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Copyright (c) 2018 Zettant Inc.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package bbclib

import (

BBcTransaction definition

BBcTransaction is just a container of various objects.

Events, References, Relations and Signatures are list of BBcEvent, BBcReference, BBcRelation and BBcSignature objects, respectively.
"digestCalculating", "TransactionBaseDigest", "TransactionData" and "SigIndexedUsers" are not included in the packed data. They are internal use only.

Calculating TransactionID

How to calculate the TransactionID of the transaction is a little bit complicated, meaning that 2-step manner.
This is because inter-domain transaction authenticity (i.e., CrossReference) can be conducted in secure manner.
By presenting TransactionBaseDigest (see below) to an outer-domain, the domain user can confirm the existence of the transaction in the past.
(no need to present whole transaction data including the asset information).

1st step:
  * Pack info (from version to Witness) by packBase()
  * Calculate SHA256 digest of the packed info. This value is TransactionBaseDigest.

2nd step:
  * Pack BBcCrossRef object to get packed data by packCrossRef()
  * Concatenate TransactionBaseDigest and the packed BBcCrossRef
  * Calculate SHA256 digest of the concatenated data. This value is TransactionID
type (
    BBcTransaction struct {
        digestCalculating     bool
        IdLengthConf          BBcIdConfig
        TransactionID         []byte
        TransactionBaseDigest []byte
        TransactionData       []byte
        SigIndexedUsers       [][]byte
        Version               uint32
        Timestamp             int64
        TransactionIdLength   int
        Events                []*BBcEvent
        References            []*BBcReference
        Relations             []*BBcRelation
        Witness               *BBcWitness
        Crossref              *BBcCrossRef
        Signatures            []*BBcSignature

// Stringer outputs the content of the object
func (p *BBcTransaction) Stringer() string {
    var ret string
    ret = "------- Dump of the transaction data ------\n"
    ret += fmt.Sprintf("* transaction_id: %x\n", p.TransactionID)
    ret += fmt.Sprintf("version: %d\n", p.Version)
    ret += fmt.Sprintf("timestamp: %d\n", p.Timestamp)
    if p.Version != 0 {
        ret += fmt.Sprintf("transaction_id_length: %d\n", p.IdLengthConf.TransactionIdLength)

    ret += fmt.Sprintf("Event[]: %d\n", len(p.Events))
    for i := range p.Events {
        ret += fmt.Sprintf(" [%d]\n", i)
        ret += p.Events[i].Stringer()

    ret += fmt.Sprintf("Reference[]: %d\n", len(p.References))
    for i := range p.References {
        ret += fmt.Sprintf(" [%d]\n", i)
        ret += p.References[i].Stringer()

    ret += fmt.Sprintf("Relation[]: %d\n", len(p.Relations))
    for i := range p.Relations {
        ret += fmt.Sprintf(" [%d]\n", i)
        ret += p.Relations[i].Stringer()

    if p.Witness != nil {
        ret += p.Witness.Stringer()
    } else {
        ret += "Witness: None\n"

    if p.Crossref != nil {
        ret += p.Crossref.Stringer()
    } else {
        ret += "Cross_Ref: None\n"

    ret += fmt.Sprintf("Signature[]: %d\n", len(p.Signatures))
    for i := range p.Signatures {
        ret += fmt.Sprintf(" [%d]\n", i)
        ret += p.Signatures[i].Stringer()
    return ret

// Set ID length configuration
func (p *BBcTransaction) SetIdLengthConf(conf * BBcIdConfig) {
    p.IdLengthConf.TransactionIdLength = conf.TransactionIdLength
    p.IdLengthConf.UserIdLength = conf.UserIdLength
    p.IdLengthConf.AssetGroupIdLength = conf.AssetGroupIdLength
    p.IdLengthConf.AssetIdLength = conf.AssetIdLength
    p.IdLengthConf.NonceLength = conf.NonceLength
    p.TransactionIdLength = conf.TransactionIdLength

// AddEvent adds the BBcEvent object in the transaction object
func (p *BBcTransaction) AddEvent(assetGroupId *[]byte, referenceIndices *[]int) *BBcTransaction {
    obj := BBcEvent{Version: p.Version}
    if assetGroupId != nil {
    if referenceIndices != nil {
        for _, idx := range *referenceIndices {
    p.Events = append(p.Events, &obj)
    return p

