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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <!-- Keep these in order -->
    <!-- Social Accounts (detail) -->
    <string name="facebook" translatable="false">Facebook</string>
    <string name="twitter" translatable="false">Twitter</string>
    <string name="soundcloud" translatable="false">SoundCloud</string>
    <string name="instagram" translatable="false">Instagram</string>
    <string name="google_plus" translatable="false">Google Plus</string>
    <string name="youtube" translatable="false">YouTube</string>
    <string name="discord" translatable="false">Discord</string>
    <string name="twitch" translatable="false">Twitch</string>
    <string name="web" translatable="false">Web</string>

    <!-- Music Services (song_detail) -->
    <!--<string name="soundcloud"       >SoundCloud</string>-->
    <!--<string name="youtube"          >YouTube</string>-->
    <string name="spotify" translatable="false">Spotify</string>
    <string name="google_play_music" translatable="false">Google Play Music</string>
    <string name="apple" translatable="false">Apple Music</string>
    <string name="apple_music" translatable="false">Apple Music</string>
    <string name="amazon" translatable="false">Amazon Music</string>
    <string name="amazon_music" translatable="false">Amazon Music</string>
    <string name="pandora" translatable="false">Pandora</string>

    <!-- Berict -->

    <string name="info_berict_full" translatable="false">Studio Berict</string>
    <string name="info_berict" translatable="false">Berict</string>
    <string name="info_berict_title" translatable="false">Studio Berict</string>
    <item name="info_berict_color" type="color">@color/blue_grey</item>
    <item name="info_berict_color_dark" type="color">@color/blue_grey_dark</item>

    <string name="info_berict_bio_title">Studio Berict\'s biography</string>
    <string name="info_berict_bio_name" translatable="false">Bedrock Pictures</string>
    <string name="info_berict_bio_text">We target everyone. Whatever we make, it\'s just for you.
        Our main focus on our service is your experience. Unlike others, we think everything at your perspective.
        Mainly makes mobile / web software, often makes some high-quality videos.</string>
    <string name="info_berict_bio_source" translatable="false">Powered by Bedrock Pictures</string>

    <string name="info_berict_detail_title"      >About Studio Berict</string>
    <string name="info_berict_detail_facebook" translatable="false"></string>
    <string name="info_berict_detail_twitter" translatable="false"></string>
    <string name="info_berict_detail_google_plus" translatable="false"></string>
    <string name="info_berict_detail_youtube" translatable="false"></string>
    <string name="info_berict_detail_discord" translatable="false"></string>
    <string name="info_berict_detail_web" translatable="false"></string>

    <string name="info_berict_action_title"          >Support Development</string>
    <string name="info_berict_action_report_bug"     >Report bugs</string>
    <string name="info_berict_action_report_bug_hint">Help us fix bugs and problems</string>
    <string name="info_berict_action_report_bug_dialog_content">Report bug to the developers. Making an issue on GitHub fixes faster than emails.</string>
    <string name="info_berict_action_report_bug_dialog_email">Send bug report over email</string>
    <string name="info_berict_action_report_bug_dialog_github">Make an issue on GitHub</string>
    <string name="info_berict_action_report_bug_dialog_github_url" translatable="false"></string>
    <string name="info_berict_action_contribute">Help developing Tapad</string>
    <string name="info_berict_action_contribute_hint">Make Tapad a better app, together.</string>
    <string name="info_berict_action_contribute_dialog_content">Contribute to Tapad with your skills.</string>
    <string name="info_berict_action_contribute_dialog_github">Make a pull request on GitHub</string>
    <string name="info_berict_action_contribute_dialog_github_url" translatable="false"></string>
    <string name="info_berict_action_donate"         >Donate</string>
    <string name="info_berict_action_donate_hint">Help developers keep working</string>
    <string name="info_berict_action_donate_dialog_content">Help developers by watching a video advertisement.</string>
    <string name="info_berict_action_donate_dialog_positive">See video ad</string>

    <!-- Tapad -->

    <string name="info_tapad_full" translatable="false">Tapad</string>
    <string name="info_tapad_title">About Tapad</string>
    <item name="info_tapad_color" type="color">@color/colorPrimary</item>
    <item name="info_tapad_color_dark" type="color">@color/colorPrimaryDark</item>

    <string name="info_tapad_bio_title">About Tapad</string>
    <string name="info_tapad_bio_name">Remixing X Material Design</string>
    <string name="info_tapad_bio_text">
        Probably the best looking remix app out there.
        Extended from the instrument LaunchPad, and made mobile friendly with touch gesture support.
        It mainly features song genres like EDM, Dubstep, Progressive House, Electronic and further more.</string>
    <string name="info_tapad_bio_source">Powered by Studio Berict</string>

