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# Copyright 2015 Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Biosustainability,
# Technical University of Denmark.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

The scipy interface uses the 'linprog' function of the scipy package.
It has no integer or QP capabilities. Furthermore dual values (reduced costs and shadow prices) are
not supported by this interface.

This interface works well with small to medium scale models but for better performance, other
solvers should be used for large models.

from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function

from collections import OrderedDict
from itertools import islice

import numpy as np
import six
from optlang import interface
from optlang.expression_parsing import parse_optimization_expression
from scipy.optimize import linprog
from optlang.util import inheritdocstring
from optlang import symbolics

    0: interface.OPTIMAL,
    1: interface.ABORTED,
    2: interface.INFEASIBLE,
    3: interface.UNBOUNDED

class Problem(object):
    Scipy linprog problem. This object implements an object-oriented interface to the linprog solver function.
    This class is wrapped by the Model object, but can also be used as a stand-alone low-level interface.
    def __init__(self):
        self._objective = OrderedDict()
        self._direction = "min"

        self._rows_to_be_added = None
        self._cols_to_be_added = None

        self._A = np.zeros(shape=[0, 0])
        self.upper_bounds = np.zeros([0])
        self.bounds = OrderedDict()

        self._variables = OrderedDict()

        self._constraints = OrderedDict()

        self._status = None
        self._var_primals = None
        self._slacks = None
        self._f = None

    def _get_var_index(self, name):
        return self._variables[name]

    def _get_constraint_index(self, name):
        return self._constraints[name]

    def _add_row_to_A(self, row):
        # Flush any cols_to_be_added
        # if self._cols_to_be_added is not None:
        #    self._flush_cols_to_add()
        # Add the row to queue
        # if self._rows_to_be_added is None:
        #    self._rows_to_be_added = []
        # self._rows_to_be_added.append(row)
        self._A = np.vstack((self._A, row))

    # def _flush_rows_to_add(self):
    #     self._A = np.vstack([self._A] + self._rows_to_be_added)
    #     self._rows_to_be_added = None

    def _add_col_to_A(self, col):
        # Flush any rows_to_be_added
        # if self._rows_to_be_added is not None:
        #    self._flush_rows_to_add()
        # Add the col to queue
        # if self._cols_to_be_added is None:
        #    self._cols_to_be_added = []
        # self._cols_to_be_added.append(col)
        self._A = np.hstack((self._A, col))

    # def _flush_cols_to_add(self):
    #     self._A = np.hstack([self._A] + self._cols_to_be_added)
    #     self._cols_to_be_added = None

    def set_variable_bounds(self, name, lower, upper):
        """Set the bounds of a variable"""
        self.bounds[name] = (lower, upper)

    def add_variable(self, name):
        """Add a variable to the problem"""
        if name in self._variables:
            raise ValueError(
                "A variable named " + name + " already exists."
        self._variables[name] = len(self._variables)
        self.bounds[name] = (0, None)

        new_col = np.zeros(shape=[len(self._constraints), 1])

    def add_constraint(self, name, coefficients={}, ub=0):
        Add a constraint to the problem. The constrain is formulated as a dictionary of variable names to
        linear coefficients.
        The constraint can only have an upper bound. To make a constraint with a lower bound, multiply
        all coefficients by -1.
        if name in self._constraints:
            raise ValueError(
                "A constraint named " + name + " already exists."
        self._constraints[name] = len(self._constraints)
        self.upper_bounds = np.append(self.upper_bounds, ub)

        new_row = np.array([[coefficients.get(name, 0) for name in self._variables]])

    def change_var_name(self, name, value):
        if name != value and value in self._variables:
            raise ValueError("A variable with that name already exists")
        self._variables = OrderedDict(((value if k == name else k), v) for k, v in self._variables.items())
        self._objective = OrderedDict(((value if k == name else k), v) for k, v in self._objective.items())
        self.bounds = OrderedDict(((value if k == name else k), v) for k, v in self.bounds.items())

    def change_constraint_name(self, name, value):
        if name != value and value in self._constraints:
            raise ValueError("A constraint with that name already exists")
        self._constraints = OrderedDict(((value if k == name else k), v) for k, v in self._constraints.items())

    def remove_variable(self, name):
        """Remove a variable from the problem."""
        index = self._get_var_index(name)
        # Remove from matrix
        self._A = np.delete(self.A, index, 1)
        # Remove from bounds
        del self.bounds[name]
        # Remove from var list
        del self._variables[name]

