<?php // phpcs:ignore PSR1.Files.SideEffects.FoundWithSymbol
* This file is part of PHPDebugConsole
* @package PHPDebugConsole
* @author Brad Kent <>
* @license MIT
* @copyright 2014-2024 Brad Kent
* @since 3.0.5
namespace bdk\Debug\Collector\MonologHandler;
use bdk\Debug\Abstraction\Object\Helper as ObjectHelper;
Support HandlerInterface with/without return type in handle() method definition
$refClass = new \ReflectionClass('Monolog\\Handler\\HandlerInterface');
$refMethod = $refClass->getMethod('handle');
if (\method_exists($refMethod, 'hasReturnType') && $refMethod->hasReturnType()) {
$refParam = $refMethod->getParameters()[0];
$type = ObjectHelper::getType(null, $refParam);
require $type === 'array'
? __DIR__ . '/CompatTrait_2.0.php'
: __DIR__ . '/CompatTrait_3.0.php';
} elseif (\trait_exists(__NAMESPACE__ . '\\CompatTrait', false) === false) {
* @phpcs:disable Generic.Classes.DuplicateClassName.Found
trait CompatTrait
* Handles a record.
* @param array $record The record to handle
* @return bool true means that this handler handled the record, and that bubbling is not permitted.
* false means the record was either not processed or that this handler allows bubbling.
public function handle(array $record)
return $this->doHandle($record);