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# Installing requirements using Conda

You can use [conda]( to install most of the Software required
by MiGA.
If you don't have Conda, you can follow the
[Installation instructions](

## Live notebook

If you prefer to see code in action, the full installation process
with conda is available as a
[Notebook in Google Colab](

## Note for macOS users

> In general, it is recommended to use [Homebrew]( to install MiGA if
> possible. The MiGA installation in macOS using conda is known to be fragile
> and extremely time-consuming (it could take upwards of 20 minutes just solving
> the environment).

## Packages

Now, install all the required packages using conda:

# Install prerequisites
curl -Lso miga.yml \
conda env create -f miga.yml
rm miga.yml

# Tell MiGA to activate the proper conda environment
echo 'eval "$(conda shell.bash hook)" && conda activate miga' > ~/.miga_modules

# Activate the environment
. ~/.miga_modules

# Fix conda-forge Ruby issue (see
mkdir -p "$GEM_HOME/bin"
ln -s "$CONDA_PREFIX/bin/ruby" "$GEM_HOME/bin/ruby"

## MyTaxa utils

If you want to activate the [MyTaxa](../part5/ and
[MyTaxa Scan](../part5/ steps, follow the instructions
to install the [MyTaxa Utils](