    def remove_constraint(self, name):
        """Remove a constraint from the problem"""
        index = self._get_constraint_index(name)
        # Remove from matrix
        self._A = np.delete(self.A, index, 0)
        # Remove from upper_bounds
        self.upper_bounds = np.delete(self.upper_bounds, index)
        # Remove from constraint list
        del self._constraints[name]

    def set_constraint_bound(self, name, value):
        """Set the upper bound of a constraint."""
        index = self._get_constraint_index(name)
        self.upper_bounds[index] = value

    def get_var_primal(self, name):
        """Get the primal value of a variable. Returns None if the problem has not bee optimized."""
        if self._var_primals is None:
            return None
            index = self._get_var_index(name)
            return self._var_primals[index]

    def get_var_dual(self, name):
        raise NotImplementedError(
            "Duals are currently not implemented for the Scipy solver. Please use another interface instead.")

    def A(self):
        """The linear coefficient matrix."""
        assert self._rows_to_be_added is None or self._cols_to_be_added is None
        # if self._rows_to_be_added is not None:
        #     self._flush_rows_to_add()
        # if self._cols_to_be_added is not None:
        #     self._flush_cols_to_add()
        return self._A

    def objective(self):
        return self._objective

    def objective(self, value):
        self._objective = value

    def offset(self):
        return getattr(self, '_offset', 0)

    def offset(self, value):
        self._offset = value

    def direction(self):
        return self._direction

    def direction(self, value):
        self._direction = value

    def status(self):
        if self._status is None:
            raise RuntimeError("Problem has not been optimized yet")
        return SCIPY_STATUS[self._status]

    def get_constraint_slack(self, name):
        """Get the value of the slack variable of a constraint."""
        if self._slacks is None:
            return None
            index = self._get_constraint_index(name)
            return self._slacks[index]

    def optimize(self, method="highs", verbosity=False, tolerance=1e-9, **kwargs):
        """Run the linprog function on the problem. Returns None."""
        c = np.array([self.objective.get(name, 0) for name in self._variables])
        if self.direction == "max":
            c *= -1

        bounds = list(six.itervalues(self.bounds))
        solution = linprog(c, self.A, self.upper_bounds, bounds=bounds, method=method,
                           options={"maxiter": 10000, "disp": verbosity}, **kwargs)
        self._solution = solution
        self._status = solution.status
        if SCIPY_STATUS[self._status] == interface.OPTIMAL:
            self._var_primals = solution.x
            self._slacks = solution.slack
            self._var_primals = None
            self._slacks = None

        self._f =

    def objective_value(self):
        """Returns the optimal objective value"""
        if self._f is None:
            raise RuntimeError("Problem has not been optimized yet")
        if self.direction == "max":
            return -self._f + self.offset
            return self._f + self.offset

    def _update_variable_indices(self, start=0):
        i = start
        for name in islice(self._variables, start, len(self._constraints)):
            self._variables[name] = i
            i += 1

    def _update_constraint_indices(self, start=0):
        i = start
        for name in islice(self._constraints, start, len(self._constraints)):
            self._constraints[name] = i
            i += 1

    def _reset_solution(self):
        self._status = None
        self._var_primals = None
        self._slacks = None
        self._f = None

class Variable(interface.Variable):
    def __init__(self, name, lb=None, ub=None, type="continuous", *args, **kwargs):
        if type != "continuous":
            raise ValueError("Scipy solver only works with continuous variables. Please use another interface")
        super(Variable, self).__init__(name, lb, ub, type, *args, **kwargs)
    def lb(self, value):, value)
        if self.problem:
            self.problem.problem.set_variable_bounds(,, self.ub)

    def ub(self, value):
        interface.Variable.ub.fset(self, value)
        if self.problem:
            self.problem.problem.set_variable_bounds(,, self.ub)

    def set_bounds(self, lb, ub):
        super(Variable, self).set_bounds(lb, ub)
        if self.problem:
            self.problem.problem.set_variable_bounds(, lb, ub)

    def type(self, value):
        if value != "continuous":
            raise ValueError("Scipy solver only works with continuous variables. Please use another interface")
        super(Variable, Variable).type.fset(self, value)

    def primal(self):
        if getattr(self, "problem", None) is not None:
            primal = self.problem.problem.get_var_primal(
            return primal
            return None

    def dual(self):
        if getattr(self, "problem", None) is not None:
            dual = self.problem.problem.get_var_dual(
            return dual
            return None
    def name(self, value):
        if getattr(self, "problem", None) is not None:
            self.problem.problem.change_var_name(, value)
        super(Variable, Variable).name.fset(self, value)

class Constraint(interface.Constraint):

