /*gotype:*/ -}}
    {{- $sectionHeader := false }}
    {{- $previousRevision := "" }}
    {{- range .KubeGetByLabelsMap .Namespace "controllerrevisions" .Labels }}
        {{- /*gotype:*/ -}}
        {{- if eq (index .Metadata.ownerReferences 0).name $.Name }}
            {{- if not $sectionHeader }}
                {{- "Rollouts:" | nindent 2 }}
                {{- template "rollout_diffs_flag_help" $ }}
                {{- $sectionHeader = true }}
            {{- end }}
            {{- "" | nindent 4 }}
            {{- with .Metadata.creationTimestamp }}{{ . | colorAgo }} ago{{ end }} used {{ .Kind | bold }}/{{ .Name }}.
            {{- if and $previousRevision ($.Config.GetBool "include-rollout-diffs") }}
                {{- with $.KubeGetUnifiedDiffString "ControllerRevision" $.Namespace $previousRevision.Name .Name }}
                    {{- . | markRed "^-.*" | markGreen "^\\+.*" | nindent 6 }}
                {{- end }}
            {{- end }}
            {{- $previousRevision = . }}
        {{- end }}
    {{- end }}
{{- end }}