// AddRelation adds the BBcRelation object in the transaction object
func (p *BBcTransaction) AddRelation(assetGroupId *[]byte) *BBcTransaction {
    obj := BBcRelation{Version: p.Version}
    if assetGroupId != nil {
    p.Relations = append(p.Relations, &obj)
    return p

// AddReference adds the BBcReference object in the transaction object
func (p *BBcTransaction) CreateReference(assetGroupID *[]byte, refTransaction *BBcTransaction, eventIdx int) *BBcTransaction {
    obj := BBcReference{Version: p.Version, Transaction: p}
    obj.Add(assetGroupID, refTransaction, eventIdx)
    p.References = append(p.References, &obj)
    return p

// AddCrossRef sets the BBcCrossRef object in the transaction object
func (p *BBcTransaction) CreateCrossRef(domainId, transactionId *[]byte) *BBcTransaction {
    obj := BBcCrossRef{Version: p.Version}
    obj.Add(domainId, transactionId)
    p.Crossref = &obj
    return p

// AddWitness sets the BBcWitness object in the transaction object
func (p *BBcTransaction) AddWitness(userId *[]byte) *BBcTransaction {
    if p.Witness == nil {
        obj := BBcWitness{Version: p.Version}
        obj.Transaction = p
        p.Witness = &obj
    _ = p.Witness.AddWitness(userId)
    return p

// AddSignature adds the BBcSignature object for the specified userID in the transaction object
func (p *BBcTransaction) Sign(userId *[]byte, keyPair *KeyPair, noPubkey bool) *BBcTransaction {
    obj := BBcSignature{Version: p.Version}
    if noPubkey {
    } else {
    signature, _ := p.doSign(keyPair)
    obj.Signature = signature
    obj.SignatureLen = uint32(len(signature)*8)

    uid := make([]byte, int(p.IdLengthConf.UserIdLength))
    copy(uid, *userId)
    for i := range p.SigIndexedUsers {
        if reflect.DeepEqual(p.SigIndexedUsers[i], uid) {
            p.Signatures[i] = &obj
            return p
    if p.References != nil {
        for i := range p.References {
            if err := p.References[i].AddSignature(userId, &obj); err == nil {
                return p
    p.SigIndexedUsers = append(p.SigIndexedUsers, uid)
    p.Signatures = append(p.Signatures, &obj)
    return p

// AddSignature adds the BBcSignature object for the specified userID in the transaction object
func (p *BBcTransaction) AddSignatureObj(userID *[]byte, sig *BBcSignature) {
    uid := make([]byte, int(p.IdLengthConf.UserIdLength))
    copy(uid, *userID)
    for i := range p.SigIndexedUsers {
        if reflect.DeepEqual(p.SigIndexedUsers[i], uid) {
            p.Signatures[i] = sig
    p.SigIndexedUsers = append(p.SigIndexedUsers, uid)
    p.Signatures = append(p.Signatures, sig)

// GetSigIndex reserves and returns the position (index) of the corespondent userID in the signature list
func (p *BBcTransaction) GetSigIndex(userID []byte) int {
    uid := make([]byte, int(p.IdLengthConf.UserIdLength))
    copy(uid, userID)
    var i = -1
    for i = range p.SigIndexedUsers {
        if reflect.DeepEqual(p.SigIndexedUsers[i], uid) {
            return i
    p.SigIndexedUsers = append(p.SigIndexedUsers, uid)
    sig := BBcSignature{}
    p.Signatures = append(p.Signatures, &sig)
    return i + 1

// SetSigIndex simply sets the index of signature list for the specified userID
func (p *BBcTransaction) SetSigIndex(userID []byte, idx int) {
    var i = -1
    for i = range p.SigIndexedUsers {
        if reflect.DeepEqual(p.SigIndexedUsers[i], userID) {
    if len(p.SigIndexedUsers)-1 < idx {
        for i:=0; i<idx+1; i++ {
            val := make([]byte, p.IdLengthConf.UserIdLength)
            p.SigIndexedUsers = append(p.SigIndexedUsers, val)
    p.SigIndexedUsers[idx] = userID