    def __init__(self, expression, sloppy=False, *args, **kwargs):
        super(Constraint, self).__init__(expression, sloppy=sloppy, *args, **kwargs)
        if not sloppy:
            if not self.is_Linear:
                raise ValueError(
                    "Scipy only supports linear constraints. %s is not linear." % self)

    def upper_constraint_name(self):
        return + "_upper"

    def lower_constraint_name(self):
        return + "_lower"

    def primal(self):
        if getattr(self, "problem", None) is not None and self.problem.status == interface.OPTIMAL:
            if is not None:
                primal = + self.problem.problem.get_constraint_slack(self.lower_constraint_name)
                return primal
            elif self.ub is not None:
                primal = self.ub - self.problem.problem.get_constraint_slack(self.upper_constraint_name)
                return primal
                return None
            return None

    def dual(self):
        if getattr(self, "problem", None) is not None:
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "Duals have not been implemented for the Scipy solver. Please use another interface."
            return None
    def lb(self, value):
        if getattr(self, "problem", None) is not None:
            if is None and value is not None:
                negative_coefficient_dict = {name: -coef for name, coef in self.coefficient_dict().items()}
                    self.lower_constraint_name, negative_coefficient_dict, ub=-value
            elif value is None and is not None:
            elif value is not None and is not None:
                self.problem.problem.set_constraint_bound(self.lower_constraint_name, -value)
        self._lb = value

    def ub(self, value):
        if getattr(self, "problem", None) is not None:
            if self.ub is None and value is not None:
                self.problem.problem.add_constraint(self.upper_constraint_name, self.coefficient_dict(), ub=value)
            elif value is None and self.ub is not None:
            elif value is not None and self.ub is not None:
                self.problem.problem.set_constraint_bound(self.upper_constraint_name, value)
        self._ub = value

    def coefficient_dict(self, names=True):
        if self.expression.is_Add:
            coefficient_dict = {variable: coef for variable, coef in
                                self.expression.as_coefficients_dict().items() if variable.is_Symbol}
            coefficient_dict = {var: float(coef) for var, coef in coefficient_dict.items()}
        elif self.expression.is_Atom and self.expression.is_Symbol:
            coefficient_dict = {self.expression: 1}
        elif self.expression.is_Mul and len(self.expression.args) <= 2:
            args = self.expression.args
            coefficient_dict = {args[1]: float(args[0])}
        elif self.expression.is_Number:
            coefficient_dict = {}
            raise ValueError("Invalid expression: " + str(self.expression))
        if names is True:
            coefficient_dict = { coef for var, coef in coefficient_dict.items()}
        return coefficient_dict

    def set_linear_coefficients(self, coefficients):
        if self.problem is not None:
            lb, ub =, self.ub
  , self.ub = None, None
            coefficients_dict = self.coefficient_dict(names=False)
            self._expression = symbolics.add(*(v * k for k, v in coefficients_dict.items()))
   = lb
            self.ub = ub
            raise Exception("Can't change coefficients if constraint is not associated with a model.")

    def get_linear_coefficients(self, variables):
        if self.problem is not None:
            coefs = self.coefficient_dict(names=False)
            return {v: coefs.get(v, 0) for v in variables}
            raise Exception("Can't get coefficients from solver if constraint is not in a model")

class Objective(interface.Objective):
    def __init__(self, expression, sloppy=False, **kwargs):
        super(Objective, self).__init__(expression, sloppy=sloppy, **kwargs)
        if not (sloppy or self.is_Linear):
            raise ValueError(
                "Scipy only supports linear objectives. %s is not linear." % self)

    def _get_expression(self):
        if self.problem is not None:
            coefficients_dict = self.problem.problem.objective
            coefficients_dict = {
                self.problem._variables[name]: coef for name, coef in coefficients_dict.items() if name in self.problem._variables
            self._expression = symbolics.add(*(v * k for k, v in coefficients_dict.items())) + self.problem.problem.offset
        return self._expression

    def value(self):
        if getattr(self, "problem", None) is not None:
            return self.problem.problem.objective_value
            return None

    def direction(self, value):
        super(Objective, self.__class__).direction.fset(self, value)
        if getattr(self, "problem", None) is not None:
            self.problem.problem.direction = value

    def coefficient_dict(self):
        if self.expression.is_Add:
            coefficient_dict = {variable: coef for variable, coef in
                                self.expression.as_coefficients_dict().items() if variable.is_Symbol}
        elif self.expression.is_Atom and self.expression.is_Symbol:
            coefficient_dict = {self.expression: 1}
        elif self.expression.is_Mul and len(self.expression.args) <= 2 and self.expression.args[1].is_Symbol:
            args = self.expression.args
            coefficient_dict = {args[1]: float(args[0])}
        elif self.expression.is_Number:
            coefficient_dict = {}
            raise ValueError("Invalid expression: " + str(self.expression))
        coefficient_dict = { float(coef) for var, coef in coefficient_dict.items()}
        return coefficient_dict

    def set_linear_coefficients(self, coefficients):
        if self.problem is not None:
            self.problem.problem.objective.update({ coef for var, coef in coefficients.items()})
            raise Exception("Can't change coefficients if objective is not associated with a model.")

