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# Part VI: CLI Workflows

CLI Workflows automate common tasks in MiGA.
Currently implemented workflows include:

1. [Quality](part6/
2. [Dereplicate](part6/
3. [Classify](part6/
4. [Preprocess](part6/
5. [Index](part6/

## Using multiple workflows

It is possible to concatenate workflows in the same project.
First, run the first workflow as described in the documentation.
For example:

miga quality_wf -o my_project /path/to/genomes/*.fna

Next, execute any additional steps *without* specifying the input files,
and using the same output directory. For example:

miga classify_wf -o my_project
miga rerep_wf -o my_project

In the examples above, input genomes will be processed to evaluate quality, next
they'll be classified, and finally they'll be dereplicated.