// Sign TransactionID using private key in the given keypair
func (p *BBcTransaction) doSign(keypair *KeyPair) ([]byte, error) {
    digest := p.Digest()
    signature := keypair.Sign(digest)
    if signature == nil {
        return nil, errors.New("fail to sign")
    return signature, nil

// VerifyAll verifies TransactionID with all BBcSignature objects in the transaction
func (p *BBcTransaction) VerifyAll() (bool, int) {
    digest := p.Digest()
    for i := range p.Signatures {
        if p.Signatures[i].KeyType == KeyTypeNotInitialized {
        if ret := VerifyBBcSignature(digest, p.Signatures[i]); !ret {
            return false, i
    return true, -1

// Digest calculates TransactionID of the BBcTransaction object
func (p *BBcTransaction) Digest() []byte {
    p.digestCalculating = true
    if p.TransactionID == nil {
        p.TransactionID = make([]byte, p.TransactionIdLength)
    buf := new(bytes.Buffer)

    err := p.packBase(buf)
    if err != nil {
        p.digestCalculating = false
        return nil

    buf = new(bytes.Buffer)
    if err = binary.Write(buf, binary.LittleEndian, p.TransactionBaseDigest); err != nil {
        p.digestCalculating = false
        return nil

    err = p.packCrossRef(buf)
    if err != nil {
        p.digestCalculating = false
        return nil

    digest := sha256.Sum256(buf.Bytes())
    p.TransactionID = digest[:p.TransactionIdLength]
    p.digestCalculating = false
    return digest[:]

// packCrossRef packs only BBcCrossRef object in binary data
func (p *BBcTransaction) packCrossRef(buf *bytes.Buffer) error {
    if p.Crossref != nil {
        dat, err := p.Crossref.Pack()
        if err != nil {
            return err
        Put2byte(buf, 1)
        Put4byte(buf, uint32(binary.Size(dat)))
        if err := binary.Write(buf, binary.LittleEndian, dat); err != nil {
            return err
    } else {
        Put2byte(buf, 0)
    return nil

// packBase packs the base part of BBcTransaction object in binary data (from version to witness)
func (p *BBcTransaction) packBase(buf *bytes.Buffer) error {
    Put4byte(buf, p.Version)
    if p.Timestamp == 0 {
        p.Timestamp = time.Now().UnixNano() / int64(time.Microsecond)
    Put8byte(buf, p.Timestamp)
    Put2byte(buf, uint16(p.TransactionIdLength))

    Put2byte(buf, uint16(len(p.Events)))
    for _, obj := range p.Events {
        dat, err := obj.Pack()
        if err != nil {
            return err
        Put4byte(buf, uint32(binary.Size(dat)))
        if err := binary.Write(buf, binary.LittleEndian, dat); err != nil {
            return err

    Put2byte(buf, uint16(len(p.References)))
    for _, obj := range p.References {
        dat, err := obj.Pack()
        if err != nil {
            return err
        Put4byte(buf, uint32(binary.Size(dat)))
        if err := binary.Write(buf, binary.LittleEndian, dat); err != nil {
            return err

    Put2byte(buf, uint16(len(p.Relations)))
    for _, obj := range p.Relations {
        dat, err := obj.Pack()
        if err != nil {
            return err
        Put4byte(buf, uint32(binary.Size(dat)))
        if err := binary.Write(buf, binary.LittleEndian, dat); err != nil {
            return err

    if p.Witness != nil {
        dat, err := p.Witness.Pack()
        if err != nil {
            return err
        Put2byte(buf, 1)
        Put4byte(buf, uint32(binary.Size(dat)))
        if err := binary.Write(buf, binary.LittleEndian, dat); err != nil {
            return err
    } else {
        Put2byte(buf, 0)

    digest := sha256.Sum256(buf.Bytes())
    p.TransactionBaseDigest = digest[:]

    return nil

// Pack BBcTransaction object in binary data
func (p *BBcTransaction) Pack() ([]byte, error) {
    if !p.digestCalculating && p.TransactionID == nil {

    if p.Version == 0 {
        return nil, errors.New("not support version=0 transaction")

    buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
    err := p.packBase(buf)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    err = p.packCrossRef(buf)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    Put2byte(buf, uint16(len(p.Signatures)))
    for _, obj := range p.Signatures {
        dat, err := obj.Pack()
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err
        Put4byte(buf, uint32(binary.Size(dat)))
        if err := binary.Write(buf, binary.LittleEndian, dat); err != nil {
            return nil, err

    p.TransactionData = buf.Bytes()
    return p.TransactionData, nil

// unpackHeader unpacks the header part of the binary data
func (p *BBcTransaction) unpackHeader(buf *bytes.Buffer) error {
    var err error
    p.Version, err = Get4byte(buf)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    p.Timestamp, err = Get8byte(buf)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    idLen, err := Get2byte(buf)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    p.IdLengthConf.TransactionIdLength = int(idLen)
    p.TransactionIdLength = int(idLen)
    return nil