    def get_linear_coefficients(self, variables):
        if self.problem is not None:
            return {v: float(self.problem.problem.objective.get(, 0)) for v in variables}
            raise Exception("Can't get coefficients from solver if objective is not in a model")

class Configuration(interface.MathematicalProgrammingConfiguration):
    def __init__(self, verbosity=0, tolerance=1e-9, *args, **kwargs):
        super(Configuration, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self._verbosity = verbosity
        self.tolerance = tolerance

    def verbosity(self):
        return self._verbosity

    def verbosity(self, value):
        self._verbosity = value

    def presolve(self):
        return False

    def presolve(self, value):
        if value is not False:
            raise ValueError("The Scipy solver has no presolve capabilities")

    def timeout(self):
        return None

    def timeout(self, value):
        if value is not None:
            raise ValueError("Scipy interface does not support timeout")

    def tolerance(self):
        return self._tolerance

    def tolerance(self, value):
        self._tolerance = value

class Model(interface.Model):
    def _initialize_problem(self):
        self.problem = Problem()

    def _initialize_model_from_problem(self, problem):
        if isinstance(problem, Problem):
            self.problem = problem
            raise TypeError("Problem must be an instance of scipy_interface.Problem, not " + repr(type(problem)))

    # def _add_variable(self, variable):
    #     print("added",
    #     super(Model, self)._add_variable(variable)
    #     self.problem.add_variable(
    #     self.problem.set_variable_bounds(,, variable.ub)

    def _add_variables(self, variables):
        super(Model, self)._add_variables(variables)
        for var in variables:
            self.problem.set_variable_bounds(,, var.ub)

    def _remove_variables(self, variables):
        variable_names = [ for variable in variables]
        super(Model, self)._remove_variables(variables)
        for name in variable_names:

    def _add_constraints(self, constraints, sloppy=False):
        if sloppy is False:
            for c in constraints:
                if not c.is_Linear:
                    raise ValueError("Scipy solver only works with linear constraints. Please use another interface.")
        super(Model, self)._add_constraints(constraints, sloppy=sloppy)

        for constraint in constraints:
            coefficient_dict = constraint.coefficient_dict()

            if constraint.ub is not None:
                self.problem.add_constraint(constraint.upper_constraint_name, coefficient_dict)
                self.problem.set_constraint_bound(constraint.upper_constraint_name, constraint.ub)

            if is not None:
                negative_coefficient_dict = {name: -coef for name, coef in coefficient_dict.items()}
                self.problem.add_constraint(constraint.lower_constraint_name, negative_coefficient_dict)

    def _remove_constraints(self, constraints):
        for constraint in constraints:
            if is not None:
            if constraint.ub is not None:

            super(Model, self)._remove_constraints(constraints)

    def _optimize(self):
        self.problem.optimize(verbosity=bool(self.configuration.verbosity), tolerance=self.configuration.tolerance)
        status = self.problem.status
        return status

    def objective(self, value):
        super(Model, Model).objective.fset(self, value)
        value.problem = None
        if value is None:
            self.problem.objective = {}
            offset, coefficients, _ = parse_optimization_expression(value)
            self.problem.objective = { coef for var, coef in coefficients.items()}
            self.problem.offset = offset
            self.problem.direction = value.direction
        value.problem = self

if __name__ == "__main__":
    x1 = Variable('x1', lb=0)
    x2 = Variable('x2', lb=0)
    x3 = Variable('x3', lb=0)
    c1 = Constraint(x1 + x2 + x3, lb=-100, ub=100, name='c1')
    c2 = Constraint(10 * x1 + 4 * x2 + 5 * x3, ub=600, name='c2')
    c3 = Constraint(2 * x1 + 2 * x2 + 6 * x3, ub=300, name='c3')
    obj = Objective(10 * x1 + 6 * x2 + 4 * x3, direction='max')
    model = Model(name='Simple model')
    model.objective = obj
    model.add([c1, c2, c3])
    status = model.optimize()
    print("status:", model.status)
    print("objective value:", model.objective.value)

    for var in model.variables:
        print(, "=", var.primal)