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 * This file is part of PHPDebugConsole
 * @package   PHPDebugConsole
 * @author    Brad Kent <bkfake-github@yahoo.com>
 * @license   http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT MIT
 * @copyright 2014-2024 Brad Kent
 * @version   v3.0

namespace bdk\Debug\Dump\Html;

use bdk\Debug;
use bdk\Debug\Abstraction\Abstracter;
use bdk\Debug\Abstraction\Type;
use bdk\Debug\Dump\Html as Dumper;

 * Html dump helper methods
class Helper
    /** @var Debug */
    protected $debug;

    /** @var Dumper */
    protected $dumper;

     * Constructor
     * @param Dumper $dumper Dump\Html instance
    public function __construct(Dumper $dumper)
        $this->debug = $dumper->debug;
        $this->dumper = $dumper;

     * Convert all arguments to html and join them together.
     * @param array $args arguments
     * @param array $meta meta values
     * @return string html
    public function buildArgString(array $args, array $meta = array())
        if (\count($args) === 0) {
            return '';
        $glueDefault = ', ';
        $glueAfterFirst = true;
        if (\is_string($args[0])) {
            if (\preg_match('/[=:] ?$/', $args[0])) {
                // first arg ends with "=" or ":"
                $glueAfterFirst = false;
                $args[0] = \rtrim($args[0]) . ' ';
            } elseif (\count($args) === 2) {
                $glueDefault = ' = ';
        $glue = $meta['glue'] ?: $glueDefault;
        $args = $this->buildArgStringArgs($args, $meta);
        return $glueAfterFirst
            ? \implode($glue, $args)
            : $args[0] . \implode($glue, \array_slice($args, 1));

     * build php code snippet / context
     * @param string[] $lines   lines of code
     * @param int      $lineNum line number to highlight
     * @return string
    public function buildContext(array $lines, $lineNum)
        return $this->debug->html->buildTag(
                'class' => 'highlight line-numbers',
                'data-line' => $lineNum,
                'data-start' => \key($lines),
            '<code class="language-php">'
                . \htmlspecialchars(\implode($lines))
            . '</code>'

     * Markup type-hint / type declaration
     * @param string $type    type declaration
     * @param array  $attribs (optional) additional html attributes
     * @return string
    public function markupType($type, array $attribs = array())
        $regex = '/(?:(\$this|[-\w\[\]\'"\\\\]+:?)|([\(\)<>\{\},\|&]))/';
        $type = \preg_replace_callback($regex, function ($matches) {
            return $matches[1]
                ? $this->markupTypePart($matches[1])
                : '<span class="t_punct">' . \htmlspecialchars($matches[2]) . '</span>';
        }, $type);
        $attribs = \array_filter($attribs);
        if ($attribs) {
            $type = $this->debug->html->buildTag('span', $attribs, $type);
        return $type;

     * Insert a row containing code snip & arguments after the given row
     * @param string $html    <tr>...</tr>
     * @param array  $row     Row values
     * @param array  $rowInfo Row info / meta
     * @param int    $index   Row index
     * @return string
    public function tableAddContextRow($html, array $row, array $rowInfo, $index)
        if (empty($rowInfo['context']) || $rowInfo['context'] === Abstracter::UNDEFINED) {
            return $html;
        $html = \str_replace('<tr>', '<tr' . ($index === 0 ? ' class="expanded"' : '') . ' data-toggle="next">', $html);
        $html .= '<tr class="context" ' . ($index === 0 ? 'style="display:table-row;"' : '' ) . '>'
            . '<td colspan="4">'
                . $this->buildContext($rowInfo['context'], $row['line'])
                . '{{arguments}}'
            . '</td>' . "\n"
            . '</tr>' . "\n";
        $crateRawWas = $this->dumper->crateRaw;
        $this->dumper->crateRaw = true;
        // set maxDepth for args
        $maxDepthBak = $this->debug->getCfg('maxDepth');
        if ($maxDepthBak > 0) {
            $this->debug->setCfg('maxDepth', $maxDepthBak + 1, Debug::CONFIG_NO_PUBLISH);
        $args = \is_array($rowInfo['args']) && \count($rowInfo['args']) > 0
            ? '<hr />Arguments = ' . $this->dumper->valDumper->dump($rowInfo['args'])
            : '';
        $this->debug->setCfg('maxDepth', $maxDepthBak, Debug::CONFIG_NO_PUBLISH | Debug::CONFIG_NO_RETURN);
        $this->dumper->crateRaw = $crateRawWas;
        return \str_replace('{{arguments}}', $args, $html);

     * Format trace table's function column
     * @param string $html <tr>...</tr>
     * @param array  $row  row values
     * @return string
    public function tableMarkupFunction($html, array $row)
        if (isset($row['function'])) {
            $replace = $this->dumper->valDumper->markupIdentifier($row['function'], true, 'span', array(), true);
            $replace = '<td class="col-function no-quotes t_string">' . $replace . '</td>';
            $html = \str_replace(
                '<td class="t_string">' . \htmlspecialchars($row['function']) . '</td>',
        return $html;

     * Return array of dumped arguments
     * @param array $args arguments
     * @param array $meta meta values
     * @return array
    private function buildArgStringArgs(array $args, array $meta)
        foreach ($args as $i => $v) {
            list($type, $typeMore) = $this->debug->abstracter->type->getType($v);
            $typeMore2 = $typeMore === Type::TYPE_ABSTRACTION
                ? $v['typeMore']
                : $typeMore;
            $isNumericString = $type === Type::TYPE_STRING
                && \in_array($typeMore2, array(Type::TYPE_STRING_NUMERIC, Type::TYPE_TIMESTAMP), true);
            $args[$i] = $this->dumper->valDumper->dump($v, array(
                'addQuotes' => $i !== 0 || $isNumericString,
                'sanitize' => $i === 0
                    ? $meta['sanitizeFirst']
                    : $meta['sanitize'],
                'type' => $type,
                'typeMore' => $typeMore,
                'visualWhiteSpace' => $i !== 0,
        return $args;

     * Markup a single type-hint / type decloration
     * @param string $type type declaration
     * @return string
    private function markupTypePart($type)
        $arrayCount = 0; // how many "[]" at end..
        if (\preg_match('/(\[\])+$/', $type, $matches)) {
            $strlen = \strlen($matches[0]);
            $arrayCount = $strlen / 2;
            $type = \substr($type, 0, 0 - $strlen);
        if (\is_numeric($type)) {
            return '<span class="t_type">' . $type . '</span>';
        if (\substr($type, -1) === ':') {
            // array "shape" key
            $type = \trim($type, ':\'"');
            return '<span class="t_string">' . $type . '</span><span class="t_punct">:</span>';
        if (\preg_match('/^[\'"]/', $type)) {
            $type = \trim($type, '\'"');
            return '<span class="t_string t_type">' . $type . '</span>';
        if (\in_array($type, $this->debug->phpDoc->type->types, true) === false) {
            $type = $this->dumper->valDumper->markupIdentifier($type);
        if ($arrayCount > 0) {
            $type .= '<span class="t_punct">' . \str_repeat('[]', $arrayCount) . '</span>';
        return '<span class="t_type">' . $type . '</span>';