    <string name="info_tapad_info_title"            >Information</string>
    <string name="info_tapad_info_check_update"     >Check updates</string>
    <string name="info_tapad_info_check_update_hint">Open in Google Play</string>
    <string name="info_tapad_info_check_update_link" translatable="false"></string>
    <string name="info_tapad_info_tester"           >Become a tester</string>
    <string name="info_tapad_info_tester_hint"      >Receive updates of a testing version of the app</string>
    <string name="info_tapad_info_tester_link" translatable="false"></string>
    <string name="info_tapad_info_legal"            >Legal Information</string>
    <string name="info_tapad_info_legal_text" translatable="false">
        <i>Last updated: December 14, 2016</i> \n\n

        Please read these Terms and Conditions carefully before using the \"Tapad\" mobile application (the \"Service\") operated by Studio Berict.
        Your access to and use of the Service is conditioned on your acceptance of and compliance with these Terms.
        These Terms apply to all visitors, users and others who access or use the Service. \n

        By accessing or using the Service you agree to be bound by these Terms.
        If you disagree with any part of the terms then you may not access the Service. \n\n

        <b>Disclaimer</b> \n
        Studio Berict don\'t have any rights for all materials in our service.
        If you have the copyright to the used text, graphics, videos, or other material (\"Contents\") in our service and you don\'t like it, contact us and we will try to fix in 7 days. \n\n

        <b>Content</b> \n
        Our Service may contain links to third­party web sites or services that are not owned or controlled by Studio Berict.
        Studio Berict has no control over, and assumes no responsibility for, the content, privacy policies, or practices of any third party web sites or services.
        You further acknowledge and agree that by Studio Berict shall not be responsible or liable, directly or indirectly,
        for any damage or loss caused or alleged to be caused by or in connection with use of or reliance on any such content,
        goods or services available on or through any such web sites or services. \n\n

        <b>Changes</b> \n
        We reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to modify or replace these Terms at any time.
        If a revision is material we will try to provide at least 30 days\' notice prior to any new terms taking effect.
        What constitutes a material change will be determined at our sole discretion. \n\n

        <b>Contact Us</b> \n
        If you have any questions about these Terms, please contact us to <b><i></i></b>.</string>
    <string name="info_tapad_info_version"          >Tapad version</string>
    <!-- TODO RELEASE -->
    <string name="info_tapad_info_version_hint" translatable="false">2.3</string>
    <string name="info_tapad_info_changelog"        >Changelog</string>
    <!-- TODO RELEASE -->
    <string name="info_tapad_info_changelog_text" translatable="false">
        You can view the changelog dialog again at any time from the <b><i>about</i></b> section.\n\n

        <b>Version 2.3</b>\n\n
        1.    <b>NEW</b>: Tutorial mode \n
        2.    <b>NEW</b>: Android Oreo app shortcuts \n
        3.    <b>NEW</b>: Customizable settings \n
        4.    <b>REVERT</b>: Top User Benefits on first run \n
        5.    <b>FIX</b>: Crashing on about preset \n\n

        <b>Version 2.3 Beta 4</b>\n\n
        1.    <b>NEW</b>: Tutorial mode (Beta) \n
        2.    <b>NEW</b>: Continuing pad colors while playing \n
        3.    <b>NEW</b>: Android Oreo adaptive icons \n
        4.    <b>NEW</b>: Android Oreo app shortcuts \n
        5.    <b>IMPROVEMENT</b>: Redefined music genres \n
        6.    <b>IMPROVEMENT</b>: Better performing preset store \n
        7.    <b>REVERT</b>: Added pad patterns \n
        8.    <b>FIX</b>: Missing / lagging animations \n
        9.    <b>FIX</b>: Bugs and glitches \n\n

        <b>Version 2.3 Beta 3</b>\n\n
        1.    <b>NEW</b>: Colored download button \n
        2.    <b>FIX</b>: About screen crash \n
        3.    <b>FIX</b>: Color customization crash \n
        4.    <b>FIX</b>: Download notification making sound above Android O \n\n