// unpackEvent unpacks the events part of the binary data
func (p *BBcTransaction) unpackEvent(buf *bytes.Buffer) error {
    num, err := Get2byte(buf)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    for i := 0; i < int(num); i++ {
        size, err2 := Get4byte(buf)
        if err2 != nil {
            return err2
        data, _, err2 := GetBytes(buf, int(size))
        if err2 != nil {
            return err2
        obj := BBcEvent{}
        UpdateIdLengthConfig(&p.IdLengthConf, obj.IdLengthConf)
        p.Events = append(p.Events, &obj)
    return nil

// unpackReference unpacks the references part of the binary data
func (p *BBcTransaction) unpackReference(buf *bytes.Buffer) error {
    num, err := Get2byte(buf)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    for i := 0; i < int(num); i++ {
        size, err2 := Get4byte(buf)
        if err2 != nil {
            return err2
        data, _, err2 := GetBytes(buf, int(size))
        if err2 != nil {
            return err2
        obj := BBcReference{}
        UpdateIdLengthConfig(&p.IdLengthConf, obj.IdLengthConf)
        p.References = append(p.References, &obj)
    return nil

// unpackRelation unpacks the relations part of the binary data
func (p *BBcTransaction) unpackRelation(buf *bytes.Buffer) error {
    num, err := Get2byte(buf)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    for i := 0; i < int(num); i++ {
        size, err2 := Get4byte(buf)
        if err2 != nil {
            return err2
        data, _, _ := GetBytes(buf, int(size))
        obj := BBcRelation{Version: p.Version}
        UpdateIdLengthConfig(&p.IdLengthConf, obj.IdLengthConf)
        p.Relations = append(p.Relations, &obj)
    return nil

// unpackWitness unpacks the witness part of the binary data
func (p *BBcTransaction) unpackWitness(buf *bytes.Buffer) error {
    num, err := Get2byte(buf)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    if num > 0 {
        size, err2 := Get4byte(buf)
        if err2 != nil {
            return err2
        data, _, _ := GetBytes(buf, int(size))
        p.Witness = &BBcWitness{}
    return nil

// unpackCrossRef unpacks the crossref part of the binary data
func (p *BBcTransaction) unpackCrossRef(buf *bytes.Buffer) error {
    num, err := Get2byte(buf)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    if num > 0 {
        size, err2 := Get4byte(buf)
        if err2 != nil {
            return err2
        dat, _, err2 := GetBytes(buf, int(size))
        if err2 != nil {
            return err2
        p.Crossref = &BBcCrossRef{}
    return nil

// unpackSignature unpacks the signatures part of the binary data
func (p *BBcTransaction) unpackSignature(buf *bytes.Buffer) error {
    num, err := Get2byte(buf)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    for i := 0; i < int(num); i++ {
        size, err2 := Get4byte(buf)
        if err2 != nil {
            return err2
        data, _, err2 := GetBytes(buf, int(size))
        if err2 != nil {
            return err2
        obj := BBcSignature{}
        p.Signatures = append(p.Signatures, &obj)
    return nil

// Unpack binary data to BBcTransaction object
func (p *BBcTransaction) Unpack(dat *[]byte) error {
    buf := bytes.NewBuffer(*dat)

    if err := p.unpackHeader(buf); err != nil {
        return err

    if err := p.unpackEvent(buf); err != nil {
        return err

    if err := p.unpackReference(buf); err != nil {
        return err

    if err := p.unpackRelation(buf); err != nil {
        return err

    if err := p.unpackWitness(buf); err != nil {
        return err

    if err := p.unpackCrossRef(buf); err != nil {
        return err

    if err := p.unpackSignature(buf); err != nil {
        return err

    return nil