        <b>Version 2.3 Beta 2</b>\n\n
        1.    <b>NEW</b>: Customizable settings \n
        2.    <b>NEW</b>: Check updates on startup \n
        3.    <b>FIX</b>: Looping touch bug \n
        4.    <b>FIX</b>: Empty installed presets \n
        5.    <b>FIX</b>: Looping pads not lighting up \n\n
        <b>Version 2.3 Alpha 7</b>\n\n
        1.    <b>IMPROVEMENT</b>: Removed Firebase, moved to Berict API \n
        2.    <b>FIX</b>: Preset store loading animation glitch \n
        3.    <b>NEW</b>: Bugs and glitches \n\n
        <b>Version 2.3 Beta 1</b>\n\n
        1.    <b>NEW</b>: Open presets from zip \n
        2.    <b>FIX</b>: Preset store no connection layout glitch \n
        3.    <b>FIX</b>: Forever looping \n
        4.    <b>FIX</b>: Minor bug fixes \n\n

        <b>Version 2.3 Alpha 6</b>\n\n
        1.    <b>IMPROVEMENT</b>: Removed pad patterns (temporary) \n
        2.    <b>IMPROVEMENT</b>: Removed stop sound on focus loss feature (temporary) \n\n

        <b>Version 2.3 Alpha 5</b>\n\n
        1.    <b>IMPROVEMENT</b>: Preset download notifications \n
        2.    <b>FIX</b>: Preset store dialog crashing \n
        3.    <b>FIX</b>: Preset store download status disappearing \n
        4.    <b>FIX</b>: Preset store no connection bug \n
        5.    <b>FIX</b>: Crashing on preset remove / install \n
        6.    <b>FIX</b>: Toolbar glitch \n\n
        <b>Version 2.3 Alpha 4</b>\n\n
        1.    <b>NEW</b> Preset store showing installed / online presets \n
        2.    <b>NEW</b> Preset store connection timeout \n
        3.    <b>IMPROVEMENT</b> Enhanced message input in Feedbacks \n
        4.    <b>IMPROVEMENT</b> Icon / UI changed \n
        5.    <b>FIX</b> Updated version number \n
        6.    <b>FIX</b> Status bar glitch under API 16 \n
        7.    <b>FIX</b> Fabric error reporting not working \n\n

        <b>Version 2.3 Alpha 3</b>\n\n
        1.    <b>NEW</b>: Welcome intro \n
        2.    <b>NEW</b>: Download notifications \n
        3.    <b>NEW</b>: Cellular data warning dialog \n
        4.    <b>IMPROVEMENT</b>: Fabric error reporting added \n
        5.    <b>IMPROVEMENT</b>: Action bar glitch fixed \n\n

        <b>Version 2.3 Alpha 2</b>\n\n
        1.    <b>NEW</b>: Pad reveal animations \n
        2.    <b>IMPROVEMENT</b>: Added no connection support on Preset store \n
        3.    <b>IMPROVEMENT</b>: Preset download cancel fixed \n\n
        <b>Version 2.3 Alpha 1</b>\n\n
        1.    <b>NEW</b>: Preset store (Beta) \n
        2.    <b>NEW</b>: Added Studio Berict Discord channel \n
        3.    <b>IMPORTANT</b>: Tapad is free and open source now at <i></i> \n
        4.    <b>IMPROVEMENT</b>: Changed progress bar style \n
        5.    <b>IMPROVEMENT</b>: Faster loading \n
        6.    <b>IMPROVEMENT</b>: Updated libraries  \n
        7.    <b>IMPROVEMENT</b>: Changed icons \n
        8.    <b>FIX</b>: Alan Walker – Faded preset \n\n
        <b>Version 2.2.1</b>\n\n
        1.    <b>FIX</b>: App crashing on startup\n\n
        <b>Version 2.2</b>\n\n
        1.    <b>NEW</b>: Tablet screen size support \n
        2.    <b>IMPROVEMENT</b>: Ad fallbacks \n
        3.    <b>FIX</b>: About screen showing wrong presets \n
        4.    <b>FIX</b>: Status bar disappearing \n
        5.    <b>FIX</b>: Wrong icons on about screen \n\n
        <b>Version 2.2 Beta 1</b>\n\n
        1.    <b>IMPROVEMENT</b>: Duplicated colors show messages \n
        2.    <b>IMPROVEMENT</b>: Empty ad with no connection \n
        3.    <b>FIX</b>: Crashing on changing preset fixed \n
        4.    <b>FIX</b>: Power saving mode glitch fixed \n
        5.    <b>FIX</b>: Minor bugs fixed \n\n
        <b>Version 2.2 Alpha 4</b>\n\n
        1.    <b>FIX</b>: Crashing on devices under KitKat fixed \n
        2.    <b>FIX</b>: Light issues on looping sound fixed \n
        3.    <b>FIX</b>: Minor bugs fixed \n\n
        <b>Version 2.2 Alpha 3</b>\n\n
        1.    <b>IMPROVEMENT</b>: Tapad images updated \n
        2.    <b>IMPROVEMENT</b>: Color customization updated \n
        3.    <b>FIX</b>: Light mode 4 fixed \n
        4.    <b>FIX</b>: Button getting wrong light effects fixed \n
        5.    <b>FIX</b>: Minor bugs fixed \n\n

        <b>Version 2.2 Alpha 2</b>\n\n
        1.    <b>NEW</b>: Added preset loading status \n
        2.    <b>NEW</b>: Song details updated \n
        3.    <b>NEW</b>: Color customization updated \n
        4.    <b>IMPROVEMENT</b>: Tutorial mode renewed \n
        5.    <b>IMPROVEMENT</b>: Changelog updated \n
        6.    <b>IMPROVEMENT</b>: Light mode updated \n
        7.    <b>IMPROVEMENT</b>: Tutorial updated \n
        8.    <b>IMPROVEMENT</b>: Feedback UI updated \n
        9.    <b>IMPROVEMENT</b>: Libraries updated \n
        10.    <b>FIX</b>: Updated corrupted sound clips \n
        11.    <b>FIX</b>: Artist details updates \n
        12.    <b>FIX</b>: Crashing on selecting Tapad / Developer details \n\n

        <b>Version 2.2 Alpha 1</b>\n\n

        1.    <b>NEW:</b> Gesture Mode \n
        2.    <b>NEW:</b> Renewed preset (Alan Walker - Faded) \n
        3.    <b>NEW:</b> Top User Benefits on first run \n
        4.    <b>NEW:</b> Dynamic screen size support \n
        5.    <b>NEW:</b> Square (1:1 ratio) album arts \n
        6.    <b>NEW:</b> Added preset loading status \n
        7.    <b>NEW:</b> Artist / song details updated \n
        8.    <b>IMPROVEMENT:</b> Tutorial mode removed \n\n

        <b>Version 2.1</b>\n\n

        1.    <b>NEW:</b> New preset (Alan Walker - Faded) \n
        2.    <b>IMPROVEMENT:</b> Tutorial mode removed \n
        3.    <b>FIX:</b> Crashing when selecting decks \n
        4.    <b>FIX:</b> Wrong links on the artist page \n\n

        <b>Version 2.0.1</b>\n\n

        1.    <b>FIX:</b> Crashing at welcome screen on tablets \n
        2.    <b>FIX:</b> Updated build date \n\n

        <b>Version 2.0</b>\n\n

        1.    <b>NEW:</b> Completely renewed UI \n
        2.    <b>NEW:</b> Tutorial mode \n
        3.    <b>NEW:</b> Intro slide (first run tutorial) \n
        4.    <b>NEW:</b> Changelog added \n
        5.    <b>NEW:</b> Added Quickstart \n
        6.    <b>NEW:</b> Artist details updated \n
        7.    <b>IMPROVEMENT:</b> Sound volume increased \n
        8.    <b>FIX:</b> Sound not playing issue \n\n

        <b>Version 1.1.2</b>\n\n

        1.    <b>FIX:</b> UI Crashing \n\n

        <b>Version 1.1.1</b>\n\n

        1.    <b>FIX:</b> UI Crashing \n\n

        <b>Version 1.1</b>\n\n

        1.    <b>NEW:</b> New preset (The Chainsmokers - Roses) \n
        2.    <b>FIX:</b> Memory leak issue \n\n

        <b>Version 1.0</b>\n\n

        1.    <b>NEW:</b> New preset (OMFG - Hello) \n
        2.    <b>NEW:</b> Updated UI (4 X 4 layout) \n
        3.    <b>IMPROVEMENT:</b> Deleted preset (Madeon Adventure) \n
        4.    <b>FIX:</b> Changed the app icon \n
        5.    <b>FIX:</b> Changed the app name \n\n

        <b>Version 0.1</b>\n\n

        1.    <b>NEW:</b> New app\n
        2.    <b>NEW:</b> New preset (Madeon Adventure)
    <string name="info_tapad_info_social">More from Studio Berict</string>
    <string name="info_tapad_info_social_text">Find us on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and Discord! Message the developer and leave feedbacks.</string>
    <string name="info_tapad_info_thanks"           >Special thanks</string>
    <string name="info_tapad_info_thanks_text" translatable="false">
        <b>Stack Overflow</b>\n
        No description needed. (Developers will know)\n\n

        Helped with a lot of Material Design implementation.\n\n

        <b>Material Design Guidelines</b>\n
        Greatest guideline for a great UX / UI.\n\n

        <b>Material Design Icons</b>\n
        Tons of beautiful icons following Material Design guideline.\n\n

        <b>Material Dialogs</b>\n
        Epic library of dialog which now you are watching.\n\n

        <b>Material Tap Target Prompt</b>\n
        Saved me from thousands of codes. Beautiful.
    <string name="info_tapad_info_dev"              >Developer</string>
    <string name="info_tapad_info_dev_hint"         >Studio Berict</string>

    <string name="info_tapad_others_title"                  >Others</string>
    <string name="info_tapad_others_song"                   >Request a song</string>
    <string name="info_tapad_others_create">Create a preset</string>
    <string name="info_tapad_others_create_link" translatable="false"></string>
    <string name="info_tapad_others_create_dialog_title">Open Preset creator on mobile?</string>
    <string name="info_tapad_others_create_dialog_content">Preset creator is optimized to desktop browsers.</string>
    <string name="info_tapad_others_create_dialog_open">Open in mobile browser</string>
    <string name="info_tapad_others_create_dialog_clipboard">Copy link to clipboard</string>
    <string name="info_tapad_others_create_dialog_clipboard_success">Link copied to clipboard</string>
    <string name="info_tapad_others_create_dialog_clipboard_failure">Failed to copy link</string>
    <string name="info_tapad_others_feedback"               >Leave a feedback</string>
    <string name="info_tapad_others_feedback_hint"          >Request new features or ask questions</string>
    <string name="info_tapad_others_report_bug"             >Report bugs</string>
    <string name="info_tapad_others_report_bug_hint"        >Help developers to fix bugs and problems</string>
    <string name="info_tapad_others_translate"              >Translate Tapad</string>
    <string name="info_tapad_others_translate_hint"         >Help making Tapad available on your language</string>
    <string name="info_tapad_others_translate_error"        >Sorry, this feature is not available yet.</string>
    <string name="info_tapad_others_rate"                   >Rate Tapad</string>
    <string name="info_tapad_others_rate_hint"              >Show your love on Tapad on Google Play</string>
    <string name="info_tapad_others_recommend"              >Recommend Tapad</string>
    <string name="info_tapad_others_recommend_hint">Let your friends know Tapad</string>
    <string name="info_tapad_others_recommend_share_subject">The most beautiful remix app, Tapad.</string>
    <string name="info_tapad_others_recommend_share_text">Check this out :</string>
    <string name="info_tapad_others_recommend_share_hint">Share Tapad with others</string>
    <!-- Example-Faded -->

    <string name="preset_placeholder_full" translatable="false">Alan Walker - Faded</string>
    <string name="preset_placeholder" translatable="false">Faded</string>
    <string name="preset_placeholder_title" translatable="false">@string/preset_placeholder_full</string>

    <string name="preset_placeholder_tutorial_link" translatable="false">null</string>

    <string name="preset_placeholder_bio_title" translatable="false">Alan Walker\'s biography</string>
    <string name="preset_placeholder_bio_name" translatable="false">Alan Olav Walker</string>
    <string name="preset_placeholder_bio_text" translatable="false">Alan Walker (Alan Olav Walker) is a British-Norwegian record producer who was born in Northampton, England. He recorded electronic dance music single \"Faded\" and his song released on NoCopyrightSounds, \"Fade\".</string>
    <string name="preset_placeholder_bio_source" translatable="false">Powered by Wikipedia X</string>

    <string name="preset_placeholder_detail_title" translatable="false">About Alan Walker</string>
    <string name="preset_placeholder_detail_facebook" translatable="false"></string>
    <string name="preset_placeholder_detail_twitter" translatable="false"></string>
    <string name="preset_placeholder_detail_soundcloud" translatable="false"></string>
    <string name="preset_placeholder_detail_instagram" translatable="false"></string>
    <string name="preset_placeholder_detail_google_plus" translatable="false"></string>
    <string name="preset_placeholder_detail_youtube" translatable="false"></string>
    <string name="preset_placeholder_detail_web" translatable="false"></string>

    <string name="preset_placeholder_song_detail_title" translatable="false">About this track</string>
    <string name="preset_placeholder_song_detail_soundcloud" translatable="false"></string>
    <string name="preset_placeholder_song_detail_youtube" translatable="false"></string>
    <string name="preset_placeholder_song_detail_spotify" translatable="false"></string>
    <string name="preset_placeholder_song_detail_google_play_music" translatable="false"></string>
    <string name="preset_placeholder_song_detail_apple" translatable="false"></string>
    <string name="preset_placeholder_song_detail_amazon" translatable="false"></string>
    <string name="preset_placeholder_song_detail_pandora" translatable="false"></string>

    <item name="preset_placeholder_color" type="color">#00D3BE</item>
    <item name="preset_placeholder_color_dark" type="color">#00A898</item>